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Firefox crashes on start-up

I booted into safe mode of Firefox and disabled all the extensions. I couldn't even boot the app, but now I can boot without being in safe mode, but if I close a tab, it … (閱讀更多)

I booted into safe mode of Firefox and disabled all the extensions. I couldn't even boot the app, but now I can boot without being in safe mode, but if I close a tab, it crashes immediately. Or if I quit the app - it crashes.

AdapterVendorID: 0x106b Add-ons: reset-search-defaults%40mozilla.com:2.1.0,webcompat%40mozilla.org:28.0.1buildid20211210.021657,doh-rollout%40mozilla.org:2.0.0,formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,proxy-failover%40mozilla.com:1.0.2,screenshots%40mozilla.org:39.0.1,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.1,amazondotcom%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.1,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.1,ebay%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,firefox-compact-dark%40mozilla.org:1.2 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 172670976 AvailableSwapMemory: 1045692416 BuildID: 20211218203254 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 3 CrashTime: 1641339399 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 ExperimentalFeatures: fission.autostart,media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.allow-multiple InstallTime: 1640733686 MacAvailableMemorySysctl: 57 MacMemoryPressure: Normal MacMemoryPressureCriticalTime: Unset MacMemoryPressureNormalTime: 1641339386 MacMemoryPressureSysctl: 1 MacMemoryPressureWarningTime: Unset Notes: FP(D00-L1100-W00000000-T000) WR? WR+ GL Context? GL Context+ ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} ProductName: Firefox PurgeablePhysicalMemory: 104349696 ReleaseChannel: release SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 16 StartupCrash: 0 StartupTime: 1641339386 TelemetryEnvironment: {"build":{"applicationId":"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}","applicationName":"Firefox","architecture":"aarch64","buildId":"20211218203254","version":"95.0.2","vendor":"Mozilla","displayVersion":"95.0.2","platformVersion":"95.0.2","xpcomAbi":"aarch64-gcc3","updaterAvailable":true},"partner":{"distributionId":null,"distributionVersion":null,"partnerId":null,"distributor":null,"distributorChannel":null,"partnerNames":[]},"system":{"memoryMB":8192,"virtualMaxMB":null,"cpu":{"extensions":["hasNEON"]},"os":{"name":"Darwin","version":"21.1.0","locale":"en-US"},"hdd":{"profile":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"binary":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"system":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null}},"gfx":{"D2DEnabled":null,"DWriteEnabled":null,"ContentBackend":"Skia","Headless":false,"EmbeddedInFirefoxReality":null,"adapters":[{"description":null,"vendorID":"0x106b","deviceID":null,"subsysID":null,"RAM":0,"driver":null,"driverVendor":null,"driverVersion":null,"driverDate":null,"GPUActive":true}],"monitors":[{"screenWidth":1440,"screenHeight":900,"scale":2}],"features":{"compositor":"webrender_software","hwCompositing":{"status":"disabled:FEATURE_FAILURE_COMP_PREF"},"gpuProcess":{"status":"unused"},"wrQualified":{"status":"available"},"webrender":{"status":"unavailable-no-hw-compositing"},"wrCompositor":{"status":"available"},"wrSoftware":{"status":"available"},"openglCompositing":{"status":"unavailable:FEATURE_FAILURE_OPENGL_NEED_HWCOMP"},"omtp":{"status":"unused"}}},"appleModelId":"MacBookAir10,1","hasWinPackageId":null},"settings":{"blocklistEnabled":true,"e10sEnabled":true,"e10sMultiProcesses":8,"fissionEnabled":true,"telemetryEnabled":false,"locale":"en-US","intl":{"requestedLocales":["en-US"],"availableLocales":["en-US"],"appLocales":["en-US"],"systemLocales":["en-US"],"regionalPrefsLocales":["en-US"],"acceptLanguages":["en-US","en"]},"update":{"channel":"release","enabled":true,"autoDownload":true,"background":true},"userPrefs":{"browser.search.region":"US","browser.search.widget.inNavBar":false,"browser.startup.homepage":"<user-set>","browser.startup.page":3,"browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.dataCollection.enabled":false,"browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored":true,"browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored":true,"layers.acceleration.disabled":true,"privacy.donottrackheader.enabled":true,"widget.content.allow-gtk-dark-theme":false,"widget.content.gtk-high-contrast.enabled":true},"sandbox":{"effectiveContentProcessLevel":3,"contentWin32kLockdownState":3},"addonCompatibilityCheckEnabled":true,"isDefaultBrowser":true,"defaultSearchEngine":"ddg-addon","defaultSearchEngineData":{"loadPath":"[other]addEngineWithDetails:ddg@search.mozilla.org","name":"DuckDuckGo","origin":"default","submissionURL":"https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffsb&q="}},"profile":{"creationDate":18989,"resetDate":18996,"firstUseDate":18989},"addons":{"activeAddons":{"doh-rollout@mozilla.org":{"version":"2.0.0","scope":1,"type":"extension","updateDay":18979,"isSystem":true,"isWebExtension":true,"multiprocessCompatible":true,"blocklisted":false,"description":"This 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#4",17:"TaskController #2",21:"TaskController #6",16:"TaskController #1",15:"TaskController #0",22:"TaskController #7",23:"Cache2 I/O",24:"Cookie",26:"Worker Launcher",28:"WRWorker#0",46:"ImageIO",38:"WRWorkerLP#2",32:"WRWorker#4",34:"WRWorker#6",27:"Renderer",31:"WRWorker#3",36:"WRWorkerLP#0",30:"WRWorker#2",44:"Compositor",40:"WRWorkerLP#4",33:"WRWorker#5",37:"WRWorkerLP#1",39:"WRWorkerLP#3",42:"WRWorkerLP#6",35:"WRWorker#7",29:"WRWorker#1",47:"IPDL Background",41:"WRWorkerLP#5",43:"WRWorkerLP#7",51:"QuotaManager IO",52:"DOM Worker",50:"IndexedDB #1",52:"TRR Background",53:"IndexedDB #2",68:"StyleThread#4",69:"StyleThread#5",67:"StyleThread#3",65:"StyleThread#1",64:"StyleThread#0",66:"StyleThread#2",62:"ImageBridgeChld",63:"WRSceneBuilder#1",64:"WRSceneBuilderLP#1",65:"WRRenderBackend#1",69:"GMPThread",70:"ProcessHangMon",70:"mozStorage #1",71:"mozStorage #2",72:"BackgroundThreadPool #1",74:"DNS Resolver #1",75:"DNS Resolver #2",76:"HTML5 Parser",77:"mozStorage #3",78:"IndexedDB 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This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

