Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

I can't get access to my camera on Spelltable.com

I installed an OBS plug-in for a virtual camera so that I could film my screen and pretend it's a webcam. I was able to use the virtual camera or my webcam on spelltable.… (funda kabanzi)

I installed an OBS plug-in for a virtual camera so that I could film my screen and pretend it's a webcam. I was able to use the virtual camera or my webcam on spelltable.com by selecting either from the dropdown "allow" menu. One day, I was no longer able to select my webcam. I could only select the obs virtual camera. I switched to MS Edge which worked as normal. I've uninstalled OBS and all plug-ins. Same result I've reinstalled firefox. Same result. I've been using MS Edge for websites that need my camera.

Asked by clffrd.ava 1 isonto elidlule

Last reply by clffrd.ava 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER when using vodafone mobile data provider phone hotspot.

This happens on other websites as well: https://www.exploit-db.com/ Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized. HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pi… (funda kabanzi)

This happens on other websites as well: https://www.exploit-db.com/

Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:




MIID3DCCAsSgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB/MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzEP MA0GA1UECAwGTWFkcmlkMQ8wDQYDVQQHDAZNYWRyaWQxDjAMBgNVBAoMBUFsbG90 MQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVBbGxvdDEuMCwGA1UEAwwlYWxsb3QuY29tL2VtYWlsQWRkcmVz cz1pbmZvQGFsbG90LmNvbTAeFw0xNjEyMTYxMzA3NDlaFw0yNjEyMTYxMzA3NDla MH8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZNYWRyaWQxDzANBgNVBAcMBk1hZHJp ZDEOMAwGA1UECgwFQWxsb3QxDjAMBgNVBAsMBUFsbG90MS4wLAYDVQQDDCVhbGxv dC5jb20vZW1haWxBZGRyZXNzPWluZm9AYWxsb3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtckdwPaklW7lAUz/jjFnePUeGNG0w9E1ajLq4UZO vol1ESRdiVXJhj43/4NtvFGiw0ujDwh8K5xErtaXx+W+Lk0yw2uXATBtdvr3pdDj cxNjUVYl6iis0lxgKff02fsLHdLvy9hJX08wsBF6NKW9YetM6WznDsWztucfg8a1 QaUxFzwHxKjTaV9+RO1zosUgU6RIZwBJrXnyJPeMdbDeS7+WXIAQT1WlficRckAw 4VX7l90AVXzng+Kf+SErsD0DtOiMS/nawa/0tW6whd6zmSaCtPJg37EBp3BQkpdn RvRCsG9h1aWkBUdFNb0mNbnHDP0dmWrDZEFKNmpeC6LmkQIDAQABo2MwYTAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUqLwqHQ0a0mcp ebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUqLwqHQ0a0mcpebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHJsGkbv+mGhMHfc5z1UZGsH0rkV0U+tl/6hwutyMHPO tvHCwK30keSqiIz8E0grwkMAiS4Ir1w52hfJB0JndxWv1rBTk5gA5ASruhsNKcgv hDgfuVBwSw7ILX9wkl5J2Eu/ew3TRB8lDO7XX4DF0p2L1DyZl+r0HSB9NgQH4kI7 HSxW0oo34bu+S/u3ycMZ1RjjzzVKtI5S6ydVz2qKVqhuSwuFJnndoKjrzMphwraN cKSTLyIj77FK1IUtiivprXk15/lrlnoK+zIlrCzR/Yl5pBYDjb1VhTLUBzm8uNV/ dlYQqPygZFfK8Al/p1grILXWUHmdOaUX+AoWlitKDJo=


Can you help?

Asked by Gregory Laycock Hammond 3 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Last reply by Gregory Laycock Hammond 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Twitch videos skip forward when I drag a tab to a new window

I am watching a Twitch video on Firefox. When I open a new Firefox tab and drag it to another monitor, the Twitch video skips forwards about a minute. I also occasionall… (funda kabanzi)

I am watching a Twitch video on Firefox. When I open a new Firefox tab and drag it to another monitor, the Twitch video skips forwards about a minute.

I also occasionally notice skips or pauses when I switch from one tab in the same window back to the Twitch playing tab.

Is there any way I could fix these problems?

Asked by rwalker170 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

late arrival of emails

For some time now, e-mails have been arriving with a delay, e.g. from April 15, they arrived only on April 18. The mail is on the home.pl server pinned via IMAP. … (funda kabanzi)

For some time now, e-mails have been arriving with a delay, e.g. from April 15, they arrived only on April 18. The mail is on the home.pl server pinned via IMAP.

Asked by Konrad Dymczuk 1 usuku oludlule

Search by image add-on issue

Hello, I added a browser extension Search by Image by Armin Sebastian some time ago and it worked just fine till recently. Now, every time I need to find some image I ge… (funda kabanzi)


I added a browser extension Search by Image by Armin Sebastian some time ago and it worked just fine till recently. Now, every time I need to find some image I get the page with cute creature sitting and fishing in bucket of water with info stated: "Your search did not match any documents. Suggestions: Try different keywords." (screenshot attached). It happens every time, no matter what kind of image I'm looking for. I also added another extension Search by Image on Google by Gustavo Silva and it's the same issue.

Would really appreciate any help with it.



Asked by Mag Zyz 1 usuku oludlule

Last reply by Mag Zyz 1 usuku oludlule

Unable to install any extensions.

When trying to install any extensions on either the Mozilla Addons website or directly via the Extension settings, it fails to do so. I've attached a screenshot of the M… (funda kabanzi)

When trying to install any extensions on either the Mozilla Addons website or directly via the Extension settings, it fails to do so.

