Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

Corruption of emails when transferring them from Inbox to another folder

Last night, after transferring several emails from my Inbox to another folder listed in the left sidebar, I later discovered that they were corrupted and looked like this… (funda kabanzi)

Last night, after transferring several emails from my Inbox to another folder listed in the left sidebar, I later discovered that they were corrupted and looked like this:

Received: by 2002:a05:6830:c8b:b0:70f:5b16:394e with SMTP id bn11csp798892otb;

       Thu, 29 Aug 2024 11:10:24 -0700 (PDT)

X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IH2nbVZyZiCOmfmlo//5s738npdwGHURCCYVNOi/7sQnA0yXsht4BSfL7lfN+f3jqO7thY/ X-Received: by 2002:a05:620a:448a:b0:79f:1352:8318 with SMTP id af79cd13be357-7a8084a6ee2mr565344185a.4.1724955024593;

       Thu, 29 Aug 2024 11:10:24 -0700 (PDT)

ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1724955024; cv=none;

       d=google.com; s=arc-20160816;

Now, that is not happening. What did happen, and how can I get them back in their proper form?

Asked by jinkem 5 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

corrupted emails

I received on 2024-09-25 about a dozen messages from various senders in my Thunderbird mailer from the University of Calgary mail system, around 2 p.m. and at least 50 em… (funda kabanzi)

I received on 2024-09-25 about a dozen messages from various senders in my Thunderbird mailer from the University of Calgary mail system, around 2 p.m. and at least 50 emails in about a 12-hour period starting on Sept. 19 at about 2 a.m. that had recognizable sender names and subject lines as well as time and date stamps, but were either replaced by text from emails sent years earlier or corrupted (encoded?) in some way. For example, the email below was supposed to be from "Physics and Astronomy general announcements" on 2014-09-25, 2:15 p.m. but note the date in the header. This corruption of new emails is happening at irregular intervals, and I would very much like to know why and how to stop it from occurring. It seems to me that there is replacement of the contents of new emails with old, possibly compacted, email contents, if that makes any sense. Emails read on my account at the University of Calgary webmail system shows no such corruption, so it appears to be a problem on my Thundermail mailer. Look I like to use Thunderbird as opposed to a clunky Microsoft system, so

any help would be appreciated.  Thanks for your attention.  

- Gene Milone encl.: "On 2024-09-25 2:15 p.m., Physics and Astronomy general announcements wrote: > --_004_a2e30ad69a88a96097bdb50ed206edaeucalgaryca_ > Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name="milone.vcf" > Content-Description: milone.vcf > Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="milone.vcf"; size=456; > creation-date="Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:37:05 GMT"; > modification-date="Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:37:05 GMT" > Content-ID: <6D8F7C2F6E8D294BB4BD7D7080C00767@CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 > > YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCmZuOkRyLiBFLiBGLiAgTWlsb25lDQpuOk1pbG9uZTtEci4gRS4gRi4gDQpl > bWFpbDtpbnRlcm5ldDptaWxvbmVAdWNhbGdhcnkuY2ENCnRlbDt3b3JrOjQwMy0yMjAtNTQxMg0K > dGVsO2ZheDo0MDMtMjg5LTMzMzENCnZlcnNpb246Mi4xDQplbmQ6dmNhcmQNCg0K >

Asked by milone1 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Thunderbird 128.3.3 esr - using Gmail account - some email messages are blank when viewed in thunderbird

Assisting a friend - she is viewing and composing her emails from thunderbird utilising her gmail account amongst others. Occasionally clicking on the required email rev… (funda kabanzi)

Assisting a friend - she is viewing and composing her emails from thunderbird utilising her gmail account amongst others. Occasionally clicking on the required email reveals a blank message and no attachment if there is one. This randomly happens for inbox and sent messages.

Please see images below:- 1. search result 2 & 3 selecting the required message 4. blank message as described 5. Same message directly in Gmail

Thank you in advance for any help

Asked by winston.charles 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by igor.note 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Truncation of long incoming messages

For the past couple of weeks many of my messages I recieved through Thunderbird have been truncated with "</blockquote></div> --0000000000007051e60614c5493… (funda kabanzi)

For the past couple of weeks many of my messages I recieved through Thunderbird have been truncated with


--0000000000007051e60614c54939-- " I have to go to K9 to read the message. Can you suggest a course of action I can take to rectify the problem?

Asked by art70 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

view screen no longer coming up in readable format

The view panel no longer shows my email in a viewable way, but like this: "<-- table align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="… (funda kabanzi)

The view panel no longer shows my email in a viewable way, but like this:

"<-- table align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="fluid" role="presentation" width="160">

<tr> <td align="center" style="padding: 20px 0 0 0"> < -- h2 class="center-mobile" style="margin: 0; font-family: 'Merriweather', serif; text-align: left; font-size: 22px; line-height: 26px; font-weight: 400; color: #000000;"><a href="https://links.e.sherwin-williams.com/ctt?ms=MjEwMzg3MzUS1&kn=8&r=NTE4NDMwNTQ1MDY1S0&b=0&j=MjQyMDY0NjE3MgS2&mt=1&rt=0" name="www_sherwin_williams_com_homeowners_3" style="color: #000000; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">Loggia </a></h2> </td>"

I must have changed a setting and don't know where to begin to correct it! Thanks!

