Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

New tab opens, cursor goes to bottom of page

For a few days now whenever a new tab opens, either by clicking a link in search results or by clicking a link in an email, the cursor jumps to the bottom of the page and… (funda kabanzi)

For a few days now whenever a new tab opens, either by clicking a link in search results or by clicking a link in an email, the cursor jumps to the bottom of the page and I have to scroll to the top of the page. I'm just getting started with Windows 11 on a new computer. What happened to cause this?

Asked by John Martin 1 inyanga edlule

Last reply by John Martin 1 usuku oludlule


How do I have more bookmarks than the 9 that are listed. I used to have a list of 20 or 25 bookmarks. Now if I add a new bookmark, one of the old ones is deleted. … (funda kabanzi)

How do I have more bookmarks than the 9 that are listed. I used to have a list of 20 or 25 bookmarks. Now if I add a new bookmark, one of the old ones is deleted.

Asked by garrytody8 3 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Awful new behavior adding new tags to pages (Bookmarks) with already existing tags

If an URL already have many tags or longish tags I can no longer see suggested tags when starting to type tags. Image example illustrates. This URL already have the follo… (funda kabanzi)

If an URL already have many tags or longish tags I can no longer see suggested tags when starting to type tags. Image example illustrates. This URL already have the following tag list:

1942, Air_Ministry, boost, cruise, memorandum, MP, rpm, Spitfire, Spitfire_MkIX, Spitfire_MkV, Spitfire_MkVI

Old behavior was if started to type ", spi" it would list suggestions:

Spitfire Spitfire_MkIX Spitfire_MkV Spitfire_MkVI

Easy & clear to select from.

Now it lists all already existing tags before each suggestion:

1942, Air_Ministry, boost, cruise, memorandum, MP, rpm, Spitfire, Spitfire_MkIX, Spitfire_MkV, Spitfire_MkVI,Spitfire 1942, Air_Ministry, boost, cruise, memorandum, MP, rpm, Spitfire, Spitfire_MkIX, Spitfire_MkV, Spitfire_MkVI, Spitfire_MkIX 1942, Air_Ministry, boost, cruise, memorandum, MP, rpm, Spitfire, Spitfire_MkIX, Spitfire_MkV, Spitfire_MkVI,Spitfire_MkV 1942, Air_Ministry, boost, cruise, memorandum, MP, rpm, Spitfire, Spitfire_MkIX, Spitfire_MkV, Spitfire_MkVI, Spitfire_MkVI

Suggestions are scrolled right invisible outside the input box.

Who thought this was a good new feature? It adds nothing, I can already see existing tags, why would I want to see them repeated for each new suggested tag (while not actually seeing the suggested new tag)?

How can I turn this *!$&@! off and return to old behavior?

Asked by north3rner 1 inyanga edlule

Last reply by north3rner 3 ezinsukwini ezidlule