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Comment sections

Comment section Wall Street Journal stopped working right in the middle of actively using it. Edge works fine. 107.0.1 64 bit. Very strange, happened as I was in the… (xem thêm)

Comment section Wall Street Journal stopped working right in the middle of actively using it. Edge works fine.

107.0.1 64 bit. Very strange, happened as I was in the middle of using it.

Được hỏi bởi vetbird 2 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Dropa 2 năm trước

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Crashing on startup Win 11

Firefox has just started crashing on startup every time I try to open it out of the blue with no changes to anything in the browser. I've tried opening in troubleshooting… (xem thêm)

Firefox has just started crashing on startup every time I try to open it out of the blue with no changes to anything in the browser. I've tried opening in troubleshooting mode, still crashes instantly. I've refreshed, revo uninstalled and cleaned everything firefox related off my system and reinstalled but still have the exact same issue with a fresh install.

I managed to get the crash log from the backed up folders when it reinstalled. Any suggestions?




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Được hỏi bởi rmetal 2 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi rmetal 2 năm trước

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How can I change the scrolltab buttons with CSS?

Hello! Im trying to change the scrollbuttons with CSS, they currently look like this: And I'm trying to make them look like this: (Without the shade and filled with a c… (xem thêm)

Hello! Im trying to change the scrollbuttons with CSS, they currently look like this:

And I'm trying to make them look like this:

(Without the shade and filled with a color)

I'm also trying to do the same with the bookmarks, they look like this:

And I want them to look like the arrow without the shade and filled with a color.


Được hỏi bởi Henry Macouzet 2 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Henry Macouzet 1 năm trước

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Firefox not showing on volumemixer and not playing any sound.

Hello, my Firefox stopped playing sounds all of the sudden, I have tried most of the fixes on this site but nothing helps. I reset my pc to last week when the sound worke… (xem thêm)

Hello, my Firefox stopped playing sounds all of the sudden, I have tried most of the fixes on this site but nothing helps. I reset my pc to last week when the sound worked but that did not help, so i am out of ideas and I would like to keep jusing the browser.


Được hỏi bởi Aid 2 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Aid 1 năm trước

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Firefox Account - how to remove account with Authenticator 2-stage security

Hi, how to remove an old account? I can't logon due to setup Authenticator and I have no possibility to set-up it again. I was able to change password, but I cannot l… (xem thêm)


how to remove an old account?

I can't logon due to setup Authenticator and I have no possibility to set-up it again.

I was able to change password, but I cannot logon. How to pass thru that step? I have confirmation email regarding two-stage authentication sent 29 JUN 2020 08:36AM, but I did not save any data for recreation of Authenticator setting (eg QR-code image).

Is there any way to recover my original login? I have recovery code (if there is a possibilty do switch-off second stage)... I might recover my account.

Kind regards Pawel

Được hỏi bởi p_firefox 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Dropa 1 năm trước

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Captcha not loading

https://my.jjwxc.net/login.php? I'm trying to log in to jjwxc.net, which requires a captcha to do so, but not only is the whole site's formatting a mess, if I didn't kno… (xem thêm)


I'm trying to log in to jjwxc.net, which requires a captcha to do so, but not only is the whole site's formatting a mess, if I didn't know the captcha existed I wouldn't even know it hadn't loaded, because there's not even a failed load icon. Trying to log in without the captcha just results in reloading the log in page. Below are screenshots of the site as it should appear, on chrome, and as it does appear on firefox. (I'm also using a dark mode extension, which I have checked has no effect on this matter)

None of the images are loaded either, but I can get the site running in the mobile browser. In fact, when I first logged into the site on the mobile browser the captcha came up, and I was also somehow able to log back in on mobile despite the captcha not appearing since. I won't question the magic and just thank my luck. However, as you can see, the site is in chinese, which I unfortunately do not speak, and the mobile browser does not support in browser translation extensions like TWP.

After logging in on the mobile browser the site then loaded properly, so I have some hope that the desktop browser may do the same if I can log in (I don't know why that would work, but I can only say what I see). I don't know why the mobile version would load the site better than the desktop version either, but here we are.

The captcha itself seems to be called shumei captcha in the code (view-source:https://my.jjwxc.net/login.php?action=login&referer=%2F%2Fmy.jjwxc.net%2Fonebook_vip.php%3Fnovelid%3D5157485%26chapterid%3D21)

I tried turning enhanced tracking protection on and off, clearing cookies and cache data, and disabling all extensions, non of which made any difference. Is there anything I'm missing that could fix the captcha?

¬ In case anyone's wondering why I don't just use chrome since it obviously loads the site fine, the site seems to have made some changes to the security on the paid chapters which are apparently incompatible with chrome, and brings up a message that the user's browser is outdated and too slow, the irony of which is not lost on me considering that out of chrome, edge and firefox, chrome is the only one that reliably loads the site - yet the message explicitly recommends the user transfer to edge if using internet explorer. No offense, btw, Firefox has a great interface, I know it boasts security over speed, and I like the extensions and all, but I can't exactly rate it five star when it won't load the one site I really need it for. I want to like this browser, but I need it to work for me first.

