- Okugcinwe kunqolobane
Using Security Key for logging Slaesforce
I was not able to login into my Salesfoce Browser using the Security Key I received the below image error. Kindly please help.
I was not able to login into my Salesfoce Browser using the Security Key I received the below image error. Kindly please help.
Hello, I upgraded my FireFox to the latest version 88.0 today, and noticed some changes on right click menu. In the old version, the keyboard shortcut key is a to copy a… (funda kabanzi)
I upgraded my FireFox to the latest version 88.0 today, and noticed some changes on right click menu. In the old version, the keyboard shortcut key is a to copy a link, but now it was changed to L. That is really inconvenient. As you know, when you right click a link using the mouse, your right hand is still holding the mouse, and not easy to press the letter L on the keyboard.
The old menu option is "Copy Link Locaton", but the new one is "Copy Link".
Is it possible to customize the keyboard shortcut of right click menu, please?
Thank you! Brian
I booted into safe mode of Firefox and disabled all the extensions. I couldn't even boot the app, but now I can boot without being in safe mode, but if I close a tab, it … (funda kabanzi)
I booted into safe mode of Firefox and disabled all the extensions. I couldn't even boot the app, but now I can boot without being in safe mode, but if I close a tab, it crashes immediately. Or if I quit the app - it crashes.
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This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.
I've tried going in safe mode, turning of my Facebook container. Deleting cache. Signing out of Facebook. Also adjusting the backspace key in my Config. Having no problem… (funda kabanzi)
I've tried going in safe mode, turning of my Facebook container. Deleting cache. Signing out of Facebook. Also adjusting the backspace key in my Config. Having no problems on my Android phone or when using Opera. It's on on Firefox and on Facebook.
FACEBOOK screen suddenly moves to the bottom of the screen when I am typing a comment. Whenever I hit SHIFT+alpha_letter at the beginning of a line OR simply hit the backspace key, the screen suddenly shifts to the very bottom of the page again even if I have tried to scroll the page back up to the middle of the screen manually. This shifts the entry area where I'm typing down and sometimes off of the visible screen entirely. Just hitting the backspace to correct a typo causes the screen to scroll on its own. I have to scroll back down to the entry box and if I make another typo, it happens again.
Please help. Been going on for over two weeks. I was hoping the new Firefox update yesterday would help. Nope. Still happening.
When I am not in full screen the minimize, maximize and close options are there. They disappear when I go into full screen and I am forced to get out of full screen to mi… (funda kabanzi)
When I am not in full screen the minimize, maximize and close options are there. They disappear when I go into full screen and I am forced to get out of full screen to minimize or close firefox. This only started happening recently. Does anybody know how to make these options appear again while in full screen?
I've installed Nightly the same way I have for years on my latest Fedora 33 install—i.e., download tarball, extract into /opt, set appropriate chmod and chown, make .desk… (funda kabanzi)
I've installed Nightly the same way I have for years on my latest Fedora 33 install—i.e., download tarball, extract into /opt, set appropriate chmod and chown, make .desktop file, etc.—but certain videos certain videos on certain sites refuse to play. A Fedora discussion discussion led me to think it's how Fedora 33 may sandbox apps; I haven't yet had any hits on solutions in the Fedora groups, so I thought I'd ask here, since I can't be the only one with this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I frequently try to save pages as PDFs. When I print the page directly to a printer, no problem. When I save the PDF, it's usually munged and not a valid PDF file (very s… (funda kabanzi)
I frequently try to save pages as PDFs. When I print the page directly to a printer, no problem. When I save the PDF, it's usually munged and not a valid PDF file (very small or 0 bytes). Example URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/01/science/bacteria-microbes-electricity.html
Makes an empty PDF while when I do Print and then Save as PDF. I'm on Apple OS 10.13, using Firefox 67.0.4. This problem has been with us for a while (> 1 year I believe) and happens on all my machines.
I have a locked file that shows up as Invalid Symlinks error. I am not sure but I think it may be Profile.ini Here is what I am getting that tells me its a Non-Existent D… (funda kabanzi)
I have a locked file that shows up as Invalid Symlinks error. I am not sure but I think it may be Profile.ini Here is what I am getting that tells me its a Non-Existent Destination file. My question is why is it Invalid symlink and what can I do to fix it? Here is what I get: Lock In symlink folder /home/butch/.mozilla/firefox/6q1a4nt2.default-release type of error Non-existent Destination File 2022-03-08 21:15:25
When I deleted it wouldn't open so I had to completely reinstall it. My Email address is: [removed email from public]
Butch Owens
I don't know if it is a wrong manipulation or an update feature, but since today when i select a link in the history library, it is now highlighted with big yellow dotted… (funda kabanzi)
I don't know if it is a wrong manipulation or an update feature, but since today when i select a link in the history library, it is now highlighted with big yellow dotted borders instead of the usual subtle black/white single pixel sized dots. How to revert back to the small borders?
I get the message "Oops. Your browser is no longer support..." from tubitv.com and the error message "We are having troubling playing Netfix. Please make sure you are us… (funda kabanzi)
I get the message "Oops. Your browser is no longer support..." from tubitv.com and the error message "We are having troubling playing Netfix. Please make sure you are using the latest....Error Code: F7701-1003" from NetFlix.
Is this an issue with Firefox?
It seems to work fine with Edge. I have not tried with any other browsers.
Today when I click to download a PDF, the window that lets me choose save or open does not come up and I don't get the file.
How can I access my filter device on my LAN ?
