Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo
  • Kusonjululiwe

Scrolling on Input=Number does not change the value.

When visiting a site with a Input=Number field and clicking on it and scrolling nothing happens when it should change the value as if i had pressed up or down arrow. … (funda kabanzi)

When visiting a site with a Input=Number field and clicking on it and scrolling nothing happens when it should change the value as if i had pressed up or down arrow.

Asked by Iraqball101 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Ikhiyiwe

Firefox won't allow me to access facebook.com

I love Firefox, I use it on all my devices. And daily I access facebook.com on this browser, it's been working flawlessly - until yesterday. Yesterday, using Firefox (ver… (funda kabanzi)

I love Firefox, I use it on all my devices. And daily I access facebook.com on this browser, it's been working flawlessly - until yesterday. Yesterday, using Firefox (ver 130.0.1) on my Windows 10 PC, I tried accessing a FB page which I visit sometimes: https://www.facebook.com/OpenOscillator

Rather than reaching that page, I got a white screen with this error message: "Sorry, something went wrong." And since then, even visiting the Facebook home page (or any other FB page) has the same error message.

Today I tried the same thing on my Mac (OS 14.3), using Firefox and logging into facebook.com, which worked as usual. But when I went to https://www.facebook.com/OpenOscillator, I got the same error message: "Sorry, something went wrong." And as happened on my PC, now on my Mac I can't access any FB page on Firefox.

And just to mention, I've rebooted both the PC and the Mac, yet this problem persists on both devices.

Trying this same exercise on Edge on my PC does not have this problem. Nor does it happen when doing this on Safari on my Mac.

So, this problem has only been happening on Firefox. I can no longer access facebook.com with Firefox. Do you guys have any ideas how to solve this?

Helpful to know: Do you have the same outcome if you visit this FB page: https://www.facebook.com/OpenOscillator

Thanks for your assistance! Steven

Asked by Steven Churchill 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by Steven Churchill 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

How To Add Back Small Search Bar

Hello! Several days ago I had to make a new Win10 computer account and being that when my FireFox reinstalled all my settings from my FireFox Account after signing in I n… (funda kabanzi)

Hello! Several days ago I had to make a new Win10 computer account and being that when my FireFox reinstalled all my settings from my FireFox Account after signing in I noticed the small search bar at the top where you could use a different search engine was missing. I have been racking my brain to figure how to get it back. Could someone be so kind as to let me know how do I get the small search bar back at the top. Thank you.

Respectfully, Don

Asked by new_aged2perfection 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Ikhiyiwe

I am now getting multiple "400 Bad Request Request Header Or Cookie Too Large" - browser clean no longer works

duplicate of /questions/1466153 thread I thought I had solved this by adding the website to the "safe" list - I really cannot say how frustrating this is if I am being … (funda kabanzi)

duplicate of /questions/1466153 thread

I thought I had solved this by adding the website to the "safe" list - I really cannot say how frustrating this is if I am being locked out of even safe sites. - This is a browser issue (I'm not that naive).

There is no real response from Moacilla(Firefox) here apart from throwing the Rulebbok at me and saying "Read!". I can only do so much Tune ups" and shut downs and ensure drives are functional. Please advise on the Browser Cache situation, rspecially as BBC iPlayer is added to the "Safe List" and yet still throws up the 400 Bad Gateway error message - an early reply would be useful.

Asked by pete_xby 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by markwarner22 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

How come Google Meet takes me to a 404 page on Firefox only (dont have this issue on any other browser)

In recent weeks when I open my Macbook and go to https://meet.google.com, the page that loads says "404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. … (funda kabanzi)

In recent weeks when I open my Macbook and go to https://meet.google.com, the page that loads says "404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know." The issue is only on Firefox and not Chrome or Safari. When I see the error page, I look at the URL and it has the word "unsupported": https://meet.google.com/unsupported?meetingCode=landing&ref=https://meet.google.com/landing

So I dragged firefox to the trash, reinstalled and the issue persisted. I do not have a VPN. I'm using my own Wifi at home. If I switch to my desktop computer (m2 mac ultra) and go to the same Google Meet URL, I don't get a 404 error on firefox, however no one can hear my microphone any more as of 1 month ago, when I didn't have this issue in the past and I've done everything that everyone has told me to (in order to fix it) and nothing has worked.

