Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox 113.0.1 Checksum error installation file

I have downloaded Firefox 113.0.1 for Windows x64 but the file seems to be corrupt. When I check the installation file with 7Zip Test Archive appeared a Warning Message d… (funda kabanzi)

I have downloaded Firefox 113.0.1 for Windows x64 but the file seems to be corrupt. When I check the installation file with 7Zip Test Archive appeared a Warning Message due to a Checksum error. All others versions of Firefox downloaded can be checked correctly by 7Zip, but this installation file show an error message that I never have received. Is there a problem with the file? Thanks

Asked by enriquespain 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by lexluthermiester 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Getting Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115 alerts from Norton Security while using Firefox

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry t… (funda kabanzi)

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry to my hosts file hoping it would block the IP but it doesn't seem to work, I may have done something wrong. The entry I made is: 0redird.com at the end of the hosts file. Below is the log from Norton security, the full URL is very long:

Category: Intrusion Prevention Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,IPS Alert Name,Default Action,Action Taken,Attacking Computer,Attacker URL,Destination Address,Source Address,Traffic Description 9/8/2022 4:29:31 PM,High,An intrusion attempt by 0redird.com was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115,No Action Required,No Action Required,"0redird.com (, 80)","http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res=","FANMAN-PC (, 2237)",0redird.com (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res= matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME1\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the Actions panel, click Stop Notifying Me. Any help will be appreciated, I can't find any info about this exploit inmy web searches.

Asked by fanman2 2 iminyaka edlule

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 iminyaka edlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

after upgrading to ff110 problem with css regarding browser tabs

Appreciate help for the following: 1. these codes don't work anymore in FF 110: #tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-tab="true"] { margin-left: 3px !important; } 2. Also … (funda kabanzi)

Appreciate help for the following: 1. these codes don't work anymore in FF 110: #tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-tab="true"] { margin-left: 3px !important; }

2. Also this one for Tab Separators , works ok except , the "last tab separator on the right" disappeared , I mean the left is visible but the right side of the tab has no separator :

.tab-content {
position: relative !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
--separator-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);

.tab-content::after {
content: '' !important;
display: block !important;
position: absolute !important;
background-color: var(--separator-color) !important;
width: 1px !important;
height: 28px !important;
transform: translateY(24px) !important;
opacity: 0 !important;
transition: opacity 0.2s ease !important;

.tab-content::before {
left: 0 !important;

.tab-content::after {
right: 0 !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[visuallyselected][style*=transform]+.tabbrowser-tab[style*=transform] .tab-content::after {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[style*=transform]:not([visuallyselected]) .tab-content::before,
.tabbrowser-tab[style*=transform]+.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected]) .tab-content::before {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected]):not(:hover):not([multiselected])+.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected]):not(:hover):not([multiselected]) .tab-content::before {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

#tabbrowser-tabs[hasadjacentnewtabbutton]:not([overflow]) .tabbrowser-tab[last-visible-tab]:not([visuallyselected]):not(:hover):not([multiselected]) .tab-content::after {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

#tabbrowser-tabs[overflow] .tabbrowser-tab[pinned]+.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-content::before {
opacity: 0 !important;

Any help appreciated Thanks look4

Asked by look4 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by look4 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

I am logged off FF, but passwords and addons are still showing

so firefox I am logged out, you can tell where it say "save and sync - sign in". but even though I am not signed in, my passwords and addons are still showing up. how to… (funda kabanzi)

so firefox I am logged out, you can tell where it say "save and sync - sign in". but even though I am not signed in, my passwords and addons are still showing up.

how to fix this

thank you!!

Asked by Rick (Proton) 2 iminyaka edlule

Answered by Rick (Proton) 2 iminyaka edlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

How to get rid of msg. "Your organization is managing your browser"?

