Intune: Manage Firefox Extensions

I need some help to get Intune Firefox Extension Management to work. I have imported the Firefox ADMX into Intune but cant seem to get the JSON correct for this to work … (funda okungaphezulu)

I need some help to get Intune Firefox Extension Management to work.

I have imported the Firefox ADMX into Intune but cant seem to get the JSON correct for this to work correctly.

The scenario I would like to give is I would like to block all extensions but allow Power Automate Extension and Cisco Web Ex Extension.

Any help would be appreciated!

Asked by agroucutt 25 kwimizuzu edlulileyo

I cannot disable the Save and fill addresses feature

Hello I have unchecked the "Save and fill addresses" checkbox as described here: Still Fire… (funda okungaphezulu)

Hello I have unchecked the "Save and fill addresses" checkbox as described here: Still Firefox keeps on asking me if I want to save an address whenever I submit a form with one. Is this a known bug?

Asked by Henri MEDOT 44 kwimizuzu edlulileyo

Last Pass extension from your website not working.

Last Pass Firefox extension was working on my Windows 10 computer until 3 weeks ago. Now when I click on extension it hangs. (the extension is red red in tool bar so I kn… (funda okungaphezulu)

Last Pass Firefox extension was working on my Windows 10 computer until 3 weeks ago. Now when I click on extension it hangs. (the extension is red red in tool bar so I know it is correctly installed).. I was able to solve by deleting Firefox extension and instead installed Last Pass 4.0 directly from Last Pass's site. Please fix your extension. This is not a Last Pass issue.

Tom Weaver

Asked by thomas Weaver 1 kwiyure edlulileyo

Firefox not recognising configured audio outputs in browser-based video conferencing tools

When using web video conferencing services (Google Meet, Teams, etc.) that run in the browser, on a Windows system, Firefox only offers a single output device: the system… (funda okungaphezulu)

When using web video conferencing services (Google Meet, Teams, etc.) that run in the browser, on a Windows system, Firefox only offers a single output device: the system-configured Default Device. It does not offer the system-configured Default Communication Device. (I can swap the default before a call, but that is cumbersome at the end of the day.)

In this instance, the default is the speakers built into my screen, through HDMI. The communication default is my headset, which also provides the microphone (which is recognised and works fine).

The issue is not experienced with Chrome (the only other tried). It has been an issue through many years, on multiple machines, with various default sudio out devices attached.

Asked by RickYagodich 1 kwiyure edlulileyo

Bookmarks & home page Shortcuts

i have recently acquired a new PC and want to transfer all my Firefox settings to the new PC and have two questions:- (1) What file and what location do I post the file f… (funda okungaphezulu)

i have recently acquired a new PC and want to transfer all my Firefox settings to the new PC and have two questions:- (1) What file and what location do I post the file for Homepage shortcuts which involves 4 rows x 8 = 32 shortcuts that I want to transfer to the new PC without having to do it manually. Apparently Sync wont do it for some reason that I fail to comprehend. By searching this site I have found answers that say the file "prefs.js" hold these values. However, I have copied that file from my old PC onto the new PC but no result? Where should the file be copied from and to (full path from and to)? i have used "about:profiles" but then there are paths to "default" and "root". (2) I have exported the the Bookmarks from my old PC to the new PC but in one particular case the bookmarks are not the same. In this case I have a particularly large bookmark that contains three (3) Sub-Folders plus many individual bookmarks. When importing the file it does not include all the sub-folders - only two. This baffles me because if is exported with three sub-folders I don't understand how the imported Bookmark file can be different. Any advice would be most appreciated.

Asked by Sandgroper48 2 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

I have used Evernote web clipper for years but its icon has disappeared from my menu and I have been unable to recover it.

I have used Evernote web clipper for years and Firefox says I am still connected, but its icon has disappeared from my menu bar and I have been unable to recover it. … (funda okungaphezulu)

I have used Evernote web clipper for years and Firefox says I am still connected, but its icon has disappeared from my menu bar and I have been unable to recover it.

Asked by TomB 15 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Last reply by TomB 3 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Firefox Ocsp fails at loading private https website

Hello, i have precisely explained issue here with different screens. i would like to have your feedback… (funda okungaphezulu)


i have precisely explained issue here with different screens. i would like to have your feedback

Asked by Thierry Brémard 3 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo


I updated to the latest firefox and all my bookmarks are now gone.

How can I get them back or restore my 130.0 version of firefox?

Thank you

Asked by JJ 3 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

FF 130 update failed on W10 desktop. Cannot even boot FF in Safe Mode

I have just run the latest update to 130.01. For some reason the update has errored FF and when I try and launch I get the the below error messages. FF cannot load, n… (funda okungaphezulu)

I have just run the latest update to 130.01.

For some reason the update has errored FF and when I try and launch I get the the below error messages.

FF cannot load, not even in Safe Mode, so I am a bit stuck.

Does anyone have a solution to this please?

Thank you in advance.


Asked by Steven Henson 4 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Extension Icon Missing

I have used Evernote Web Clipper for years. It's icon has suddenly disappeared from my menu. My searches show I am still connected to the extension. I just cannot access … (funda okungaphezulu)

I have used Evernote Web Clipper for years. It's icon has suddenly disappeared from my menu. My searches show I am still connected to the extension. I just cannot access it or use it. Please help.

Asked by TomB 4 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Last Pass extension from your website not working.

