I research a LOT. So I have 12,000+ Bookmarks in 100's of subfolders covering 100's of topics. The only conceivable way to organize them is to view the contents of many… (xem thêm)
I research a LOT. So I have 12,000+ Bookmarks in 100's of subfolders covering 100's of topics. The only conceivable way to organize them is to view the contents of many subfolders SIMULTANEOUSLY and be able to do massive drag & drops between them.
Just like I could do 15 years ago using the old Windows Favorites folder and the 100's of subfolders within it.
(In my opinion it was a really BAD idea to stray from that paradigm. When I moved to Firefox I went from being VERY well-organized to having a complete cluster. In the old days I could IMMEDIATELY access any Favorite via Start Menu or any other Windows way. The unwieldiness of Firefox's Library -- in the context of a hi volume of Bookmarks -- has made such organization impossible, and rendered my Bookmarks practically useless.)
If I had access to the old way, I could probably organize 12,000 Bookmarks in a day. The present Firefox Library is gonna take me about 2 weeks -- seriously. Because I can only view the contents of 1 folder at a time and also because a ton of scrolling is necessary to drag & drop. And lastly because I don't have the contextual "forest" visible to me for decision-making since I can only see 1 "tree" at a time. Basically its NOT DO-ABLE. Surely I can't be the only person with this issue.
My searches for a solution have only turned up the apparently defunct PlainOldFavorites extension.
This has been painful for well over a decade, but its reached a crisis point. Thank you.