Laptop: MacBook Pro 2021, MacOS Sequoia 15.0 Firefox: 13.0.1 (64 bit)

Asked by rachelcenter 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by rachelcenter 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

Crashing and crashing

I have latest version of firefox on my windows 10 dell inspiron 7560 ... I have been using firefox for about 18 years now system info - i7 - 8GB RAM, windows 10, one 12… (funda kabanzi)

I have latest version of firefox on my windows 10 dell inspiron 7560 ... I have been using firefox for about 18 years now

system info - i7 - 8GB RAM, windows 10, one 128 GB SSD and other 512GB SSD

Since yesterday, it has been crashing after every 2-5 minutes; in troubleshooter mode as well...

I ran Windows RAM memory test, it turned out to be okay... I ran a Dell hardware test, it informed me that my fan is not working properly; though I doubt its the reason for my Firefox crashing

Below is one of the crashes in text - can someone help please?

AdapterDeviceID: 0x5916 AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterSubsysID: 07821028 AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons: snaplinks%40snaplinks.mozdev.org:3.1.12,%7B394DCBA4-1F92-4f8e-8EC9-8D2CB90CB69B%7D:6.3.1,%40pagememo:1.15.1resigned1,%7Baf37054b-3ace-46a2-ac59-709e4412bec6%7D:4.2,screenshots%40mozilla.org:39.0.1,webcompat%40mozilla.org:130.2.0,formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.7,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.5,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.5,ebay%40search.mozilla.org:1.5,default-theme%40mozilla.org:1.3,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0 AvailablePageFile: 8233635840 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 1266659328 AvailableVirtualMemory: 138522270318592 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20240913135723 CPUMicrocodeVersion: 0xde ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 7 ContentSandboxWin32kState: Win32k Lockdown enabled -- default value is true CrashTime: 1727643240 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true EventLoopNestingLevel: 1 GPUProcessLaunchCount: 1 GPUProcessStatus: Running GpuSandboxLevel: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1726686919 LastStartupWasCrash: 0 LauncherProcessState: 0 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Avast Software s.r.o.":["aswJsFlt.dll","snxhk.dll","aswhook.dll"],"Microsoft Windows":["CryptoWinRT.dll","devenum.dll","sapi.dll","winmmbase.dll","windows.internal.shell.broker.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","PCShellCommonProxyStub.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","TaskFlowDataEngine.dll","linkinfo.dll","ntshrui.dll","explorerframe.dll","wpnapps.dll","dataexchange.dll","twinapi.dll","cdp.dll","cscapi.dll","edputil.dll","winrnr.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","NapiNSP.dll","wscapi.dll","wininet.dll","wsock32.dll","ktmw32.dll","winmm.dll","msimg32.dll","OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll","comctl32.dll","FWPUCLNT.DLL","directmanipulation.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","DWrite.dll","urlmon.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","srvcli.dll","iertutil.dll","BCP47mrm.dll","InputHost.dll","TextInputFramework.dll","Windows.UI.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","winhttp.dll","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","dbgcore.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","WindowManagementAPI.dll","npmproxy.dll","version.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","msacm32.dll","rasadhlp.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","Windows.ApplicationModel.dll","xmllite.dll","taskschd.dll","winnsi.dll","MMDevAPI.dll","AudioSes.dll","d3d11.dll","d2d1.dll","dcomp.dll","avrt.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","dsreg.dll","nlaapi.dll","CoreMessaging.dll","icm32.dll","msdmo.dll","ColorAdapterClient.dll","mscms.dll","wshbth.dll","WinTypes.dll","policymanager.dll","netprofm.dll","WindowsCodecs.dll","uxtheme.dll","deviceaccess.dll","PortableDeviceTypes.dll","propsys.dll","SensorsNativeApi.V2.dll","SensorsUtilsV2.dll","SensorsApi.dll","rmclient.dll","dwmapi.dll","windows.storage.dll","dbghelp.dll","wtsapi32.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","dxgi.dll","winsta.dll","rsaenh.dll","msvcp110_win.dll","ntmarta.dll","umpdc.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","dnsapi.dll","netutils.dll","powrprof.dll","mswsock.dll","cryptsp.dll","cryptbase.dll","wldp.dll","ntasn1.dll","ncrypt.dll","msasn1.dll","devobj.dll","sspicli.dll","userenv.dll","profapi.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","win32u.dll","wintrust.dll","gdi32full.dll","bcrypt.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","crypt32.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","msvcp_win.dll","ucrtbase.dll","gdi32.dll","shell32.dll","clbcatq.dll","imm32.dll","SHCore.dll","setupapi.dll","sechost.dll","advapi32.dll","kernel32.dll","imagehlp.dll","nsi.dll","msvcrt.dll","rpcrt4.dll","psapi.dll","user32.dll","msctf.dll","ws2_32.dll","oleaut32.dll","combase.dll","ole32.dll","shlwapi.dll","ntdll.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["VCRUNTIME140_1.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll","msvcp140.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["firefox.exe","xul.dll","gkcodecs.dll","nss3.dll","mozglue.dll","osclientcerts.dll","nssckbi.dll","freebl3.dll","softokn3.dll","lgpllibs.dll"]} MozCrashReason: assertion failed: n > 0 && n <= 8 Notes: FP(D00-L1100-W0000100-T00) Has dual GPUs. 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MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IP] : 2 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 
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AF_UNIX : 2 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : a00943d9-9c2e-4633-9b59-0057a3160994 
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RSVP UDPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
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Hyper-V RAW : 2 : 34 : 1 : 1 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 1234191b-4bf7-4ca7-86e0-dfd7c32b5445 
MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 256 : 0x20006 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a 
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useragent_locale: en-US This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Asked by KK MM 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by TyDraniu 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

