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DNS over HTTPS oddities: fallback, TRR mode
After a recent change of my website's name registrar, Firefox (both on Linux and Android) has been running into issues finding the server/address. I suspect this has some… (xem thêm)
After a recent change of my website's name registrar, Firefox (both on Linux and Android) has been running into issues finding the server/address. I suspect this has something to do with DNS, whether it be DNS over HTTPS (DoH) or otherwise.
Specifically, this seems to happen when DoH is on (as shown by about:preferences#privacy). I have confirmed that `curl --doh-url <cloudflare DNS query> <my website>` also fails to resolve the request.
This leaves me with a few outstanding questions:
- Do I have any control of whether the DoH request fails? Is this something I can fix through my host or name registrar?
- The TRR mode shown in about:preferences#privacy appears to be different than the one shown in about:config (2 versus 0, respectively).
- Shouldn't Firefox be falling back to normal DNS? I have confirmed via `curl` that my website works fine over https.
Firefox and curl results for Linux confirmed on two machines on the same network.