Where are the Add-ons I just installed?
I just installed 3 Add-ons Free Memory, Free Memory Button and Ramback but, apart from them showing on the Add-ons Manager, I can't find them let alone open them.................Does anyone know where they could be or what happened? Thanks in Advance
NoahSUMO மூலமாக
All Replies (20)
Please consider turning on send info to Mozilla before posting a question. This helps us help you.
No. Also modern operating systems really do not need those memory programs.
Go to the Extension Page and look under Options. That usually lets you do something with them. Or maybe you need to restart Firefox or the computer.
You need to contact the Developer of the add-ons/Extension. Firefox Support does not provide support for those. Find their contact information on the page you downloaded from.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
I've tried the extensions tab quite a few times before I contacted you and I got all 3 of them from the Firefox Get Add-Ons Tab not from somewhere private
Please go to Firefox Tool Bar /Firefox Menu if it is not open put mouse at top of Firefox in a blank area and right click and tick Menu Bar.
From there please go to Tools --> Add-ons --> click Extensions. All your Extensions/Add-ons are listed here. Beside each one should say Options and that opens something up so can work with it or.... You can look top far right in the other Menu with the 3 lines and see if they were put there.
So if you can not find them there I have no idea where they where installed to or if they were installed.
Tonight the extensions page was updated https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ All Extensions on the page should be compatible with Firefox 57 Quantum release date Nov 14th https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/quantum/ Note : Legacy Extensions will be disabled and or removed.
Well wouldn't you know it, all 3 of them are Legacy Extensions so at least now I know what the problem was and I'll just remove them and see if I can find similar add-ons from the links you're provided, with many thanks.
I'm only doing this because Firefox is using up my memory badly and keeps closing on me in the middle of something and I'm sick of it, I'm might have to go to another browser, even though I really like Firefox, because this is happening 2 or 3 times a day and I can't seem to find any help with it, I'm not happy.
Thanks for all your help though
Welcome. I am glad you got those sorted out. Glad you also pointed out that they were for trying to fix ram issues and Firefox closing.
You may have to get some help with this.
2 things no idea what video card you have as I said you did not tick send info to us.
I would like for you to update your graphics card drivers. If you do not know make and model look here : https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/03/technology/personaltech/checking-the-graphics-card-specifications-on-your-computer.html
Once find name can google the make and will take you to their pages . Or just let me know and will give you the URL to go to.
OK next can I get you to uninstall Firefox (your profile will be saved, bookmarks, passwords, extensions maybe) then reinstall using a Full Version Installer for current version 56.0.2 (shows here your running 56.0) Go here and pick your file https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/
Now I am hoping this will fix your memory issue. If it does not, there are other ways we can work on it.
Hi thanks for your reply and just in the nick of time I might add. Firefox has been crashing all morning even when there isn't any programs open, the crash report still comes up. Plus not only is the memory still an issue, the CPU shot up to 99% for no reason...........I'm scared my desktop is going to implode.
I've updated the driver, it's an Intel so I presume that's the one you mean, and I'll uninstall Firefox, restart and install the other updated program from your link then, fingers crossed all will be well.
But, before I do that, do you know if Firefox still needs Java to run because someone said that Java can cause a lot of problems these days but I don't want to delete it until I'm sure it's alright to?
PS: I've attached a screen shot of my Task Manager this morning and you can see for yourself how high Firefox has been running
Not to worry over java. It now has to ask your permission to run on any pages that request it. Can uninstall if want and if need it go to http://java.com
Yes I see your screenshot and this is why was asking you to install this updated version. Note it may or may not fix the issue. A lot easier than the instructions would/will give to you to turn off Multiprocessor Support.
See how the new drivers work out and new Firefox Version.
Thanks, so far so good, I'm leaving my MSN home page off for the time being as I thought that may be causing problems as well but I'll wait until tonight or tomorrow to check it out again.
When I went to uninstall Firefox though it said that I was already running 56.02 version but I did what you advised anyway and I hope that's the end of all those problems but I won't mark it as solved just yet, if you don't mind.......maybe in a few days or so.
Welcome. A fresh install is as good if not better than doing a refresh. Let it run and if have the issue again we have the cure .
Yes so am I....where do I find the crash report? I have all the boxes ticked in the nitification etc. plus enter my email address for Firefox to contact me but I haven't ever heard anything back as yet.
Shadow110 மூலமாக
This is not posting right.
Please read the URL I just sent to you and how to copy it to a message to send back to me here now. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-crashes-asking-support
I hope this opens for you, I had to copy/paste it everything else was showing errors
Ok this is just not posting correctly.
Please read the instructions in the URL I sent. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-crashes-asking-support It tells how to send back to me through a message here the report.
God you must think I'm an idiot, I didn't read it properly, very sorry
So weird... the posts are all over the place.
So the crash report suggests it is a Extension that is hanging and that you are forcing the shutdown. Since did not have send info on the only Extension I see is Flash.
See if Multi-Processor Support is turned on. Multi-processor support feature may be disabled depending on your setup (it was for me) - you can check this by launching Firefox, then enter in "about:support" in the address bar; near the bottom, you should see a heading that says: "Multiprocess Windows", then look at the value next to it. If it says "0/1", then that means it's disabled. If see 0.2 or higher it is turned on.
Please check.
It says: 0/4 (Disabled by accessibility tools)
Sorry, it was going good all day but then, this afternoon, I got the low memory message again and Firefox crashed again.
After the fresh install it looked like it was fixed but, alas, it wasn't meant to be.........any other ideas?
Sorry to see you back....
Yes, but I would like to see the crash report if possible please. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-crashes-asking-support
Yes so am I....where do I find the crash report? I have all the boxes ticked in the nitification etc. plus enter my email address for Firefox to contact me but I haven't ever heard anything back as yet.
chasjan1 said
plus enter my email address for Firefox to contact me but I haven't ever heard anything back as yet.
I'm sorry, but we don't provide support via email .......
Could you maybe provide the information that Pkshadow asked for, like :
Provide a list of the extensions that you are running ? Some extensions use a lot of memory !
Are you using Multi-process (e10s) ? You can check that in about:config : Look for these preferences : • browser.tabs.remote.autostart (default value is 'false') • browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 if their values are set to true then you are. You could change the value to false
Happy112 மூலமாக