A msg. suddenly appeared at the top of my ff general settings page saying "your organization is managing your browser". Upon clicking on it it appears that Chrome has ta… (funda kabanzi)

A msg. suddenly appeared at the top of my ff general settings page saying "your organization is managing your browser". Upon clicking on it it appears that Chrome has taken over most of my ff settings and disabled some of them. I have NO organization; I am retired and have a personal computer that only I use for personal things. I have run numerous anti malware programs that have found nothing. I have restored the computer to a much earlier time. I chose Firefox, NOT Chrome. Please help me get rid of this. And please don't assume I have knowledge as I am old and not very computer literate so if you could use simple terms I can understand that would be much appreciated. If no help, what can I do next to get some. Thank you I am using Windows 7 home premium on an older Dell business machine.

Asked by Shona Browne 2 iminyaka edlule

Last reply by Kev King 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

firefox 115.12esr slow to startup

Firefox 115.12esr slow to startup takes up to 10 second to load the first time now Firefox was fine in version 112.esr. to bad Firefox forces updates, even when the updat… (funda kabanzi)

Firefox 115.12esr slow to startup takes up to 10 second to load the first time now Firefox was fine in version 112.esr. to bad Firefox forces updates, even when the update make Firefox worse. https://snipboard.io/QF0ERT.jpg of course it works faster without extensions, that does not mean anything. I would reinstall the older version but Mozilla fixed so we cannot. I do not have time to reinstall all the extension so I am left with a useless Firefox. To bad Firefox does not allow reinstall of extension automatically, a reset of Firefox would also make Firefox useless; I am at a loss to how to continue to support Mozilla and not switch to another browser?

Asked by alannsandiego 7 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by alannsandiego 7 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Missing min/max/close buttons

Hello. I don't know which Firefox release broke this essential feature. The problem started after I enabled Aero in my Windows 7 system. It happens often if I have an ope… (funda kabanzi)

Hello. I don't know which Firefox release broke this essential feature. The problem started after I enabled Aero in my Windows 7 system. It happens often if I have an open tab with https://www.o2tv.cz/ which uses some DRM to play TV content.

Asked by pavel.lastovicka 2 iminyaka edlule

Last reply by pavel.lastovicka 2 iminyaka edlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox Update 115 (installed today) has caused connection problems

Hi, I have spent hours this morning trying to diagnose a problem with Firefox Update 115. It is Unstable and I can't Stream Music from Youtube or even Amazon Music. Web p… (funda kabanzi)

Hi, I have spent hours this morning trying to diagnose a problem with Firefox Update 115. It is Unstable and I can't Stream Music from Youtube or even Amazon Music. Web pages from sites I use everyday are out of order when displaying text as well. It's a real mess. Now, here's the kicker, I haven't been able to stream my music from both aforementioned websites, but get this, if I use the Incognito Browser, Music streams No Problem. Seems like you guys broke something in the main FF browser. I have spent hours trying to debug this and have concluded that your most recent Update has broken streaming links. I can't rollback the Update and that is even more frustrating. Please Fix This. BTW, your Help Pages really stink. Sorry, but they offer no help when the problem is clearly FF. Kind Regards, Joe White

Asked by seeekerman 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by seeekerman 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Change URL border color when focused

Hi All, I would like to change the url border color when it has the focus to blue. The code below works, except when you press Escape. After hitting Escape, the urlbar… (funda kabanzi)

Hi All,

I would like to change the url border color when it has the focus to blue.

The code below works, except when you press Escape.

After hitting Escape, the urlbar still has the focus but its border changes back to gray. It should remain blue.

I would also like to remove the box-shadow after pressing Escape, when the urlbar is not expanded (to mimic the behavior of FF 88).

The url and search input fields also do the same goofy thing Windows 10 does - the cursor stops blinking after 5 blinks and remains frozen. Any way to remove that behavior and keep the cursor blinking? If not, no big deal, the other stuff above is more important.

Any code suggestions to get that behavior are welcome!