Được hỏi bởi artywolve 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi techguy150 1 năm trước

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2 factor

How can I contact support to remove the two factor authentication, I factory reset my phone and lost access to the codes. I need to be able to get into my other account,… (xem thêm)

How can I contact support to remove the two factor authentication, I factory reset my phone and lost access to the codes. I need to be able to get into my other account, I think I wrote them down, yet with so much going on I havent fount them yet. I appreciate your assitance in advance, may you have productive days.

Được hỏi bởi MsHenderson22 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Dropa 1 năm trước

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i couldn't open any page

hello I have problem with not being able to open any website like Google or Youtube. even thou it was working like for half a hour. it was not from my network, because I… (xem thêm)

hello I have problem with not being able to open any website like Google or Youtube.

even thou it was working like for half a hour. it was not from my network, because I was able to open it in another browser.

please help.

Được hỏi bởi tojy.m12 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi cor-el 1 năm trước

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Downloading a letter

My bank notifies me that it has a letter for me. I find the link for the letter on my secure internet banking site and click on it. First it tells me "No Preview availa… (xem thêm)

My bank notifies me that it has a letter for me. I find the link for the letter on my secure internet banking site and click on it. First it tells me "No Preview available", and there's a button to Download. Which I select. Immediately a new page coming up with the wording "Authorization has been denied for this request."

When I try to open this letter using Google Chrome I have no problem!

What is happening with Firefox and how do I access the letter successfully?

Được hỏi bởi houseoffrancis 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Dropa 1 năm trước

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Firefox crashes repeatedly on startup, even using safe mode fails 9 times in 10. Multiple crash reports submitted.

Firefox is the only application affected (latest 107.0.1, Windows 11 pro latest updates). I have updated all drivers, run system and memory checks, uninstalled deleted re… (xem thêm)

Firefox is the only application affected (latest 107.0.1, Windows 11 pro latest updates). I have updated all drivers, run system and memory checks, uninstalled deleted remaining files and registry settings, twice actually all to no avail.

I have recently changed ISP but cannot see how that affects just Firefox (Chrome/Opera/Edge all work) and also moved to Bit Defender antivirus. Here I think I saw startup installations in Chrome etc for bit defender but never for Firefox. I have tried turning off all virus web protection still no joy.

I have looked briefly at the crash reports but with my level of expertise I can see no common crash reason.

I have had no add-ins installed for last week while trying to get this to work again. I have used Firefox for years and have no wish to move to another browser but this situation is driving me nuts.

If there is anybody out there with any ideas on next steps I could take?

Cheers Mike

Được hỏi bởi mike.glover_1 1 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi mike.glover_1 1 năm trước

  • Đã lưu trữ

Comment Sections

Once again the failure of Firefox to work with comment sections of many websites has reared its head in the latest update of Firefox. I'm using Windows 11 with latest u… (xem thêm)

Once again the failure of Firefox to work with comment sections of many websites has reared its head in the latest update of Firefox. I'm using Windows 11 with latest updates. This occurred suddenly in the middle of commenting. Other web browser are OK. These constant recurring problems with Firefox are getting tiresome and although I like the browser and am comfortable using it, I'm seriously considering abandoning it for these annoyances.

Được hỏi bởi vetbird 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Dropa 1 năm trước

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Unable to log in to Fidelity.com - Firefox says "Performing TLS handshake . . ."

When I try to log in to Fidelity.com using Firefox, there is a very long delay (until timeout), while the status bar at the bottom of the screen says "Performing TLS hand… (xem thêm)

When I try to log in to Fidelity.com using Firefox, there is a very long delay (until timeout), while the status bar at the bottom of the screen says "Performing TLS handshake . . ." This does not happen on other websites. Does anyone else have this problem, or any suggested solution?

Được hỏi bởi Jim's Firefox Account 2 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Jim's Firefox Account 1 năm trước

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google docs in firefox browser

My icons on google docs are invisible only in the firefox browser. If I mouse over their location then the words for the icon appear and I know where to click. I includ… (xem thêm)

My icons on google docs are invisible only in the firefox browser. If I mouse over their location then the words for the icon appear and I know where to click.

I included a pictures.


Được hỏi bởi jkelsonsca 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi jonzn4SUSE 1 năm trước

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When installing Firefox, I chose Microsoft Edge because I was currently using it. Google Chrome has all my favorites and bookmarks. I had no info in Microsoft Edge. … (xem thêm)

When installing Firefox, I chose Microsoft Edge because I was currently using it. Google Chrome has all my favorites and bookmarks. I had no info in Microsoft Edge. I used it because I've had so much trouble with Google. Google has the info favorites and bookmarks that need to transfer to Firefox. I can't find a way to go back and correct my entry. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall Firefox to fix this.

Được hỏi bởi martha.seresun 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 năm trước

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I keep getting "Network error when attempting to fetch resource" when I try and log into a website

I keep getting "Network error when attempting to fetch resource" when I try and log into a website I've been on the website today and logged in without problems. Then … (xem thêm)

I keep getting "Network error when attempting to fetch resource" when I try and log into a website I've been on the website today and logged in without problems. Then my session ended and i had to log in again! Now i can't. try clearing cache, restarting etc www.victoriassecret.com


Được hỏi bởi dlstark 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi techguy150 1 năm trước