- Kusonjululiwe
- Okugcinwe kunqolobane
using Location Services on Mac
I tried to log in to a website that requires access to my location. I'm using Firefox 114.02 on an iMac running Monterey 12.6.7. I was able to get in to Firefox's Locati… (funda kabanzi)
I tried to log in to a website that requires access to my location. I'm using Firefox 114.02 on an iMac running Monterey 12.6.7. I was able to get in to Firefox's Location settings and now have the website listed with "Allow" noted. This was not enough, and for some time I didn't understand why. Then I discovered the Mac's System Preferences' Security and Privacy section, where Location Services are one category under Privacy. Selecting Location Services brings up a list of apps that are allowed to provide location information. For some reason, other browsers are on the list and can be turned on or off, but Firefox is not on the list of apps that can be selected as permitted. Am I missing something here? I can't find any way to add apps to the list so that they can actually be selected. Any advice?