I am using the Experimental API in my private Firefox extension.
So far, I've been using Firefox 102 ESR, but I'm planning to switch to Firefox ESR 115. There's already … (xem thêm)
I am using the Experimental API in my private Firefox extension.
So far, I've been using Firefox 102 ESR, but I'm planning to switch to Firefox ESR 115. There's already a Firefox 115 Beta available, so I've started testing it with my private extension.
So far, I've been using internal Firefox functions like `loadOneTab` and `loadURI` and it worked very well.
I used the `loadOneTab` function like this:
const placesURL = "chrome://browser/content/places/places.xhtml";
window.gBrowser.loadOneTab( placesURL, {
inBackground: false,
allowThirdPartyFixup : true,
relatedToCurrent : true,
triggeringPrincipal : services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal()
} );
But the `loadOneTab` function no longer exists at all in Firefox's internal API. What should I replace it with?
I found the function `_createTab`:
// window.gBrowser._createTab({ uriString: placesURL });
But the `_createTab` function returns an error:
Uncaught Error: UserInteraction with id "browser.tabs.opening" was not initialized
...I guess this is by security to make this function called only by user action? And I call this function inside `async function`.
Is it somehow possible to open a new tab from the Experimental API in Firefox 115 beta?
I need this very badly. Really very much.
I used the `loadURI` function like this:
window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURI(linkGo, {triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal()});
The `loadURI` function appears to still be available in Firefox's internal API, but returns an error like this:
TypeError: 'uri' member of CancelContentJSOptions is not an object. RemoteWebNavigation.sys.mjs:28:41
How to overcome this error?