- Kusonjululiwe
- Okugcinwe kunqolobane
Shortcut key for screenshot
Hello, after the recent update, the default keyboard shortcut for screenshot (Ctrl+Shift+S) stop working. Any ideas how to fix this?
Hello, after the recent update, the default keyboard shortcut for screenshot (Ctrl+Shift+S) stop working. Any ideas how to fix this?
I recently switched over to using an SSD, and I am trying to do everything I can to prevent unnecessary writing to that drive. I've already found instructions for moving … (funda kabanzi)
I recently switched over to using an SSD, and I am trying to do everything I can to prevent unnecessary writing to that drive. I've already found instructions for moving the location of Firefox's Cache files to my secondary HDD, but I haven't been able to do the same for Cookies; they're still being stored on my C: drive, in the AppData folder.
Is it possible to change the path that Firefox uses to store Cookies? If it is possible, how?
My USB connected mouse no longer scrolls in Firefox. The mouse is working correctly in other programmes eg: Thunderbird and other web browsers. Can you sugest possible s… (funda kabanzi)
My USB connected mouse no longer scrolls in Firefox. The mouse is working correctly in other programmes eg: Thunderbird and other web browsers. Can you sugest possible solutions please. I am using the latest Firefox update with the latest available windows 10 update . Many thanks Keith Carpenter
I can't scroll up and down using my mouse scroll in firefox while it works well in other software. When I turn on trouble shooting mode, it works.
Does anyone know how I an shift the icons for the add-ons back towards the left? As for some unknown reason, they have magically appeared towards the middle. I have atta… (funda kabanzi)
Does anyone know how I an shift the icons for the add-ons back towards the left? As for some unknown reason, they have magically appeared towards the middle.
I have attached an image and the problem is highlighted in red.
I just installed a fresh copy of Windows 11 and last Firefox, and get some weird rendering of letters on some websites. It seems that the end of a letter is bolded so to … (funda kabanzi)
I just installed a fresh copy of Windows 11 and last Firefox, and get some weird rendering of letters on some websites. It seems that the end of a letter is bolded so to speak (screenshot attached). Also, there is an unnatural widening between the lines of text on the same websites (screenshot attached). This does not appear on other browsers. What can I do to correct it?
I recently reset my password for my Walmart account. After doing this, I logged out and attempted to log back in. Strangely, the log in page appeared more as a "create a… (funda kabanzi)
I recently reset my password for my Walmart account. After doing this, I logged out and attempted to log back in.
Strangely, the log in page appeared more as a "create account" page, that is to say, it asked for an email, my full name, and to create a password.
I called support while still sitting on the page, we reasoned that if I tired to "create account" with my existing email that I was using, logically, i would get an error saying that I already had an account using that email, so I continued and to my surprise--I logged in.
However, I cannot view any of my personal information, nor the items I had saved in my cart or any type of payment information.
Mind you, I had an conflict with the Feb update to Firefox and Walmart which was similar except that I can see the image of a cart on the cart and purchase history page, at that time there were no images, but it seemed to sort itself out over a couple of hours.
As with that error, I logged into Walmart with Chrome, using the new password and am able to view all my information. I can also log into the ap with my new password, and view all my information. I simply can't log into it with Firefox and see anything, it's almost as if did create a new accoiunt, except that I can log in with the new password and view all my information in Chrome and the ap on myh phone.
To sum it up, I changed the password in Firefox, the new password works in all three cases except in Firefox I cannot view my personal information.
I do not have a screenshot of the page when I first tried to log back in with Firefox, though it was odd and somewhat unexpected.d The only way to change my password now is in Chrome, or the ap, so I cannot say if that screen would appear again or not or what would happen.
Nevertheless, I understand that Walmart.com has become a "known issue" for a lot of people. I contacted, supposedly, their IT support and was told that it would probably fix itself, more or less.
Still, I thought to post this just in case.
Thank you.
Dear Firefox Support, I am writing to report an issue that I encountered while attempting to recover my bookmarks in Firefox. After reinstalling Windows, I installed Fir… (funda kabanzi)
Dear Firefox Support,
I am writing to report an issue that I encountered while attempting to recover my bookmarks in Firefox. After reinstalling Windows, I installed Firefox on my new system and attempted to retrieve my saved pages. While browsing through the settings, I discovered a backup recovery button in the bookmarks section and assumed it would restore my previous session in Firefox. Unfortunately, this action deleted all my saved bookmarks and set them to the default settings.
I am extremely disappointed and upset about losing all of my bookmarks, and I am hoping that you can assist me in recovering them. Additionally, I have been unable to locate any method of restoring my saved pages, and I would appreciate your advice on this matter as well.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to retrieve my lost bookmarks and recover my saved pages. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Hi, I have been using an extension that helps with my school's website for years and now for some reason it has been taken off the firefox store. It's still up on chrome … (funda kabanzi)
Hi, I have been using an extension that helps with my school's website for years and now for some reason it has been taken off the firefox store. It's still up on chrome and edge and all of the Dev's other add-ons are still up, its only this one on firefox. I emailed the dev and he sent me the zip file and I've been having to install it as a temporary add-on with the .json file every time i open firefox and its getting really annoying after a year of doing this. How can I just install it permenantly?
I am getting repeated pop-up windows that say that Firefox has crashed, but Firefox is not running on my system. It is not in the Startups and I rarely use it. Windows … (funda kabanzi)
I am getting repeated pop-up windows that say that Firefox has crashed, but Firefox is not running on my system. It is not in the Startups and I rarely use it.
Windows 10 Firefox v110.0
Is this malicious not related to Firefox? Does Firefox have a background task that is not visible on Task Manager? Or what?
AdapterDeviceID: 0x1f82 AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterSubsysID: 11573842 AdapterVendorID: 0x10de Add-ons: %7B242af0bb-db11-4734-b7a0-61cb8a9b20fb%7D:2.5.3,formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,screenshots%40mozilla.org:39.0.1,webcompat%40mozilla.org:110.0.0,default-theme%40mozilla.org:1.3,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,amazondotcom%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.2,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,ebay%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0 AvailablePageFile: 7892074496 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 11065737216 AvailableVirtualMemory: 138531183984640 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BlockedDllList: BuildID: 20230214051806 CPUMicrocodeVersion: 0xcc ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 6 ContentSandboxWin32kState: Win32k Lockdown enabled -- default value is true CrashTime: 1677810693 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true ExperimentalFeatures: devtools.inspector.compatibility.enabled GPUProcessLaunchCount: 1 GPUProcessStatus: Destroyed GpuSandboxLevel: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1677733484 LauncherProcessState: 0 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Malwarebytes Inc.":["mbae64.dll"],"Microsoft Corporation":["VCRUNTIME140_1.dll","msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll"],"Microsoft Windows":["bcrypt.dll","clbcatq.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","setupapi.dll","linkinfo.dll","explorerframe.dll","ktmw32.dll","dataexchange.dll","twinapi.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","directmanipulation.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","DWrite.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","icm32.dll","wscapi.dll","InputHost.dll","textinputframework.dll","Windows.UI.dll","BCP47mrm.dll","NapiNSP.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","winrnr.dll","wshbth.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","dbgcore.dll","iertutil.dll","wsock32.dll","srvcli.dll","urlmon.dll","webauthn.dll","wininet.dll","msxml6.dll","dbghelp.dll","FWPUCLNT.DLL","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","rasadhlp.dll","winmm.dll","ColorAdapterClient.dll","mscms.dll","winhttp.dll","cryptnet.dll","MMDevAPI.dll","AudioSes.dll","WindowManagementAPI.dll","winnsi.dll","npmproxy.