bill.maas 於 3 年前 詢問

bill.maas 於 3 年前 解答

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How to enable text prediction on Firefox?

On Microsoft Edge, whenever i type the first letter of a word it will suggest automatically the recent words that i have use. How to enable it on Firefox, i already brow… (閱讀更多)

On Microsoft Edge, whenever i type the first letter of a word it will suggest automatically the recent words that i have use. How to enable it on Firefox, i already browse the settings? I really need it on my job specially doing reports. We can only use Firefox to access our websites.

Will Reed 於 3 年前 詢問

jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Firefox using all my RAM & CPU

Why, with not very many active open windows, and just after opening, is FF using 175% of my CPU, not counting all the separate listings in my Activity Monitor. Plus it's … (閱讀更多)

Why, with not very many active open windows, and just after opening, is FF using 175% of my CPU, not counting all the separate listings in my Activity Monitor. Plus it's using nearly all 16 GBs of my RAM. With every new update, I pray it will mean the browser will just work, and not use up all my computer's resources, but it just never does. Pretty soon, more & more of us will just give up on this browser, which used to work better, years ago, and has only gone downhill since.

StevenCee 於 2 年前 詢問

StevenCee 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Why does cert9.db continually get corrupted?

Hi, Almost daily, I have to delete cert9.db and restart Firefox, otherwise I can't access some websites, or even web interfaces of local devices on our LAN. security.en… (閱讀更多)


Almost daily, I have to delete cert9.db and restart Firefox, otherwise I can't access some websites, or even web interfaces of local devices on our LAN.

security.enterprise_roots.enabled is greyed out, so I can't change that but it is set to "true", which I believe means that it should be using Windows Cert store and not cert9.db. Yet still, deleting cert9.db is the solution to my issues.