I have latest version of Firefox for Windows 10 and about 2 weeks ago the Last Pass extension from your website stopped loading correctly. The extension installs in the t… (funda okungaphezulu)

I have latest version of Firefox for Windows 10 and about 2 weeks ago the Last Pass extension from your website stopped loading correctly. The extension installs in the toolbar, but does not work. It partially loads and then freezes up. I was able to resolve by removing extension and then going to Last Pass's website and downloading their Last Pass 4.0. Your extension is messed up. Tom Weaver

Asked by thomas Weaver 4 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Request to host Firefox linux binaries that are compiled with the PIC/PIE flag

Many of Linux Distributions take firefox binaries from as given in the Mozilla Knowlege Base Article Install Firefox on Linux. In this a… (funda okungaphezulu)

Many of Linux Distributions take firefox binaries from as given in the Mozilla Knowlege Base Article Install Firefox on Linux. In this article there is a option to Install Firefox .deb package for Debian-based distributions.

However the binaries and libraries that are hosted in Firefox repositories are not compiled with the PIE/PIC flag. That prevents Firefox browser from using ASLR capabilities and to a large degree prevent Buffer overflows attacks. Please refer to the output given below for more details.

$ file -e elf /opt/firefox/firefox /opt/firefox/firefox: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) $ $ readelf -h /opt/firefox/firefox ELF Header:

 Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
 Class:                             ELF64
 Data:                              2's complement, little endian
 Version:                           1 (current)
 OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
 ABI Version:                       0
 Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
 Machine:                           Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
 Version:                           0x1

The output of the first command is ELF 64-bit LSB executable, which indicates that it is not a PIE executable. If it had been a PIE executable then it would have been ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable. Similarly the output of the second command has a Key, Type, whose value is EXEC (Executable file). However for a PIE binary the value would be DYN (Position-Independent Executable file).

Can Mozilla please compile the binaries and shared libraries with the PIE/PIC flag and then host them in its repositories? Many of Linux Distros do not have the bandwidth to take the source and compile binaries for different architects and are dependent on Mozilla to provide the same. Doing so would be appreciated and would help in enhancing safety of Linux users who use Firefox as their primary browser.

PIE = Position Independent Executable PIC = Position Independent Code ASLR = Address Space Layout Randomisation. PIC and PIE are used interchangeably and imply the same thing.

Asked by LimuxSpring 12 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Last reply by LimuxSpring 4 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Youtube incognito issue

It seems that in incognito mode when I go to youtube I am stuck at the consent page and it doesn't matter if I refuse all or accept all it will refresh and show the conse… (funda okungaphezulu)

It seems that in incognito mode when I go to youtube I am stuck at the consent page and it doesn't matter if I refuse all or accept all it will refresh and show the consent page again. If I go to youtube without incognito mode it works just fine.

Asked by OSArmA 5 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Connecting to

Using Firefox 115.15.0esr (64-bits) on MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I'm not able to connect to while connects just fine. These domains … (funda okungaphezulu)

Using Firefox 115.15.0esr (64-bits) on MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I'm not able to connect to while connects just fine. These domains use different TLS versions, which may be related to the issue. The browser reports a failure to connect, and NS_ERROR_NET_INTERRUPT when viewing the networking tab. Tcpdump indicates the remote side disconnects by sending FIN on the tcp layer. I tried various config features to enable low TLS versions but that did not make a difference.

openssl s_client has no issue connecting, nor does Chrome, on the same system. For completeness here is the openssl transcript:

```` $ openssl s_client Connecting to CONNECTED(00000006) depth=2 C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 verify return:1 depth=1 C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1 verify return:1 depth=0 jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, verify return:1 --- Certificate chain

0 s:jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV,
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Aug  7 11:27:00 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Sep  1 11:26:00 2025 GMT
1 s:C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Dec 12 16:56:15 2019 GMT; NotAfter: Dec 12 16:56:15 2029 GMT
2 s:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 4096 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Jan 16 18:12:23 2014 GMT; NotAfter: Jan 16 18:12:23 2034 GMT

--- Server certificate


MIIHGDCCBgCgAwIBAgIQQAGRLJeiKhzmRghG5nIGzjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBy ... ZthnKEctI1FJ7MLeY6+zNvJ8+sjEj9P61M85h+MthSw2Pm1wBGzGB9ncSRQ=


subject=jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, issuer=C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1 --- No client certificate CA names sent Peer signing digest: SHA256 Peer signature type: RSA Server Temp Key: ECDH, prime256v1, 256 bits --- SSL handshake has read 5469 bytes and written 453 bytes Verification: OK --- New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 Server public key is 2048 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE No ALPN negotiated SSL-Session:

   Protocol  : TLSv1.2
   Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
   Session-ID: 9A30DC8B6EF5D0EE82F9ACB4D53D787D7B4BCAB27F5E54DDB906BEC5A6CDC887
   Master-Key: 04E64BF5ACC56AA2BB749AA3083DA0B498CCE36DB83A1BA78B19B9282F6B30362B8674D1F60D70594F21A08DC74006A5
   PSK identity: None
   PSK identity hint: None
   SRP username: None
   Start Time: 1726644699
   Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
   Verify return code: 0 (ok)
   Extended master secret: yes

--- GET / HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ... ````

I would like to keep using Firefox for all my browsing, so I'm wondering what I can do to fix this. In about:config I have all settings containing "tls" to their defaults. I've tried enabling security.tls.version.enable-deprecated and lowering security.tls.version.min, but nothing seems to help.

I know from experience that contacting ING about such issues doesn't get you anywhere, and given the fact that another major browser has no issue I suspect it is best solved (or worked around) on the side of Firefox.

Asked by mp19 6 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

my tabs are crashing all the time whenever i try to open it.

my tabs are crashing all the time whenever i try to open it.this thing is happening from a month as whenever i try to open some tabs for my work its showing that "gah! yo… (funda okungaphezulu)

my tabs are crashing all the time whenever i try to open it.this thing is happening from a month as whenever i try to open some tabs for my work its showing that "gah! your tab just crashed!"...... please sovle this problem as fast as possible

Asked by Jeffrey Joison 7 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo