Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

Password Fill with Device sign in

Is there a way to make firefox require a device sign in every time that you want to access a password. Otherwise it is only required after the app is quit, not if the scr… (funda kabanzi)

Is there a way to make firefox require a device sign in every time that you want to access a password. Otherwise it is only required after the app is quit, not if the screen turns off of the computer goes to sleep, at least that's how I understand it. I already have checked the require device sign in to manage or fill passwords box and the functionality still isn't as expected.

Asked by rpnpackers 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 izinyanga ezidlule

new Firefox account?

I want to use Firefox on my wife's Windows laptop, but with her own settings, bookmarks etc. Can I create a second profile, or do I need to create another account? … (funda kabanzi)

I want to use Firefox on my wife's Windows laptop, but with her own settings, bookmarks etc. Can I create a second profile, or do I need to create another account?

Asked by wicorman 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by TechHorse 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Windows 7, 8.x Support (ESR 115) ends in september - right?

Hello everyone, support for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will end in September with the end of the ESR 115 branch. Corresponding support article Is this still the current stat… (funda kabanzi)

Hello everyone,

support for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will end in September with the end of the ESR 115 branch. Corresponding support article

Is this still the current status or are there any plans to support the old Windows versions for a little longer?

Thanks and regards, Martin

Asked by m.fessler1 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by James 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Power saving mode for laptops

this is more of a feature suggestion: can power saving mode for laptops be added to firefox where background usage will be decreased with more focus on less CPU and resou… (funda kabanzi)

this is more of a feature suggestion: can power saving mode for laptops be added to firefox where background usage will be decreased with more focus on less CPU and resource usage to give more battery life, even going to use only the iGPU of the CPU and not using the dGPU at all?

Asked by abanoub.samy.s 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by TyDraniu 2 izinyanga ezidlule

browser is under remote control reason devtools

Hi! When I bring up my Firefox browser it automatically shuts down and comes up again with two issues: 1. Do you want to restore pages? 2. A red striped URL with the lit… (funda kabanzi)

Hi! When I bring up my Firefox browser it automatically shuts down and comes up again with two issues: 1. Do you want to restore pages? 2. A red striped URL with the little robot and the error message: browser is under remote control reason devtools

I've read all the postings and I don't understand many of what they are suggesting and those that I do, don't work. Please help p.s. I've already downloaded the newest version.

Asked by Denise Mowder 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 izinyanga ezidlule

UI Rendering error Windows ARM64

Fully patched Windows 11 on ARM Windows Surface Pro X SQ2 What I see: Misrendering of UI elements and some elements of webpages. Rectangular areas of all white with whit… (funda kabanzi)

Fully patched Windows 11 on ARM Windows Surface Pro X SQ2

What I see: Misrendering of UI elements and some elements of webpages. Rectangular areas of all white with white on white text e.g. tab labels, settings page, etc.

What I tried. Uninstalling FF Reinstall FF Refresh settings

None of these fixed the problem for me.

Uninstalled Firefox Reinstall of Firefox

Asked by Ed French 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by TyDraniu 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Side-by-Side/Vertical/Tiled Tabs

Is there a functionality to view Tabs Side-by-Side, or Vertical yet? Or is there a plan for it; similar to the recent version of Edge Chromium? I have read several questi… (funda kabanzi)

Is there a functionality to view Tabs Side-by-Side, or Vertical yet? Or is there a plan for it; similar to the recent version of Edge Chromium? I have read several questions; and their work-around solutions of using a side bar or sing two windows and arranging them side-by-side. Neither functionality offers synchronized scrolling. I used Tile Tabs or We Tabs add-on in the past which was great.

Asked by SVM 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Paul 2 izinyanga ezidlule

intrusive ads occupy the right side of the screen. the are always three. i erase one and another apppears.

I keep getting intrusive mozilla / Mcaffee advertising banners on my screen when firefox is open. avast won't stop them. It only affects my new dell laptop windows 11 c… (funda kabanzi)

I keep getting intrusive mozilla / Mcaffee advertising banners on my screen when firefox is open. avast won't stop them. It only affects my new dell laptop windows 11 computer. It looks like the code for firefox has been invaded. How do I block updates to firefox or get ride of the adds?