Can anyone advise on what I can do for a more permanent fix?



M 於 2 年前 詢問

M 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Lost Passwords...again!

This is the third time I've lost all my passwords (and logins) since the beginning of the year. I had over 200 when I lost it the first time. I've entered over 75 since… (閱讀更多)

This is the third time I've lost all my passwords (and logins) since the beginning of the year. I had over 200 when I lost it the first time. I've entered over 75 since then and today I just lost those. Fortunately, I had a backup of my profile. The old "key4.db" and "logins.json" files I had didn't work, although they have a significant size. In fact, looking at the "logins.json" using VS Code I see the logins are there but they don't display in the "Settings > Privacy & Security". How can I get access to them when this happens again. I was able to restore the profile from several days ago so I'm not completely in trouble.  :-)

Bill 於 2 年前 詢問

MaxLen 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Browser stopped warning that page has changed 97.0.1 (64) (now 99.0.1)

My work consists mainly of capturing accounting data online. It is important that the browser warns me if I try to close or navigate away from a page if the data entered … (閱讀更多)

My work consists mainly of capturing accounting data online. It is important that the browser warns me if I try to close or navigate away from a page if the data entered has not been saved or updated, but I no longer get these warnings.

Please help.

Joshua Jacobs 於 2 年前 詢問

jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 於 2 年前 解答

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Page not loading for 10-20 seconds, then it does after refresh

Ever since installing firefox on a new pc, I've had the problem where I would click a link or enter a url, and sometimes (not always, about 20% of the time), the page wil… (閱讀更多)

Ever since installing firefox on a new pc, I've had the problem where I would click a link or enter a url, and sometimes (not always, about 20% of the time), the page will not load (there is a loading symbol but no page shows up), then it stops loading after about 10-20 seconds and there is no page (when I enter a url from a new tab, there is just a blank tab, when I click a link on a webpage, I just remain on the webpage), but when I re-enter the url or re-click the link, it does work. So happens for all links of the website I'm trying to visit.

To summarize: I click a link, and sometimes it loads for 10-20s and then just stops, and when I click again, it works.

Any help is appreciated!

niekrochip 於 2 年前 詢問

jonzn4SUSE 於 2 年前 解答

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PDFs opened using, Windows Default application, Always Ask, fails to occur

The behavior of FireFox saving PDF files has changed. I am using WIN10, FireFox 98.0.1 and have it setup to use windows default application and always ask where to save … (閱讀更多)

The behavior of FireFox saving PDF files has changed. I am using WIN10, FireFox 98.0.1 and have it setup to use windows default application and always ask where to save for PDFs.

BEFORE the problem: The PDF opens in Acrobat Pro IX. After clicking save I would be asked, where to save. I select the location to save the PDF. Then after this, subsequent PDFs downloaded would be saved to the last saved location. This process would repeat for a new website PDF load and save. This is the behavior I want now.

NOW with the problem: The PDF opens in Acrobat Pro IX. 1. Immediately, after a reboot, the save icon on Adobe is grayed out. I select save as and point to the desired directory. 2. For any subsequent PDF opened, the Adobe save icon is available. Files are saved to the desktop.

Please note I believe I once did get a popup asking where to save and I know I selected desktop.  Since that selection I am no longer asked where to save.

Please note I have looked and tried some of the suggestions at: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cant-download-or-save-files#w_choose-a-different-download-folder

but some of this advice needs to be updated for the new FireFox version--ex no JSON file is found at the file location covered in the advice.

I believe this issue started after the last FireFox update. Please help me restore behavior listed above under “BEFORE the problem”. Thanks.

omega8 於 2 年前 詢問

maxthewildcat 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Cannot download files, reports "Failed"

When I try to download a file, the download always fails. This happens no matter what website I'm downloading the file from (see screenshot 1). This started happening wi… (閱讀更多)

When I try to download a file, the download always fails. This happens no matter what website I'm downloading the file from (see screenshot 1).

