I appreciate the "Translate Selection To" in the right click context menu is in Beta. For me it works but not as well as it might. For example, I am English, my laptop is… (xem thêm)
I appreciate the "Translate Selection To" in the right click context menu is in Beta. For me it works but not as well as it might. For example, I am English, my laptop is set to English, I am viewing a website in English but it has some foreign text on it, so I hightlight the text, right click and I am offered to "Translate Selection To ... Slovenian" Why???
I then have to tell it the language of the source/highlighted text and I have to tell it I want the result in English. I can accept it might not recognise the language of the source text but it is very annoying that it assumes I want it converted to Slovenian instead of the systems default language.
To make it worse, having changed the languages to those I want, it doesn't remember them and the next time I use it I'm back to square one.
This would be a really useful feature if only it was logical.