[edited to not make a mess of the display]

Asked by strongtummies 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Thunderbird Message Displays Incorrectly

This does not happen all the time. Every once in a while, Thunderbird downloads messages and they display only with the html tags. I'm not sure if this is a bug or some… (funda kabanzi)

This does not happen all the time. Every once in a while, Thunderbird downloads messages and they display only with the html tags. I'm not sure if this is a bug or something on my end. I use imap. This hasn't always occurred, just the last month or so and like I said, it doesn't happen all the time.

Asked by colleen.beamer 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Thunderbird recurring problem - Incoming mails are "mixed up"

hello! I am struggling with a problem with the newest version of Thunderbird running on Windows 11 and one IMAP mailbox. Thunderbird was running fine for at least a year… (funda kabanzi)


I am struggling with a problem with the newest version of Thunderbird running on Windows 11 and one IMAP mailbox. Thunderbird was running fine for at least a year however some months ago, I guess after an update but dont know for sure, weird stuff started happening: Incoming mails where "mixed up" so clicking on mails opened different mails, mails that certainly had attachments where shown not to have attachments and sometimes mails where shown in raw source code form instead of properly rendered with formatting and just the mail text etc. I didnt really find anything searching around for those symptoms on the Internet, but it seemed like something was damaged so I right clicked the inbox folder and repaired it and the problems seemed to be gone for 1-2 weeks, however now they are back. Is this known and how to get to the bottom of this? Thanks for any help and suggestions.

thanks, Paul

Asked by paul652 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule


Hi, some of the emails over the last couple of weeks (maybe 5%) are coming through on my PC as code and are not legible (3 emails this morning). They come through perfect… (funda kabanzi)

Hi, some of the emails over the last couple of weeks (maybe 5%) are coming through on my PC as code and are not legible (3 emails this morning). They come through perfectly in Gmail on my phone.

Asked by office836 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Thunderbird email

Sometimes when my email is downloading from my server (Spectrum) to Thunderbird, I receive the following gibberish when I open the messages: --_004_SA9PR09MB6013C660D2A5… (funda kabanzi)

Sometimes when my email is downloading from my server (Spectrum) to Thunderbird, I receive the following gibberish when I open the messages:


I have tried rebooting, but the same thing happens. It is not a persistent problem, but enough to be annoying and I have lost the email content. Thanks


Asked by brecca 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Cannot display emails

Good morning. When I try to display emails, I get one line '--000000000000309932061dfc01b6--' This happened to about 12 emails this morning and to others recently. Pleas… (funda kabanzi)

Good morning. When I try to display emails, I get one line '--000000000000309932061dfc01b6--' This happened to about 12 emails this morning and to others recently. Please can you give me a solution. I am running Thunderbird Nebula 128.3.3esr (64-bit)

Asked by Russ 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

email messages incoming _Part_308474_628599457.1715177352059-- say this.

_Part_308474_628599457.1715177352059-- This is on all me new emails. Don't have any content for any emails. What is wrong. I had this happen last weekend also. Lori Kabe… (funda kabanzi)

_Part_308474_628599457.1715177352059-- This is on all me new emails. Don't have any content for any emails. What is wrong. I had this happen last weekend also. Lori Kabere

Asked by Lori Kaber 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Cannot see some email

Hi, This morning I have opened my email and it was working fine. Suddenly, I have stopped seeing some emails. Now I just can see this message: --xUTmK=_pnkMxTM5AqhuhbWKi… (funda kabanzi)


This morning I have opened my email and it was working fine. Suddenly, I have stopped seeing some emails. Now I just can see this message: --xUTmK=_pnkMxTM5AqhuhbWKiNOYkQ9xnqY--

But this morning I have seen and read these emails!

Same issue with 10 different emails from different accounts. All emails have same error text inside (--xUTmK=_pnkMxTM5AqhuhbWKiNOYkQ9xnqY--)

Please see image attached.

Best regards, Alba

Asked by Mavi Gutierrez Garcia 4 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule

All email disappeared from folder after trying to repair folder

All email disappeared from folder after trying to repair folder. TB has been extremely dysfunctional to the point where I haven't been able to use it at all. I have been … (funda kabanzi)

All email disappeared from folder after trying to repair folder. TB has been extremely dysfunctional to the point where I haven't been able to use it at all. I have been trying to diagnose the problem and following steps here https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Memory_Usage_Problems as previously suggested. I tried repairing and all mail has now disappeared, further compounding the dysfunctional behaviour of TB and the daunting task to try and get TB fixed. Help/advice much appreciated.

128.3.3esr (64-bit)

Asked by XyzM8 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Wayne Mery 3 izinyanga ezidlule