Asked by Ken Hilliard 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by James 2 izinyanga ezidlule

This support website is displaying some things in English, some in another language?

Can I get support for THIS website on this website....? Either way, for some strange reason, a handful of the buttons or text on my screen is displaying in another lang… (funda kabanzi)

Can I get support for THIS website on this website....?

Either way, for some strange reason, a handful of the buttons or text on my screen is displaying in another language (attempting to right click and translate says it's Galician..?) while the rest of it is in English. Not sure what's causing that. I can only read English, the only language set on my browser (or even my computer in general) is English (US).

Asked by voidworks 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by James 2 izinyanga ezidlule

About.config doesn't work and just searches "about.config" when I enter it in my address bar.

When I enter "about.config" in the address bar, it searches it instead and I can't get to the about.config page. I thought maybe it was the search extension I was using b… (funda kabanzi)

When I enter "about.config" in the address bar, it searches it instead and I can't get to the about.config page. I thought maybe it was the search extension I was using but when I changed it, the problem persisted. Is there a way to fix this or at least a way to get to the page?

Asked by username_22222222155152653476547u 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by James 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Ctrl+K and Enter does not open the search engine page anymore

I don't want my search queries to be saved in the firefox search bar. I usually open a new tab with Ctrl+T, hit Ctrl+K to go to the search bar and hit enter without any k… (funda kabanzi)

I don't want my search queries to be saved in the firefox search bar. I usually open a new tab with Ctrl+T, hit Ctrl+K to go to the search bar and hit enter without any keywords. This opens the search engine page (in my case google.com)

Now hitting enter with an empty search bar does nothing. Started happening with the new version 128.

Is there a shortcut alternative to opening the search engine in a new tab?

Asked by Ansive 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by TechHorse 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Website Claims Affiliation

Verification of website says part of innovation project with Mozzilla A new A.I. site popped up called Solo which lists it as "a Mozilla Innovation Project" focused on de… (funda kabanzi)

Verification of website says part of innovation project with Mozzilla A new A.I. site popped up called Solo which lists it as "a Mozilla Innovation Project" focused on developing an AI website builder for solopreneurs for free. The site is SOLO.ai and I need to know if this is affiliated with the "Mozilla Innovation Project" that the site says is part of mozilla? The person that corresponded with me is a Raj Singh

Asked by TS MP 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by James 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

https://www.qianli.cn/ Peer’s Certificate has expired. HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false Certificate chain: BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----… (funda kabanzi)


Peer’s Certificate has expired.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:


