Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

I want to write an addon firewall but it fails

!/bin/bash Verzeichnis erstellen mkdir FoxyAddOnFirewall cd FoxyAddOnFirewall || exit package.json erstellen cat <<EOF > package.json { "title": "… (funda kabanzi)

  1. !/bin/bash
  1. Verzeichnis erstellen

mkdir FoxyAddOnFirewall cd FoxyAddOnFirewall || exit

  1. package.json erstellen

cat <<EOF > package.json {

 "title": "Foxy AddOn Firewall",
 "name": "foxy-addon-firewall",
 "description": "A Firefox addon to control internet access for other addons",
 "author": "Your Name",
 "version": "1.0.0",
 "license": "MIT"


  1. background.js erstellen

cat <<EOF > background.js var permissionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"]


// Addon-Liste abrufen function getAllAddons() {

   var {AddonManager} = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", {});
   return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
       AddonManager.getAllAddons(function(addons) {


// GUI aktualisieren function updateUI() {

   getAllAddons().then(function(addons) {
       var addonList = document.getElementById("addon-list");
       addonList.innerHTML = ""; // Zurücksetzen der Liste
       addons.forEach(function(addon) {
           var listItem = document.createElement("li");
           listItem.textContent = addon.name;
           var blockButton = document.createElement("button");
           blockButton.textContent = "Block";
           blockButton.addEventListener("click", function() {


// Internetzugriff für ein bestimmtes Addon blockieren function blockInternetAccessForAddon(addon) {

   var host = addon.getResourceURI("").host;
   permissionManager.remove(host, "allAccess");
   console.log("Internetzugriff für " + addon.name + " wurde blockiert.");


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

   updateUI(); // GUI beim Laden der Seite aktualisieren

}); EOF

  1. index.html erstellen

cat <<EOF > index.html <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Foxy AddOn Firewall</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

Foxy AddOn Firewall

Welcome to Foxy AddOn Firewall!

Installed Addons:

<script src="background.js"></script> EOF

  1. style.css erstellen

cat <<EOF > style.css body {

 font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
 background-color: #f0f0f0;
 text-align: center;


h1 {

 color: #007bff;


h2 {

 margin-top: 20px;


ul {

 list-style-type: none;
 padding: 0;


li {

 margin-bottom: 10px;


button {

 background-color: #007bff;
 color: white;
 border: none;
 padding: 5px 10px;
 border-radius: 5px;
 cursor: pointer;


button:hover {

 background-color: #0056b3;


  1. manifest.json erstellen

cat <<EOF > manifest.json {

 "manifest_version": 2,
 "name": "Foxy AddOn Firewall",
 "version": "1.0",
 "description": "A Firefox addon to control internet access for other addons",
 "icons": {
   "48": "icon.png"
 "permissions": [
 "browser_action": {
   "default_popup": "index.html",
   "default_icon": "icon.png"


  1. Icon herunterladen

wget -O icon.png "https://img.icons8.com/ios-filled/50/000000/firewall.png"

  1. Installationsanweisungen anzeigen

echo "FoxyAddOnFirewall wurde erfolgreich initialisiert!" echo "Um das Addon in Firefox zu installieren:" echo "1. Öffnen Sie Firefox und geben Sie 'about:debugging' in die Adressleiste ein." echo "2. Klicken Sie auf 'Dieses Firefox installieren' unter 'Temporäre Add-ons laden'." echo "3. Navigieren Sie zum Verzeichnis 'FoxyAddOnFirewall' und wählen Sie die 'manifest.json' Datei aus." echo "4. Das Addon wird nun installiert und kann verwendet werden."

Asked by j.sobiech 25 imizuzu edlule

Save one autofill entry for usernames across all sites?

I have a unique annoyance wherein I use a considerably long email address for many sites. I've gotten tired of typing it out whenever it comes up and wish for it to be pr… (funda kabanzi)

I have a unique annoyance wherein I use a considerably long email address for many sites. I've gotten tired of typing it out whenever it comes up and wish for it to be preserved as an autofill across all sites so I no longer have to, similar to how your phone may suggest your email address in autocomplete.

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, you can only manually add autofills for specific sites and with password attached. So my question is, is there a way to make the address be a suggested autofill on username/email address boxes across all sites?

(not interested in having form history saved, just want this one specific form entry)

Asked by ballakoala 4 amahora adlule

recover passwords file

Hi, i locked my pc few days ago due to smart windows not recognizing my ( correct password ) repeatedly. anyway, im still trying to find a way to solve this issue. now, … (funda kabanzi)

Hi, i locked my pc few days ago due to smart windows not recognizing my ( correct password ) repeatedly. anyway, im still trying to find a way to solve this issue.

now, i created an admin windows account get access to my old user files, found the bookmarks file. the only thing left for me now is the passwords file.i did not a Firefox online account before today

the only way currently if i did not solve the wind10 login issue is the find the passwords file physically just like i did with the bookmarks file.

can anyone help with this ??


Asked by OMVW 13 amahora adlule