/* set the initial borders of the urlbar and search bar to gray */
#urlbar > #urlbar-background, #urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] > #urlbar-background, #searchbar { border: 1px solid #a1a6b5 !important; outline: none !important; border-radius: 0px !important; }
/* set urlbar border to blue when focused */
#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] #urlbar-background {
   border-color: #0078d7 !important;

Asked by Slouch 8 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 8 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Import profile from old Firefox installation on Win 7 to new installation on Win 10Pro

Can I transfer my existing Firefox profile on the Windows 7 machine to a new installation on a new Win10Pro machine by copying the profile from the "AppData" location ont… (funda kabanzi)

Can I transfer my existing Firefox profile on the Windows 7 machine to a new installation on a new Win10Pro machine by copying the profile from the "AppData" location onto a pen drive, and then copying that into the comparable folder in the new machine.

I assume if I can I will then need to make the copied profile the default one using profile manager?

Asked by lionladysf 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by lionladysf 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox does not connect anymore to Google services

Hello! Since a month I have a strange problem - Firefox wont connect to any Google service - REcaptcha, google-analytics. Any site that uses these services would not load… (funda kabanzi)

Hello! Since a month I have a strange problem - Firefox wont connect to any Google service - REcaptcha, google-analytics. Any site that uses these services would not load, or loads and waits until connection expires. I tried refreshing Firefox, the uninstalling and re-installing - the problem remains. I do not use any proxy or firewall on my computer. Opera and other browsers do not have this problem. Please, advice.

Asked by zdrave 2 iminyaka edlule

Last reply by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

New annoying semi transparent rectangle on web pages with images

Ref Firefox Ver 84.0.1 OS > Win 7-64 Dear Firefox Support, I have already contacted MS support about the subject issue and they were no help. I am trying to find o… (funda kabanzi)

Ref Firefox Ver 84.0.1 OS > Win 7-64 Dear Firefox Support,

 I have already contacted MS support about the subject issue and they were no help.

I am trying to find out what is causing the issue and how to get rid of it.

 I can't be sure but it may be caused by a Microsoft "START" App.  The issue appeared

to begin about two weeks ago, so it's obviously caused by something new, which may be Microsoft related. Below is Dropbox link to a screen capture of the issue.

 Any tips for ridding my PC / Firefox browser of the issue will be greatly appreciated.
 And thank you for the superb browser.

Best regards, Ken Boardman > elsmoko@cox.net


Asked by elsmoko 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by elsmoko 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Desperately need to download a copy of firefox 56.0.2

I have been using Firefox 56.0.2 on Windows 7 for years safely. Until yesterday. We had one of those mini powerouts, that caused problems. My hard drive is failing an… (funda kabanzi)

I have been using Firefox 56.0.2 on Windows 7 for years safely. Until yesterday. We had one of those mini powerouts, that caused problems.

My hard drive is failing and Firefox will no longer fully load, it tries bless it, but some FF files must be in the damaged sectors of the hard drive. It then locks the system. Using Chrome works fine. But some logins/passwords/bookmarks had to be changed very recently and are not stored in the chrome browser yet. I hate chrome so use FF as the main browser.

I'm thinking that if I can install a fresh copy of FF 56.0.2 in a separate folder, a separate 2nd copy of FF, and then copy yesterday mornings backed up FF profile (before the crash) I could at least copy over all the bookmarks etc to Chrome so I can have my logins etc back.

This mornings backup failed to backup some FF files, all others were fine. Firefox worked fine yesterday but failed to launch this morning.

Please help save my sanity. I know I have to move to W 10, but cannot on this computer.

Asked by SueWitch 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Hardware acceleration for video not working since 109

On my machine (windows 7 x86 - AMD HD 6670) hardware acceleration for video seems to be disfunctional since Firefox 109. Im using Firefox Portable Version. with Firefox 1… (funda kabanzi)

On my machine (windows 7 x86 - AMD HD 6670) hardware acceleration for video seems to be disfunctional since Firefox 109. Im using Firefox Portable Version. with Firefox 108.0.2 GPU acceleration for Video was still working. after upgrading to 109 - with the same profile data, addons, settings, drivers etc. - it is not working anymore.

Example Video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x770v7x

With Firefox 108.0.2 and ESR 102.8 playback of the above video is accelerated by GPU on my machine. Since Firefox 109 and following versions it is not...

Because i did not changed any configuration before updating to 109 it is obvious that 109 and the following versions do not support video acceleration in my environment anymore. but why..?

Asked by faded1 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by faded1 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Many bugs and crashes with Firefox

Many bugs and crashes with Firefox 1 Not able to install an automatic update, via the Menu Help --> About Firefox (or Thunderbird). This bug / problems sits alread… (funda kabanzi)

Many bugs and crashes with Firefox

  1. 1 Not able to install an automatic update, via the Menu Help --> About Firefox (or Thunderbird). This bug / problems sits already inside the earlier versions of Firefox and Thunderbird.
  • A No new version is shown.
  • B Firefox (or Thunderbird) tries to download / install this update, bug become someway corrupted and also stuck in this process.
  • C Firefox (or Thunderbird) says to apply the update you must restart the program. After Firefox (or Thunderbird) was restarted, the program keeps trying installing or downloading this same or another update. I see a spinning circle only, no progress bar. Waiting, trying again later or another restart from Firefox (or Thunderbird) does nothing.

Only way to update Firefox is via https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/#product-desktop-release Which always shows the wrong language. Only way to update Thunderbird is via https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/all/#product-desktop-release Here, I can click on letter from my language and download the setup package. After this update installation was done, the Help --> About (program name) window show the program is last version. But not seems not always the last version, like version x.x.01 to x.x.02, then tries to install this newer small version and gets stuck in the same loop or corruption.

  • D You must use the setup package, because the installer doesn't work, likes to abort the installation and shows error messages about something gone wrong. Installer package is incomplete or damaged, not for current version and Windows.
  • E For last newer versions, they seems not working anymore directly. The program can be restarted once or few times before it seems working. Until other bugs appear.
  • F Always adding a new and faulty shortcut, but I have already a working shortcut on my Desktop. Icon hasn't logo from Firefox or Thunderbird, but the setup icon.
  • G Sometimes you cannot start Firefox or Thunderbird, due the update did something wrong.

Missing file(s) and/or some strange error message after I clicked on the shortcut from the program. Another run from this "update" setup is needed. Remove a or all "Firefox.exe" from the Taskmanager list.

  • H Bug that stops add-ones working. This can be happen due the general function / thing for add-ones inside Firefox crashes, become bugged or corrupted. 1 add-one or more add-ones take the others and stop working, become bugged or corrupted. Add-ones will forget things, their work / functions or do it halfway. Has something to do with the installation and/or data from add-ones. They seems to not having support or do anything about their problems.
  1. 2 Random many crashes without any useful (error) messages, can be with closing the program itself.

Already from earlier versions of Firefox. And also Thunderbird too. This bug seems to sit deep inside the programs. I should be to use Firefox, Thunderbird, Notepad together, with having a some folders open. Switching between them can be annoying slow. Takes longer time be before responding. I'm seeing empty white or black windows. Only last selected section is visible, has the text and smaller pictures. I can have Firefox and Thunderbird left open for hours and later finding one or both programs are closed by itself. No reason, no permission given to do that. Add a new tab or click on a current site, there is no (fast) respond. Same for buttons, filters and filling in forms on a site. One program can pull the other program in closing to when the one is crashing. Also Windows will show several error messages about programs are using to much memory and must be closed. If this has programs listed, then Firefox seems to appear most here of the programs I'm using.

Updating doesn't fix anything Using the safe mode and new profiles are no long time solutions, every time anything is gone or nog working better.

It seems you must have 2 profiles running at same time when you want read something and not switching back between every minute or so. If 1 is near crashing, you have still the other one running.

  1. 3 Why I'm seeing 20x to 72x a Firefox.exe in my Taskmanager? They takes a lot of memory, showing different sizes. I started Firefox once. This is not needed.
  1. 4 Some sites seems to not work in Firefox or takes longer time.