MIIF+DCCBOCgAwIBAgIQDsrm2CMWLJceuGGH8DSfdjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBu MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMS0wKwYDVQQDEyRFbmNyeXB0aW9uIEV2ZXJ5d2hlcmUg RFYgVExTIENBIC0gRzEwHhcNMjMwNDA0MDAwMDAwWhcNMjQwNDAzMjM1OTU5WjAY MRYwFAYDVQQDEw13d3cucWlhbmxpLmNuMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEAsLAgIWDq0900wurriva7S5DubRJDSXMtXEWowLd3bBLXqb+Px1u5 doSiUYdnPWruXWC2ErF/+TDnuiUA24fggHZO5F7g3239Ds5M4/wo8w3qcGQscpDo aDBFkAYER52K89G3OG9AQj+vhcsoITo1URnYOfdcd2xDyngDTj+8cuHrQmnoVyTr 0pthnV1BvLKb+AGCAF3r009lop+8nJeXp5ueIGrKZDNqAcaAjk4tS4TgmGsPVs5Q 1ykokmE4mYks2O2SQssstl8moRMeaOVIvk/LxjRReE/+IQzFg5QQ33ogrNURbjf7 rI1SzM8nMJL6sJ6eTrrBSLgKvC0oH9/KfQIDAQABo4IC5jCCAuIwHwYDVR0jBBgw FoAUVXRPsnJP9WC6UNHX5lFcmgGHGtcwHQYDVR0OBBYEFHMmIunzCGLpawy8trsX TQiIrotbMCMGA1UdEQQcMBqCDXd3dy5xaWFubGkuY26CCXFpYW5saS5jbjAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwHQYDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMD4GA1Ud IAQ3MDUwMwYGZ4EMAQIBMCkwJwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWG2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNl cnQuY29tL0NQUzCBgAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEdDByMCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8v b2NzcC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20wSgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGPmh0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLmRp Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9FbmNyeXB0aW9uRXZlcnl3aGVyZURWVExTQ0EtRzEuY3J0MAkG A1UdEwQCMAAwggF8BgorBgEEAdZ5AgQCBIIBbASCAWgBZgB1AO7N0GTV2xrOxVy3 nbTNE6Iyh0Z8vOzew1FIWUZxH7WbAAABh0rqWlcAAAQDAEYwRAIgL5rjkdkVYGhN VlBkab0r0sr7nygDvQkv3beblSpNekQCIFcOxeezE72pAk7AGqWFdOpU9LwNqT8l EzBE4UXsxyYiAHUASLDja9qmRzQP5WoC+p0w6xxSActW3SyB2bu/qznYhHMAAAGH SupaDwAABAMARjBEAiBP0WiMdBY2MYWNyGvCfbT33gJ5O8lYE6alqGlrmFvshQIg KEfdNTe+K+UXNmy7OFCxmQOlpa8TOvLntLKRECq1iygAdgDatr9rP7W2Ip+bwrtc a+hwkXFsu1GEhTS9pD0wSNf7qwAAAYdK6lnYAAAEAwBHMEUCIQD73BPGA2+fLaZr AIxaDhfEIRzAxUW4BEZ3T7Uw9mt64QIgRF1wL8BUIwPllaWBbYQ8NWiqYDY+JDmh 3z3dFRZwkUowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAJ1kBnuAeQ9Gy2mENF4M0GVyfYTx xg6XZaIKIe2wE3+o88qSjc5loBGoauEpenoh1MKDhtu4Qjfe0RlGiAUpZeyfHaTk ucxjrEYlkthpIjPtnJA19veqyhZYecOojWYenQ+7Ya/uKhja9rATAtXafMm+PbCJ w8gr5mcZBC6zuy3yaPGeojMe4+sZXg5Qo1T1sUr2w3EkdU6pn4/kuSfjJ6FxNtMX t/Hjd8P4vdjM4X+TtjswZBechj1hV5lLbNTiG0LlchlYVPoxcFCcr18XkaMikYPj sBdqOEZyC421yzOw+wb3RGCohoNGE0qlEqTHC+7kzHb3+HLdqes43rr9UuY=




Asked by Golden Farm 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by TyDraniu 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Serious New Privacy Issue

I recently got seriously worried when I became aware about the new AI firewalls these days, which monitors or inspect SSL encrypted packets, before the packets reach to t… (funda kabanzi)

I recently got seriously worried when I became aware about the new AI firewalls these days, which monitors or inspect SSL encrypted packets, before the packets reach to the main website. These new AI firewall systems are installed in some countries by their governments to suppress free speech, or just spy on its people. These firewalls, as you may already know, uses DPI-SSL system, which decrypts packets traveling from user to the main website. To decrypt the HTTPS packets, these firewalls uses its own self signed CA certificates. So I am asking the firefox developers, that why you guys allow this privacy issue? Does the packets sent from a firefoxe browser to other websites are also decrypted, by these firewalls? If yes, then why you guys allow this? Firefox must ONLY allow a specific CA certificate made for firefox browser only. Firefox browser must never let other third party softwares, or any software, to decrypt its encrypted packets. This is a serious privacy issue. With these firewalls, they can see what users write in chats, or posts, they can see witch content we are watching on a website, they can see who we follow on social media platforms, they can see which content or posts we like and etc. Even passwords are not safe anymore, which e use for any website of platform. When passwords are not safe, so does our accounts of various websites. This is a serious privacy breach.

These firewalls is a weapon for those countries which want to suppress free speech or suppress opposition sides in a government or spy on its own people.

Please let me know if I am mistaken or my concerns are genuine.

Asked by Ivonik Zoraf 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by James Martin 1 inyanga edlule