Computers will not update from 133.0.3 to 134.0 using internal updater
My main, daily used computer updated to FF 134.0 when it was released. Two other computers that are less used will not. All are Win10. The two computers were booted up this weekend, but when you try to check for updates, it says they are already up to date. Both are 133.0.3 and have never had update issues before.
Was the 134 update pulled for some reason?
I know I can probably manually download and install the update, but am worried there may be problems with 134.
My main, daily used computer updated to FF 134.0 when it was released. Two other computers that are less used will not. All are Win10. The two computers were booted up this weekend, but when you try to check for updates, it says they are already up to date. Both are 133.0.3 and have never had update issues before.
Was the 134 update pulled for some reason?
I know I can probably manually download and install the update, but am worried there may be problems with 134.