To any one who can help or has any ideas thank you in advance,
I have the Bing search bar set for my home page on my Firefox Browser. I have had this setup for years wit… (xem thêm)
To any one who can help or has any ideas thank you in advance,
I have the Bing search bar set for my home page on my Firefox Browser. I have had this setup for years with no problems until a couple of months ago.
When I do searches for things and then try clicking on the "Clickable" links, I always get a blank page and the string for the website address(s) always begin with something similar to this; "!&&p="; please see image attached. This happens rather I try opening one or many sites/pages for comparison. Below are the steps I have tried & the reasons I believe that the "clickable" links are the problem.
I type in the Bing bar my search topic. Bing will give me a bunch of links related to my search.
If I find the one I want or several I want to check out, I'll click on the 'clickable' link(s) for the page(s).
Bing will automatically open the link(s) in a new tab(s). *I do have my browser set to stay on the page that I am currently working on*. But even if I go to those pages right away, I still always get a blank page.
I'll use searching for 'IRS help' for my search example:
I have tried several ways to get the links to open & they are as follows:
1) Type in the site address myself in the new Tab and use my keyboards 'Enter' key to go to it:
-- This works of course
-- But seeing as some address are very long this is not always helpful
2) Click on the 'Clickable' link for IRS's site:
-- Bing will open a new tab itself, but will show a blank page with the link issue listed above when I go to it
-- Doesn't work, Blank Page
3) Highlight the 'Clickable' link, right click it and select 'Open link in new tab' option:
-- Again Bing opens the new tab, Blank page and link issue
-- Even selected to open it in a new window and I get the same thing
4) Highlight/copy the 'Clickable' link, I open a new tab myself, then I right click to 'Paste' link and hit enter:
-- Doesn't work, blank page
5) Highlight/copy the 'Clickable' link, I open a new tab myself, then I right click to 'Paste & Go" link:
-- Doesn't work, blank page
6) I copy the 'Non-clickable' written out address(i.e. for example), Paste it in a new tab that I open and the choose one of these options:
-- "Paste & Go' or 'Paste' and use my keyboards 'Enter' key.
-- Both work, no problem
-- But when your in a rush, this too can be time consuming.
Please advise. Is there something I am missing or may have done wrong? I have had Firefox and Bing for a very long time like I said and I truly hate having to use the other browsers, etc. but I need to be able to get things done in a crunch some days and so this is driving me crazy.
I hope it's just the links and that they can be fixed,