When I right click a tab and select Bookmark Tab, the "Location" is preselected from one of my existing bookmark folders/locations. I thought it might adapt to the most r… (funda kabanzi)
When I right click a tab and select Bookmark Tab, the "Location" is preselected from one of my existing bookmark folders/locations. I thought it might adapt to the most recent or most often selected folder; however, it seems to present the same "default" location every time I bookmark a tab - a folder I have not barely used in months. I realize I can select another folder, but it is annoying for it to select the LEAST used and my personal least favorite folder EVERY TIME, for MONTHS.
1) Is there a way to select which folder it preloads to save bookmarks to?
2) Why is it selecting THAT folder?
3) If there is no way to set a folder, is there a way to reset it or something? ANY other folder to default to would be less annoying. I do not understand why it seems "stuck" on this folder and will not preload ANY other folder from the dozens of folders.
Thanks in advance for any help!