I am trying to download Firefox on my cell phone, but google said that I must have a account with them first.
I am trying to download Firefox on my cell phone, but google said that I must have a account with them first.
I am trying to download Firefox on my cell phone, but google said that I must have a account with them first.
(sorry for my bad English) I delete and again install Firefox, and after this if I open tabs (Youtube, etc) and close browser, tabs doesn't restore and showing default 1 … (funda kabanzi)
(sorry for my bad English) I delete and again install Firefox, and after this if I open tabs (Youtube, etc) and close browser, tabs doesn't restore and showing default 1 search tab Firefox. Setting to restore tabs enabled, but not working, lile a method with about:setting. I will be grateful for help.
I want to install Firefox on my kindle so I have all my passwords avaible
Google will not allow download
Do I need a Firefox update
I just installes the Mozilla on my new phone. It won't let me turn the on switch on .
Can’t download Firefox on my iPhone 10
My company purchased a chrome OS touch screen TV for trade shows. The firefox app installed appears to be the Chinese version (.cn). When I try to sign in it continues … (funda kabanzi)
My company purchased a chrome OS touch screen TV for trade shows.
The firefox app installed appears to be the Chinese version (.cn). When I try to sign in it continues to direct me to the .cn sign in page. The app is updated. The largest issue here is the .cn domain does not appear to recognize the .com accounts, as it says I do not have an account on mozilla.
Any thoughts on how to force the device to recognize it is no longer in China?
'Hiw to use firefox search without downloading the app
Unable to download firfox private browser nor in my phone nor in my laptop also i want to download rzam app which uae dubai cyber security app
When was Firefox last updated
Unable to update iPad OS 10.15.7
Help me install apk
I can't update android unsupported
It will not let me install foxfire on my new iPad. Cannot open it up.
the firefox App has been unintentionally uninstalled when an additional widget has been drag and dropped to "uninstall" on the smartphone. Is there a possibility to resto… (funda kabanzi)
the firefox App has been unintentionally uninstalled when an additional widget has been drag and dropped to "uninstall" on the smartphone. Is there a possibility to restore previous session or the active tabs or is all this data also uninstalled/ lost? I have not been logged in with my firefox account.
Hi, Could you lease tell me how to update my Firefox. iPad current Firefox version is 132.1 and with this version I was denied service at my chase mobile bank. They requi… (funda kabanzi)
Hi, Could you lease tell me how to update my Firefox. iPad current Firefox version is 132.1 and with this version I was denied service at my chase mobile bank. They required most recent version and I can’t figure out how to ask Firefox to update itself. It usually happens automatically so I never really paid attention. Thank you Andrew
Can’t open the dmg file after download it!
Download to my iPod