This started happening within the last week or so. We are running versions 97 and above.

Firefox is configured to always ask where to save files to (see screenshot 2).

Write permissions to the user's Downloads folder is denied for reasons unrelated to this issue (see screenshot 3). When I re-enable write permissions, the problem goes away.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Is write access to the Downloads folder required now, even if Firefox is not configured to save files to that location? Thanks!

thelibrarytech 於 2 年前 詢問

thelibrarytech 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Many sites load slowly or time out

I've had a problem recently with some sites (such as support.apple.com, but also others) loading very slowly or not loading at all. Restarting Firefox fixes it for a… (閱讀更多)

I've had a problem recently with some sites (such as support.apple.com, but also others) loading very slowly or not loading at all.

  • Restarting Firefox fixes it for a short while
  • I've tried changing to No Proxy from Use System Proxy Settings - this, like restarting, helped for a short while
  • Unchecking DNS over HTTPS: DID resolve the problem but I'm curious as to why. I enable it with Safari with no problem.

finches 於 2 年前 詢問

finches 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Firefox 98.0.1 (64bit) using more than 8GB of memory and freezes internet

Firefox is becoming more and more buggy and more unstable using more than 8Gb of ram in either the apps processes or if not there then in the background processes and whe… (閱讀更多)

Firefox is becoming more and more buggy and more unstable using more than 8Gb of ram in either the apps processes or if not there then in the background processes and when you look into the firefox task manager it reports it is using no more than maybe 100 MB of ram the only way to stop it is to close the one process that is using all the memory. when i investigate using the about:memory function it tries to tell me that it is an extension using the memory but if i disable the 2 extensions i use and reload the measure memory it still is using exactly the same amount of memory. is there any sort of fix for this because i am getting sick of having to have the windows task manager open to close the rogue process every time i use my browser

whiteshark68 於 2 年前 詢問

Terry 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Video playback not working

For a few days now, I have not been able to play videos. I get this message in the video screen: "If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device." When I o… (閱讀更多)

For a few days now, I have not been able to play videos. I get this message in the video screen: "If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device." When I opened Firefox in Troubleshooting mode, the video played OK and then when I stopped Troubleshooting mode the videos continued to play OK. However, on the next day the problem reappears. What's going on? Thanks in anticipation, Frank

Call Frank! - Plumber 於 2 年前 詢問

Call Frank! - Plumber 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Firefox Will Not Open Despite Trying Several Solutions (Windows 10)

I recently made the switch to Firefox. I attempted to use the version downloaded from the internet, which I already had installed for a long time, but it would not open. … (閱讀更多)

I recently made the switch to Firefox. I attempted to use the version downloaded from the internet, which I already had installed for a long time, but it would not open. I then used the version available on the Microsoft Store, which worked fine. Eventually, Firefox crashed and would not reopen. A message saying something along the lines of "Are you sure you want to start Firefox in safe mode?" would appear for a split second, and then close. I tried:

-Starting Firefox in safe mode, but nothing happened. -Restarting my computer. -Reinstalling Firefox. -Running as administrator. -Checking it is not blocked by antivirus. -Using the profile manager to create a new profile: The .zip file version opens but does not help, and the version opened by using the "firefox.exe -P" command in Run suffers from the same problem as the browser and opens for only a split second. -Attempting to boot my computer in safe mode with networking, however, the Microsoft Store listed Firefox as uninstalled, and the network menu would not display any networks so I could not reinstall it. -Searching for any Comodo iseguard.dll files, but I found none.

The only thing that worked was searching "Mozilla" in files and deleting everything except what my computer said was part of the system. After that, I was able to open Firefox, but after a short amount of time, the problem started all over. I have no clue what to do and looking all over for solutions is driving me nuts! Please help!

John R 於 2 年前 詢問

John R 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Google Ad Services is interfering with my websurfing

I seem to have gotten something called Google Ad Services. It frequently interferes with my getting to websites and I cannot find how to block it or remove it. HELP! … (閱讀更多)

I seem to have gotten something called Google Ad Services. It frequently interferes with my getting to websites and I cannot find how to block it or remove it. HELP!