issues with tabs "dulling into backgound" and content not clickable

Hi there, Firefox is my default browser but increasingly (once a week I guess) I have to use chrome to access some sites. This happens with firefox only, (not other bro… (funda kabanzi)

Hi there,

Firefox is my default browser but increasingly (once a week I guess) I have to use chrome to access some sites. This happens with firefox only, (not other browsers) on some sites. The latest site is https://www.skyscanner.ie/. (see screenshot below).

Any ideas?

Thanks Andrew

My environment is windows 11 on a lenovo yoga slim7X using the ARM64 chipset

Asked by Andrew Wood 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by Andrew Wood 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

what exactly are the entries listed below the "recently closed windows" menu, if not recently closed tabs?

In this menu in my attached screenshot, where exactly do these entries in this yellow box originate from, how exactly do they differ from the recently closed tabs entrie… (funda kabanzi)

In this menu in my attached screenshot, where exactly do these entries in this yellow box originate from, how exactly do they differ from the recently closed tabs entries?

Asked by Dan 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

UI is not rendering some objects

Hello👋 I am using firefox developers edition on build 132.0b2 and my UI is not rendering correctly, the themes work but the objects like the bookmarks toolbar and the ref… (funda kabanzi)

Hello👋 I am using firefox developers edition on build 132.0b2 and my UI is not rendering correctly, the themes work but the objects like the bookmarks toolbar and the refresh button and the home button even some of my extensions is not loading and other things also not loading, but fortunately I know the keyboard shortcuts for these functions and they are working just fine but all the buttons are just not there My device is a Dell Latitude E7450 and it has a normal core I5 5300U so it is not an x86 arm based processor I hope that you find a solution ASAP as I am really struggling with my browser like this and btw I really love your work and the products that you give Thanks for doing the hard work! bye

Asked by Kyrollos Safwat 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by Kyrollos Safwat 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

Emojis blurry in Firefox compared to Edge on Windows11

I've found a solution to the blurriness of the emojis, I've put it in the end of this post, in bold ⤵⤵⤵ My problem is that emojis look bad on Firefox compared to Edge_12… (funda kabanzi)

I've found a solution to the blurriness of the emojis, I've put it in the end of this post, in bold ⤵⤵⤵

My problem is that emojis look bad on Firefox compared to Edge_128.0.2739.79. Two screenshots are attached of bing.com & a Google Doc (left half of both pictures is Edge, other half Firefox). The problem persists on all the sites to a varying degree.

Steps to replicate: A] Open 2 sites in latest Edge & Firefox on Windows 11 (the examples that I've used in the screenshots): https://www.bing.com/ and an Empty Google Doc. B] In the search field of bing and in a new line in an empty Google Doc, copy the following example emojis (That were inserted using the 'Windows_Key+V' which summons the emoji Keyboard of Windows): 🏀🚕 C] Compare the quality of the emojis rendering between the browsers when unzoomed and when zooming.

I've tried in FF (to no avail): A] Disable hardware acceleration in settings (w/ FF restart). B] Setting "gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode" from -5 to 5 (w/ 10+ FF restarts). C] Setting "gfx.webrender.quality.force-subpixel-aa-where-possible" to true (w/ FF restart). D] Using both emoji sets in the "Segoe UI Emoji" & "Twemoji Mozilla" fonts in the "font.name-list.emoji" setting, both sets gave me blurry results (w/ FF restarts). D] Disabling all add-ons (w/ FF restart). E] Setting new Firefox separate clean install. F*] In Windows setting the scaling factor to 100% in Windows->System->Display->Scaling_Factor (w/ FF & Windows restart).

How can the blurriness of the emojis be fixed so to make them crystal sharp like in Edge?

Solution: A} Download Noto-Color-Emoji font from https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Color+Emoji Ensure that your are getting the full resolution font (which came at ~23MB as of 2024.09.23) B} Unpack the font and install according to the on screen instructions. C} In FF in "about:config" find the "font.name-list.emoji" setting and rewrite its value field to "Noto Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Twemoji Mozilla" (w/o the quotations marks). D} I've attached a screenshot w/ the result, It is marked w/ the red writing of font.name-list.emoji on it.

Asked by truebelieff 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by truebelieff 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

new firefox UI is useless

my extensions got unpinned and the new tab button is gone, the tab overview is gone, the extension button is to the left of the address bar, the back and forward buttons … (funda kabanzi)

my extensions got unpinned and the new tab button is gone, the tab overview is gone, the extension button is to the left of the address bar, the back and forward buttons are to the left of the address bar, the back and forward button are swapped, WHY.

In the screenshot i pinned the 3 extesions i use again, they were unpinned before

Asked by Phantom 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

New window

Greetings. I have Windows 10 and Firefox for my browser. Has worked very well for many years but now I have a problem with Google search. Normally when I do search on Goo… (funda kabanzi)

Greetings. I have Windows 10 and Firefox for my browser. Has worked very well for many years but now I have a problem with Google search. Normally when I do search on Google and get the results I can click on a link and it will open in a new window(tab). 3 days ago I noticed that when I clicked on the link after search the site would open in the existing window. I checked my settings in Firefox and they appear to the untrained eye to be normal. I did go to the settings in Google and noticed that the "open results in a new window" was disabled. I enabled the option (no save function was available) and did a search again. This time it worked as I had hoped opening in a new window. This worked for a few hours and then once again noticed the problem. I went back to the Google settings and once again it was disabled. I enabled it and then worked fine. It continues to disable this function to open results in a new window after a few searches. Not sure if this problem is with Google or Firefox. I apologize for the length of this question but am trying to provide as much info as possible. I very much would appreciate any assistance regarding this .. Thank you

Asked by cha0803 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cha0803 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

Navigation buttons gone

After updating firefox nightly on my macbook air m1 all navigation buttons (back, forward, new tab, bookmarks etc.) have dissapeared. Any idea how to get them back? … (funda kabanzi)

After updating firefox nightly on my macbook air m1 all navigation buttons (back, forward, new tab, bookmarks etc.) have dissapeared.

Any idea how to get them back?

Asked by bjornmogelhoj 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by TyDraniu 4 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

After Firefox update bill payment on PNC banking site stopped working

Firefox updated to version 131.0 64 bit. Bill payment functions on my banking web site stopped working. I cleared cache and cookies and restarted PC but didn't fix it. I … (funda kabanzi)

Firefox updated to version 131.0 64 bit. Bill payment functions on my banking web site stopped working. I cleared cache and cookies and restarted PC but didn't fix it. I tried using Microsoft Edge and the banking web site worked as always. The bank IT person said it was a Firefox problem. Also, the site says not to block 3rd party cookies, enable cookie tracking and cross-site tracking. In Firefox, I made all changes to allow these things for this site but it still doesn't work. Looks like the latest Firefox update is causing a problem that always worked in the past, while trying to fix something else.

Asked by SLokos9939 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by NoahSUMO 4 izinyanga ezidlule