Proxy Setting Grayed Out
I need Proxy settings to use some of the company's applications. Until yesterday, I was able to set them and change them at will. Today, the browser disabled this ability, so I can't use some applications. The fields are grayed out and I can't change them (screen attached). What could be the problem and how to change it as soon as possible? I am not familiar with technical issues, so please give me very simple answers that I will understand and take as little time as possible.
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I'm using the latest version of Firefox and note that until yesterday everything was working normally.
Enter about:policies in the address bar and check if you have any active policies.
Dziękuję za popdpowiedź. Sprawdziłem i mam coś tutaj odznaczonego, ale nie wiem za bardzo czy tak powinno być czy mam to zmienić.
Widać, że konfiguracja proxy została zablokowana przez admina. To komputer firmowy? Trzeba spytać informatyków, co tu narozrabiali.
@Dropa, @TyDraniu thank you for your tips I will check it with my IT.