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","avrt.dll","version.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","netprofm.dll","taskschd.dll","nlaapi.dll","propsys.dll","wtsapi32.dll","d3d11.dll","WinTypes.dll","dcomp.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","CoreMessaging.dll","uxtheme.dll","dwmapi.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","windows.storage.dll","gpapi.dll","dxgi.dll","winsta.dll","rsaenh.dll","ntmarta.dll","umpdc.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","dnsapi.dll","netutils.dll","powrprof.dll","mswsock.dll","cryptbase.dll","cryptsp.dll","wldp.dll","ntasn1.dll","ncrypt.dll","msasn1.dll","devobj.dll","sspicli.dll","userenv.dll","profapi.dll","ucrtbase.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","gdi32full.dll","crypt32.dll","msvcp_win.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","win32u.dll","wintrust.dll","kernel32.dll","gdi32.dll","nsi.dll","imagehlp.dll","shlwapi.dll","ole32.dll","user32.dll","combase.dll","psapi.dll","ws2_32.dll","SHCore.dll","msctf.dll","imm32.dll","advapi32.dll","shell32.dll","rpcrt4.dll","msvcrt.dll","sechost.dll","oleaut32.dll","ntdll.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["firefox.exe","xul.dll","nss3.dll","freebl3.dll","nssckbi.dll","mozglue.dll","osclientcerts.dll","softokn3.dll","lgpllibs.dll"]} MozCrashReason: Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread. Notes: FP(D00-L1000-W0000100-T000) DWrite? DWrite+ WR? 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MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP] : 2 : 2 : 2 : 17 : 0x20609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IP] : 2 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0x20066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x20609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 AF_UNIX : 2 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : a00943d9-9c2e-4633-9b59-0057a3160994 RSVP TCPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0x22066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a RSVP TCP Service Provider : 2 : 2 : 1 : 6 : 0x22066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a RSVP UDPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a RSVP UDP Service Provider : 2 : 2 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a Hyper-V RAW : 2 : 34 : 1 : 1 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 1234191b-4bf7-4ca7-86e0-dfd7c32b5445 MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 256 : 0x20006 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a MSAFD RfComm [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 3 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll : : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a
XPCOMSpinEventLoopStack: default: nsThread::Shutdown: BitsCommander useragent_locale: en-US
This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.
Hi, I recently needed to wipe my drive and reinstall my windows install. Since i was connected to a Firefox account and enabled sync i thought that all my extensions and … (funda kabanzi)
Hi, I recently needed to wipe my drive and reinstall my windows install. Since i was connected to a Firefox account and enabled sync i thought that all my extensions and bookmarks would show up when i logged back in on my newly reset computer. But problem is that i just logged in and nothing is sync, i lost everything! Is there any way to get it back somehow or is everything lost?
Thank you!
Two updates ago, I had an issue where if I used any Google web products, I had weird network problems that just didn't go away (4000ms ping spikes every 5 packets). I not… (funda kabanzi)
Two updates ago, I had an issue where if I used any Google web products, I had weird network problems that just didn't go away (4000ms ping spikes every 5 packets). I noticed it was only when I was using Firefox, so i tried disabling add-ons and extensions, it still happened. I opened it in safe mode, it still happened. I tried using Chrome and Edge, both did not cause issues.
I reset my Firefox completely (There was some custom CSS to put tabs on bottom, where they belong) and it was perfectly fine! No issues! Everything was great for a few days!
Then you guys updated things again... and it was back... so I reset my Firefox again, and even straight out of the box, its still causing the issue, but now only when using google products, with or without add-ons, there is no custom CSS anymore either.
I do not know why its an issue, but it is, and it is ONLY with Firefox, and I really do not want to switch to Chrome or Edge... It also persists after Google is closed, until I restart Firefox.