Michael Z. Jody 於 2 年前 詢問

jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Internet pages do not load in the browser

Hi......, I have had firefox browser for a while now and it has always worked fine. Now I`m suffering from that internet pages can`t be loaded ( see attachment ). I thi… (閱讀更多)


I have had firefox browser for a while now and it has always worked fine. Now I`m suffering from that internet pages can`t be loaded ( see attachment ). I think,am not sure since the last update. The weird thing is that youtube does work and can just play video`s also 4K. I have read the error report but can`t really do much with it. Is there anyone who can help me in the right direction?

https://imgur.com/WVk4VkO https://imgur.com/a/GiHXsgq

Thanks in advance for the trouble.

hbhuisje.r 於 2 年前 詢問

hbhuisje.r 最近回覆於 2 年前

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Some buttons keep flashing when scrolling in Firefox on Windows 11

Just got a new laptop with Windows 11, installed Firefox, and am running FF 98.0.1. When scrolling on some pages, the buttons look like they're constantly flashing. But i… (閱讀更多)

Just got a new laptop with Windows 11, installed Firefox, and am running FF 98.0.1. When scrolling on some pages, the buttons look like they're constantly flashing. But if I scroll slowly, I can see that the button color is itself scrolling within the button boundary. Or at least, that's what it looks like. Attached a sequence of images to show what I mean. Can anyone help? It's so irritating that I might be forced to use a different browser, which I don't want to do! This didn't happen on my old laptop running Window 10.

Georgia_ 於 2 年前 詢問

Georgia_ 最近回覆於 2 年前

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.ics no longer defaulting to Windows/Outlook

Hi everyone, Up until the latest FF release, opening an .ics (calendar file) link defaulted to the OS's preferred application; in my case Outlook. Now, every time I clic… (閱讀更多)

Hi everyone,

Up until the latest FF release, opening an .ics (calendar file) link defaulted to the OS's preferred application; in my case Outlook. Now, every time I click on an .ics link FF asks where I want to save the file. I schedule ZOOM meetings all day and heavily rely on this feature.

I tried looking in FF's Files and Applications section in settings and .ics is not even listed as a file extension. I don't know how to add it.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


baxterdown 於 2 年前 詢問

Terry 於 2 年前 解答

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Recover "Recently Closed Windows/Tabs" Information

Just now, after a massive and catastrophic SUPER-MELTDOWN-crash that arbitrarily decided to absolutely murder my day, ALL my tabs and windows and ALL history of "Recently… (閱讀更多)

Just now, after a massive and catastrophic SUPER-MELTDOWN-crash that arbitrarily decided to absolutely murder my day, ALL my tabs and windows and ALL history of "Recently Closed" tabs and windows is gone!


What is the reason for the existence of a SYNC feature if it isn't to MAKE SURE that a record of open tabs and windows is SECURELY maintained no matter how many times the application crashes, so that AT ALL TIMES, this information is kept INTACT, regardless of the state of the end users device? That is BY FAR the most important part of the sync feature! Are you telling me that there is no backup process of that information?

This is the kind of thing I never expected from you guys at Mozilla. I've been using Firefox for MANY years because I trust what you do. Today that trust has been SEVERELY and BRUTALLY wounded, most likely beyond repair...

I need you to fix this...

I need you to recover that information for me and I need you to make sure that what just happened could never, ever happen again unless God himself caused every digital storage unit on earth to disintegrate.

arex86 於 2 年前 詢問

cor-el 於 2 年前 解答

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prefs.js -- malware inserted

The Firefox prefs.js file was quarantined by avast yesterday. Message indicated malware had infected the file. Now when I click on the Firefox icon the MSN browser come… (閱讀更多)

The Firefox prefs.js file was quarantined by avast yesterday. Message indicated malware had infected the file. Now when I click on the Firefox icon the MSN browser comes up. How can I get back to using Firefox safely? Can I uninstall Firefox, then re-install it to make the problem go away?

shfergu 於 2 年前 詢問

James 最近回覆於 2 年前