- Kusonjululiwe
- Okugcinwe kunqolobane
Opening new tab via right-click on other tabs doesn't put cursor focus in URL bar
If you have multiple tabs open and you hit Ctrl-T to open a new one, it opens it at the end of the tabs, and the cursor focus moves to the URL bar so you can start typing… (funda kabanzi)
If you have multiple tabs open and you hit Ctrl-T to open a new one, it opens it at the end of the tabs, and the cursor focus moves to the URL bar so you can start typing in an address/search.
If you right-click on any of those tabs, it opens a new tab to the right of that tab, instead of at the end (which is what I want, as right-clicking on a specific one to open a new tab, to me, means you are linking those tabs in layout and want them together) BUT the cursor focus DOES NOT move to the URL bar.
This seems pretty counter-intuitive, and means that so many times I right-click, Open New Tab, and start typing a URL and then see that I have to stop typing, click in the URL bar, and start typing all over again.
Is there an about:config to force the focus to the URL bar, or is this a bug? If there's no setting for this, I would definitely consider this a bug because you have 2 different behaviors for New Tabs.