I am unsure of specifically why this is happening now, but it is a MAJOR problem for me
I really often need to copy/paste from a terminal opened in my browser. Because the shortcut for copying in a terminal is always Ctrl+Shift+C, it's a mess to have instea… (funda kabanzi)
I really often need to copy/paste from a terminal opened in my browser. Because the shortcut for copying in a terminal is always Ctrl+Shift+C, it's a mess to have instead Firefox opening Inspector from devtools.
How can I disable this shortcut ?
I've tried to update some about:config settings but it doesn't seem to be helpful and old working correctives add-ons are not supported anymore.
Outlook.com email service has stopped responding to clicks on "Inbox". First attempt opens the Inbox, all other clicks to go back to the "Inbox" do not work. The only way… (funda kabanzi)
Outlook.com email service has stopped responding to clicks on "Inbox". First attempt opens the Inbox, all other clicks to go back to the "Inbox" do not work. The only way to go back to the "Inbox" is to use the back arrow in the browser, or click on "Sent"(or another file)...then click on "Inbox". The cycle continues. Been like this since I updated to 110.0.1 (64bit)
bold text I need to save all of my bookmarks and history so I can add them back in after wiping and reinstalling Windows 10 and then reinstalling Firefox on my computer. … (funda kabanzi)
bold text I need to save all of my bookmarks and history so I can add them back in after wiping and reinstalling Windows 10 and then reinstalling Firefox on my computer. How do I do that?
How can you help me with my hacker who is in my phone Larry Hal
These websites won't play audio or video in Firefox 110.0.1, they work in Chrome 110.0.5481.177 https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/livestream/audio/stubru/ When I click the Play b… (funda kabanzi)
These websites won't play audio or video in Firefox 110.0.1, they work in Chrome 110.0.5481.177
https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/livestream/audio/stubru/ When I click the Play button I get an error "Oops, something went wrong, error code 200" which seems to be a general error code. In Chrome the music starts playing instantly.
https://f1tv.formula1.com/ I have a subscription but video won't play. I can press the Play button, sometimes I see a preloader but the screen stays black, no audio or video. In Chrome the content just starts playing, be it live or recorded content.
Steps I took to get audio/video working inb Firefox, but to no avail:
run above websites in private tabs download Firefox again and run it from its folder in Downloads start Firefox in Troubelshoot mode start Firefox in Troubleshoot mode and Refresh Firefox disabled / enabled Plugin Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc disabled / enabled Play DRM-controlled content in Settings disabled / enabled Enhanced Tracking protection disablde / enabled allow media autoplay
In other discussions it was opted to remove the PulseAudio config by running the below command and rebooting rm ~/.config/pulse/*
Any help to get this working again would be greatly appreciated!
My homepage has shortcut links to various sites. Those which I visit frequently I have pinned to the page. I would like to be able to add and pin other websites to the p… (funda kabanzi)
My homepage has shortcut links to various sites. Those which I visit frequently I have pinned to the page. I would like to be able to add and pin other websites to the page. The only option that appears to available is to go through all the unwanted ones to dismiss them and wait on serendipity to produce the ones I want to keep. All the advice online to the same question is support for Android.
duplicate of /questions/1407046 thread. I downloaded Firefox vpn for Android, but when I try to sign up and sign in as a guest I get an error message saying invalid API… (funda kabanzi)
duplicate of /questions/1407046 thread.
I downloaded Firefox vpn for Android, but when I try to sign up and sign in as a guest I get an error message saying invalid API key
I've attached an image of what's happening to me. Since last update, the toolbar is 50% allocated to blank space which cannot be used. For example, I cannot drag to res… (funda kabanzi)
I've attached an image of what's happening to me. Since last update, the toolbar is 50% allocated to blank space which cannot be used.
For example, I cannot drag to resize the search box across to the left side of the toolbar (which is where I like it), nor can any item be dragged or placed there.
I'm pondering (if I know how) installing an older version and preventing updates etc.
Is there another solution? Is anyone else seeing this?
Any tips would be hugely appreciated.
Cheers, Matt (Australia)