Hiển thị các câu hỏi được đánh dấu: Xem tất cả các câu hỏi

i cannot see my secondary email account

I have two email accounts I've used for Firefox over the years, a Google account on my PC and a Yahoo account for my mobile phones. I don't see a secondary email account … (xem thêm)

I have two email accounts I've used for Firefox over the years, a Google account on my PC and a Yahoo account for my mobile phones. I don't see a secondary email account on any devices when managing my account, yet when I get go to add them, all devices say they already exist.

I am doing this because I am trying to sync one phone to another. Or, by pairing one to a window on my PC and then pair the second phone to that after that's accomplished.

I didn't see a Sync and Save opinion in my phone menus, and under my email address there is only an option to sync now and no pairing options, nor a QR reader that comes up to see the QR code on my PC trying to sync from there. I cannot even get my new phone to log in to Mozilla to even ask this question.

My PC account options shows that both phones exist in the sync system.

Được hỏi bởi Paul Cigno 2 giờ trước

Synchronisation de mon mobile volé vers un nouvel appareil

Bonjour. Quelqu'un m’a volé mon mobile, depuis je fonctionne sur un autre mobile prêté par mon fournisseur. Cela fait des jours que j’essaie de rapatrier tous mes marque-… (xem thêm)

Bonjour. Quelqu'un m’a volé mon mobile, depuis je fonctionne sur un autre mobile prêté par mon fournisseur. Cela fait des jours que j’essaie de rapatrier tous mes marque-pages en vain, via la synchronisation. L’ancien appareil apparaît bien mais quand j’appuie sur synchroniser il ne se passe rien. Quelqu'un peut-il m’expliquer ce qu’il se passe ? J'ai vraiment besoin de ces marque-pages. Merci

Được hỏi bởi gillliance 6 giờ trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 giờ trước

cannot sync collections

I have several collections in Firefox on my old phone, things I use regularly. It's the only way to save websites on the phone, so I assumed this would sync to my new pho… (xem thêm)

I have several collections in Firefox on my old phone, things I use regularly. It's the only way to save websites on the phone, so I assumed this would sync to my new phone.

I can see an archived thread about this from 2022, is it really not possible to sync these? It seems bizarre to offer the capability to bookmark sites, but not allow it to live with you.

Will it ever be possible? Or should I stop relying on this feature? The main collection I use frequently is one for recipes.

Được hỏi bởi Heidi Claus 2 tháng trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi milosemi 1 ngày trước

Why won't Firefox sync my passwords on Android

I've got a new Samsung A55. Firefox is refusing to sync my passwords. It used to work on my A51. I am signed in and have tried forcing a sync and even unchecking passwor… (xem thêm)

I've got a new Samsung A55.

Firefox is refusing to sync my passwords. It used to work on my A51. I am signed in and have tried forcing a sync and even unchecking passwords, synching, then rechecking passwords and synching again.

It syncs my history ok but refuses to recover my passwords.

I have dozens (hundreds) of long, untypeable secure passwords... and I am locked out of almost every account. Also I can't get into most of my apps.

Searching the Web this seems a frequent issue with no obvious solutions :(


Được hỏi bởi Unique_username 2 tháng trước

Undo close all tabs

I need to know how to recover all my tabs after closing them accidentally. I dropped my phone when trying to access tabs settings to disable the "inactive section" (that … (xem thêm)

I need to know how to recover all my tabs after closing them accidentally. I dropped my phone when trying to access tabs settings to disable the "inactive section" (that I had not enabled, I don't know why that thing was done without my consent), and accidentally hit "close all tabs". I see that, as of last year, there was no way to do it, but maybe after all the questions about this they added something. Recently closed tabs still shows the last that I closed manually

Được hỏi bởi Facundo Lionel Fitó Serwatka 2 tháng trước

Tabs open in mobile do not show on desktop

I have 4 tabs open on the firefox app in my android phone.Only 1 appears on my desktop firefox browser in the 'Tabs from other devices' section. I have an android tablet … (xem thêm)

I have 4 tabs open on the firefox app in my android phone.Only 1 appears on my desktop firefox browser in the 'Tabs from other devices' section. I have an android tablet as well but it doesnt face such an issue.

Được hỏi bởi DrMuraqib 3 tháng trước

lost everything

Please help. Was on phone with a Samsung rep who deleted my Firefox account. When I signed back in I forgot my password so I changed it. I've lost everything and don't kn… (xem thêm)

Please help. Was on phone with a Samsung rep who deleted my Firefox account. When I signed back in I forgot my password so I changed it. I've lost everything and don't know how to get it back. Any help is appreciated.

Được hỏi bởi Ingrid 3 tháng trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Paul 3 tháng trước

how to delete all bookmarks before sync?

Any way to delete all my bookmarks on Android before syncing with my desktop? I reset my data by using the lost password link, so all fresh and ready to sync with deskto… (xem thêm)

Any way to delete all my bookmarks on Android before syncing with my desktop?

I reset my data by using the lost password link, so all fresh and ready to sync with desktop. deleting one at a time might take months.

Được hỏi bởi khuntim 3 tháng trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 tháng trước

  • Đã giải quyết

gmail accese recovery

Dear google team my gmail has two step verification because recovery email is included second otp goes to that gmail that's why i can't recover my gmail Recovery Gmail&nb… (xem thêm)

Dear google team my gmail has two step verification because recovery email is included second otp goes to that gmail that's why i can't recover my gmail Recovery Gmail :- [edited] @gmail.com

Nex month my exam and the photo of the form is in my gmail

Please help me


Được hỏi bởi Subhash chhabra 3 tháng trước

Được trả lời bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 tháng trước