Same for responding on clicking, using filters, buttons and sending forms. Clicking on those (annoying) accept (popup) windows. Unable to login or confirm an (security) action like this with a word or number given via e-mail. Might be something for the site. When you need to use Private Browsing for this.

  1. 5 Icons from installed add-ones don't appear in main bar, at right side. How to use them? Before they did.
  1. 6 Site using third party host sites are slow and mostly don't work. Connection errors.

"Seems fine here, but something with you". Refresh page doesn't fix it. Wait and try again later, how long? Firefox should block these sites.

  1. 7 After updating to Firefox version 115.0.2 and continue my last session, there are appear several new bugs.
  • A I cannot longer visit sites. Even earlier visited sites don't load. Firefox keeps stuck in loading or receiving site info data. Sites don't appear, just an empty (white) page. Also about:support doesn't work. Strangely, I can visit Google.com but not open any site from there. I tried Private Browsing, so no add-one can do something with this.

I had Firefox running for some hours, these sites are still stuck in "loading" or something else.

  • B Right click to open a site or page in a new tab doesn't longer work. Right click menu appears, but action will not be done. Which can be strange at top, missing or changed items.
  • C Same to copy line of text or picture, action isn't longer "remembered".

Now, I created again a new profile and again this doesn't fix them. Even more bugs and stranger. Again lost everything, settings, sites, installing dictionaries and add-ones. Stupid.

  • C1 I can visit websites, but with some strange things, not always working fine.

That makes it to post my problems here.

  • C2 Cannot longer type keywords in the addressbar and after pressing Enter, you should visit Google with search results. Firefox thinks the given keyword is a not existing website.

In Settings (via about:preferences#search), there are no search engines (Google, Wikipedia, ect) in the list, who should be there by default. Also there's no default search engine selected, the list therefor is small and empty.

  • C3 Yet visited near 10 sites, who I cannot visit any of the sites with my other long time using profile. Then Firefox crashed by random, white empty window. Windows adds not responding at end of the program's title bar. I could restart Firefox after that, get the "continue after a crash" tab and revisit any of these sites in their opened tabs.
  • C4 A site keeps saying cookies are disabled / denied, while minimal are accepted when some of that stupid (popup) windows did show. This means: Some stupid messages don't disappear after clicking "OK", the "X" or close buttons / links. Site might not work fine or on some parts. Something can follow you browsing through the site. Not able to visit that site or part.
  • C5 A site keeps saying there is an ad-blocker installed, but there is no add-one like that installed. This means: Stupid messages like these keep appearing; site cannot work fine; you cannot visit the site due some invisible wall or blocking thing. Some can follow you browsing through the site. This is very annoying.
  • C6 With one profile I cannot longer open sites who worked before. Keeps loading, shows URL in addressbar and on the tab.

And the about: .... pages. While with a new profile I can visit those sites, but right click menu is bugged.

  • Cannot open site or page in new tab. Only on Google based sites are working for unknown reasons, but not YouTube.
  • Missing items or I can see more gray things and lines.
  • Cannot copy selected text. Stil having old or wrong text.
  • Cannot Search with Google, this option is missing.
  • Cannot see the source code from the page, due action is not happen.
  • On sites that are working you can only read that current content. Can open links in new tabs, but their pages are empty / white, keep loading forever.
  • A few sites don't load and still giving a empty page. Loading takes longer then needed. For same site.
  • Use Google by typing the keyword in the addressbar doesn't visit Google site, but Firefox thinks the site doesn't exist, is wrong typed. You must go to Google.com and typing the keyword in the textbox here.
  • If a site worked first, then later it cannot working longer, keeps stuck in loading and showing a empty white page / tab.
  • Login for some sites is not longer possible, email send with security word or number doesn't appear. I can send myself a test e-mail to this e-mail address. Waited the time enough and made a new attempt, still the same.

Windows PC. Firefox version 117.0 x64. Via Help --> About Firefox, because about:support doesn't show the version and build.