I've attached a screenshot of the Mozilla Addons website when it fails to install the extension. On some other addons that I've attempted in the past, it just shows the throbber forever.

I have checked the Multiprocess Browser Console and it says that it fails to move the file because it's locked (NS_ERROR_FILE_IS_LOCKED). I have also attached a screenshot of that.

Asked by Kate 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Last reply by Kate 22 amahora adlule

Firefow shortened amount of available homepage shortcuts

Firefox decided to remove the total amount of homepage shortcuts. For months, it allowed for 4 rows and 8 columns, with blank "Add Shortcut" shortcuts. This allowed me to… (funda kabanzi)

Firefox decided to remove the total amount of homepage shortcuts. For months, it allowed for 4 rows and 8 columns, with blank "Add Shortcut" shortcuts. This allowed me to organize or split my shortcuts better. This morning, it decided to move all shortcuts together. As per the "Before" and "After" screenshots attached.

Usual disclaimers: Firefox 125.0.1 (64-bit) on Windows 10 No Config edits No extensions currently installed manipulate, affect or otherwise influence shortcuts

Please advise.

Asked by RC PD 11 amahora adlule

Firefox Loaded once but locks up

I reinstalled the Visual C++ and Firefox loaded when i ran the Firefox repair but totally locked up. Unable to get to settings or any website and will not run after clos… (funda kabanzi)

I reinstalled the Visual C++ and Firefox loaded when i ran the Firefox repair but totally locked up. Unable to get to settings or any website and will not run after closing it.

Asked by LACanyon 5 amahora adlule

Firefox automatically download files .docx from facebook page as pdf

Hello, I have problem with firefox. When I try download from facebook page files .docx, .xlsx (Microsoft Office) Firefox automatically download it as PDF and file is brok… (funda kabanzi)

Hello, I have problem with firefox. When I try download from facebook page files .docx, .xlsx (Microsoft Office) Firefox automatically download it as PDF and file is broken. I don't know how to repair this. Please help, it is very frustrating.

Asked by matek90bat 5 amahora adlule

Last reply by matek90bat 5 amahora adlule

Firefox will not start

I have uninstalled and reinstalled firefox and restarted my computer but it still will not load. When i first reinstall it it comes up but will not connect to the intene… (funda kabanzi)

I have uninstalled and reinstalled firefox and restarted my computer but it still will not load. When i first reinstall it it comes up but will not connect to the intenet.

Asked by LACanyon 1 usuku oludlule

Last reply by LACanyon 5 amahora adlule

Downloaded CSV file gets saved in XML format

I use a web application that lists items in a table, which provides a link to download the table as a CSV file. It used to work fine in previous versions of Firefox. Howe… (funda kabanzi)

I use a web application that lists items in a table, which provides a link to download the table as a CSV file. It used to work fine in previous versions of Firefox. However, in the current version, while the file save dialog defaults to a filename that ends in .csv and CSV is selected in the "Save as type:" drop-down, the data in the file that Firefox actually saves is in XML rather than CSV format. I don't know in which version of Firefox this behavior changed, as it's been a couple years since I tried to use this feature. Or I suppose it actually could be a new bug. I do know that when I use the same feature in Microsoft Edge, it saves the CSV file in the correct format, so this behavior seems to be peculiar to Firefox, rather than anything wrong with the web application.

Asked by KevinR1 4 amahora adlule

Firefox crashes after updating. (Windows.)

What the title says. While I was doing school work my session crashed and I lost all of my work. Upon reopening Firefox I was told my browser had installed the latest upd… (funda kabanzi)

What the title says. While I was doing school work my session crashed and I lost all of my work. Upon reopening Firefox I was told my browser had installed the latest update for Windows. I then checked my crash logs and saw my session had crashed and Firefox had installed the update. Why could have this been? I would like a solution to this to ensure this doesn't haven't happen again. Thanks.

Asked by Jake 3 amahora adlule

Firefox 125 URLs missing in suggestions dropdown

I've just updated to Firefox 125 and now, when I start to type in the URL bar and get my suggestion dropdown of previously visited pages, I no longer can see the actual u… (funda kabanzi)

I've just updated to Firefox 125 and now, when I start to type in the URL bar and get my suggestion dropdown of previously visited pages, I no longer can see the actual url for each entry. All I see is the top level name for each entry.

This is not helpful, as I may have perviously visited a number of pages on that site and the information shown does not give me a way to differentiate sufficiently between those pages.

How can I get the exact url displayed on the suggestions dropdown.

How can I get those top level descriptions NOT displayed, so that only the urls are shown?

Asked by Ken 2 amahora adlule

Duplicate e-mails

I have 4 e-mail addresses and corresponding inboxes. One is my personal addy that I use for most legitimate business. The other 3 are leftovers from former businesses a… (funda kabanzi)

I have 4 e-mail addresses and corresponding inboxes. One is my personal addy that I use for most legitimate business. The other 3 are leftovers from former businesses and a spam addy. I use those other 3 addys sparingly, but only for sites I want to maintain distance from, and any I suspect might be spammers.

Thunderbird has worked wonderfully for me for some years, but recently, I have been getting duplicate messages in 2 of my 3 dummy accounts for every one that is legitimately sent to my main account. None ever show up in that 4th account, but I did just receive an e-mail that was intended for that 4th account, and the inbox acted as it should (no duplicates anywhere).

I have spent a couple of hours with a very dedicated service rep from my ISP, and she was unable to find any solution. She suggests that reaching out to Firefox is the next logical step.

Asked by curl-dive 2 amahora adlule