Ever since installing firefox on a new pc, I've had the problem where I would click a link or enter a url, and sometimes (not always, about 20% of the time), the page wil… (funda kabanzi)
Ever since installing firefox on a new pc, I've had the problem where I would click a link or enter a url, and sometimes (not always, about 20% of the time), the page will not load (there is a loading symbol but no page shows up), then it stops loading after about 10-20 seconds and there is no page (when I enter a url from a new tab, there is just a blank tab, when I click a link on a webpage, I just remain on the webpage), but when I re-enter the url or re-click the link, it does work. So happens for all links of the website I'm trying to visit.
To summarize: I click a link, and sometimes it loads for 10-20s and then just stops, and when I click again, it works.
Any help is appreciated!
Hi, I recently migrated from Chrome to Firefox for a variety of reasons. I would like to continue using Firefox. However, everytime I close out of it and then reopen it … (funda kabanzi)
I recently migrated from Chrome to Firefox for a variety of reasons. I would like to continue using Firefox. However, everytime I close out of it and then reopen it I am forced to log back into every site. Firefox does not hold my passwords and does not keep me logged in like Chrome does.
Is there a way for me to correct this? Otherwise I need to go back to using Chrome.
Thank you,
I have a 10.11.6 Mac and wonder if I can reinstall Firefox version 65.
The behavior of FireFox saving PDF files has changed. I am using WIN10, FireFox 98.0.1 and have it setup to use windows default application and always ask where to save … (funda kabanzi)
The behavior of FireFox saving PDF files has changed. I am using WIN10, FireFox 98.0.1 and have it setup to use windows default application and always ask where to save for PDFs.
BEFORE the problem: The PDF opens in Acrobat Pro IX. After clicking save I would be asked, where to save. I select the location to save the PDF. Then after this, subsequent PDFs downloaded would be saved to the last saved location. This process would repeat for a new website PDF load and save. This is the behavior I want now.
NOW with the problem: The PDF opens in Acrobat Pro IX. 1. Immediately, after a reboot, the save icon on Adobe is grayed out. I select save as and point to the desired directory. 2. For any subsequent PDF opened, the Adobe save icon is available. Files are saved to the desktop.
Please note I believe I once did get a popup asking where to save and I know I selected desktop. Since that selection I am no longer asked where to save.
Please note I have looked and tried some of the suggestions at: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cant-download-or-save-files#w_choose-a-different-download-folder
but some of this advice needs to be updated for the new FireFox version--ex no JSON file is found at the file location covered in the advice.
I believe this issue started after the last FireFox update. Please help me restore behavior listed above under “BEFORE the problem”. Thanks.
I accidentally clicked to not save login details for a website and I can't find where or how to undo that. Please help.
To post on this support forum I just created a Firefox account. The system then emailed me a verification code to check my address. While nearly the entire email was in E… (funda kabanzi)
To post on this support forum I just created a Firefox account. The system then emailed me a verification code to check my address. While nearly the entire email was in English, the time seemed to be rendered in Greek. This seems a bit odd to me. My browser is set to English, with no other languages present. My IP address is in the Netherlands. See the contents of the email below.
Cheers, Maarten
Copy/paste this code into your registration form.
Firefox logo
Is this you signing up?
Firefox on Linux
's-Hertogenbosch, NB, Netherlands (estimated)
IP address:
Πέμπτη, 17 Μαρ 2022
8:05:45 ΜΜ (CET)
If yes, use this verification code in your registration form:
It expires in 5 minutes.
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required. For more information, please visit Mozilla Support.
Mozilla. 2 Harrison St, #175, San Francisco, CA 94105
Mozilla Privacy Policy
Firefox Cloud Terms of Service
When I try to download a file, the download always fails. This happens no matter what website I'm downloading the file from (see screenshot 1). This started happening wi… (funda kabanzi)
When I try to download a file, the download always fails. This happens no matter what website I'm downloading the file from (see screenshot 1).
This started happening within the last week or so. We are running versions 97 and above.
Firefox is configured to always ask where to save files to (see screenshot 2).
Write permissions to the user's Downloads folder is denied for reasons unrelated to this issue (see screenshot 3). When I re-enable write permissions, the problem goes away.
Has anyone else run into this problem? Is write access to the Downloads folder required now, even if Firefox is not configured to save files to that location? Thanks!
I am posting a link to Google showing the exact search: https://www.google.com/search?q=youtube+keeps+saing+I%27m+offline+and+I%27m+not+&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxs… (funda kabanzi)
I am posting a link to Google showing the exact search:
Okay that was way longer than I expected short of someone searching the headline their self, but it's the best way to show just exactly what I am seeing.
This started happening a couple of days ago and I do know there have been recent updates to the browser that might have something to do with it.
It's apparently a common, or known, issue, and there is a fix for it for Chrome, but I can find nothing similar for Firefox except some crazy command prompt that I'm not even going to try to attempt,
I've spoken to my IPS twice this week already and everything is good. I don't have any real issue with any other sites and seem to be able to surf normally.
I had thought it was a Youtube issue, maybe it is, but it's obviously an issue people have had before and it seemed to be a network issue in the browser, or as much as I got out of the Chrome fix video.
If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. If it continues, then I suppose I will have to switch to using Chrome, or only use Chrome for Youtube, or quit Youtube all together.
But the error is consistent, annoying & frustrating when I have to reload (which doesn't seem to help) or switch to another tab (which dosn't always help) just to watch videos.
Thank you.