Asked by Rapha-L Pherdiux 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by Rapha-L Pherdiux 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Random Hang During Browsing - Hard Drive light On Solid

Hello, I tend to have a fair amount of windows and tabs open but this doesn't seem to have a noticed correlation. The symptoms are that FF will just go catatonic (spinni… (funda kabanzi)


I tend to have a fair amount of windows and tabs open but this doesn't seem to have a noticed correlation. The symptoms are that FF will just go catatonic (spinning circle, Not Responding Header). When this happens the hard drive light is on solid. Eventually (10s of seconds to several minutes) FF will return to operation. Any idea of what is happening and how to fix this?

Asked by Steve_Sr. 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by Steve_Sr. 1 unyaka odlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox won't close properly

phil.schreiber9664@gmail.com said Everytime I try to close my Firefox browser window, it just stops. There are multiple processes taking in excess of 200 or 300K in me… (funda kabanzi)

phil.schreiber9664@gmail.com said

Everytime I try to close my Firefox browser window, it just stops. There are multiple processes taking in excess of 200 or 300K in memory that seem to be causing the problem. I have to manually end the process just to close Firefox, and it is quite annoying. I just checked, my Firefox is up to date. Yesterday I deleted and re-installed Firefox, but it's still doing the same thing. This is kind of driving me nuts to be honest. I have Chrome, Opera, and Edge also installed on my computer so I'm ready to jetisson Firefox but thought I'd see what the community has to say first.

UPDATE - Firefox worked great for a few days but the issue returned not too soon after that. Whatever happened in the last update was only good temporarily. I've already done all the initial troubleshooting steps and believe I may have discovered the root cause of the issue.

There are multiple processes in Firefox whose size is over 100,000 kilobytes in size. Some are over 200K, 300K, and 400K.

As I compare this with other browsers I have on my computer, Edge has no processes over 100K, and neither does Chrome or Opera. I believe this is not coincidence, there is something internal to Firefox which creates large processes that is causing delays in closing it. Once again the problem has started annoying me and has started giving me thoughts of switching browsers again.

You can see it in the screenshots I posted.

Asked by phil.schreiber9664@gmail.com 2 iminyaka edlule

Last reply by phil.schreiber9664@gmail.com 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Hide Tab bar if there is only one tab

Hello! I have been using this userChrome.css code to hide the tab bar if there is only one tab (on Windows): tab:only-of-type, tab:only-of-type + #tabs-newtab-button { … (funda kabanzi)


I have been using this userChrome.css code to hide the tab bar if there is only one tab (on Windows):

tab:only-of-type, tab:only-of-type + #tabs-newtab-button {

   display: none !important;


#tabbrowser-tabs, #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox, #tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox {
   min-height: 0 !important;


Since one of the recent Firefox updates, this code does no longer work. Maybe because there is a new element in the tab bar: A drop-down list at the right.

Any idea how to make the above code work again?


Asked by peter596 2 iminyaka edlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

spell check feature

I realize Facebook doesn't have a spell check feature,but is there a way my browser, Firefox, which I already have spell check enabled can somehow spell check Facebook wh… (funda kabanzi)

I realize Facebook doesn't have a spell check feature,but is there a way my browser, Firefox, which I already have spell check enabled can somehow spell check Facebook when I chat? Can someone help? Thank you.

Asked by sciencemagic 6 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by bodybreak 5 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox can't download files from Google Drive.

It seems like no matter what I do, I can't get Firefox to download files from Google Drive. It loads for a moment, then it says "The page isn’t redirecting properly". I h… (funda kabanzi)

It seems like no matter what I do, I can't get Firefox to download files from Google Drive. It loads for a moment, then it says "The page isn’t redirecting properly". I have confirmed that it's only Firefox because I can download files from Google Drive with Google Chrome. I have disabled Enhanced Tracking Protection, selecting the Standard Enhanced Tracking Protection Setting, and even refreshing Firefox. Though, I noticed that it only works on incognito mode for whatever reason.

Asked by Sayed Mamdouh 1 unyaka odlule

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 1 unyaka odlule