I would bookmark a page by clicking on the star and ensuring it turns blue. There's a pop-up that i will check to confirm the bookmark's location. But when I click on th… (funda kabanzi)
I would bookmark a page by clicking on the star and ensuring it turns blue. There's a pop-up that i will check to confirm the bookmark's location. But when I click on the bookmark file with the correct labeled location, the bookmarked page doesn't appear.
However, it will appear if I manually drag the bookmarked page and put it under the labeled location file. Either way, when I click on the 3 stacked bars> bookmarks >search bookmarks > type in the website name, the page will appear with a blue star.
Instead of relying on manually bookmarking pages, how can i ensure the bookmarked page appears in the correct location when I simply tap the star icon?
In the first image, you can see I bookmarked a reddit page under "MCAT Stuff". In the second image, you can see the page is still bookmarked, but under the "MCAT Stuff" bookmark, the page doesn't appear.