Showing questions tagged: Onyesha maswali yote
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Firefox on iPad and no print function

I just started with Firefox browser on my iPad. No where in the menu or Home Screen is there a print icon. Does anybody use Firefox on iOS and learned how to print?? HEL… (read more)

I just started with Firefox browser on my iPad. No where in the menu or Home Screen is there a print icon. Does anybody use Firefox on iOS and learned how to print??


Asked by donwhitehead1 3 months ago

Last reply by Paul 3 months ago

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Passwords content empty unusable new ipad

Hello, Setting up a new iPad and signing into Mozilla fire fox, I found myself though I see on my phone I have more than one Mozilla account. On the iPad there are sever… (read more)

Hello, Setting up a new iPad and signing into Mozilla fire fox, I found myself though I see on my phone I have more than one Mozilla account. On the iPad there are several with no username and no password. This is the case for Amazon? as well. For example, Amazon, UK Amazon, Germany, Amazon it’s only Amazon? france, Amazon?, USA, etc.. each time I have to write in my email and look up my password on another device, and then ask the iPad to remember the password and the password is NEVER remembered. Sorry, I don’t know why all caps. I am hoping a synch will clear things up, but do I sing from my phone or do I sync from an old computer? If I do have several Mozilla accounts, probably because I encountered password trouble and created a new ID, there could be a great amount of Helter skelter. If I sync more than one of these to the new device, will they all remain on the device or will they be faithful to the account that I am signed in on?

How do I tell which account I am using in Mozilla fire fox

Is there a trick to get Mozilla firefox to merge with the one on my phone for example, where things seem to be pretty straightforward.

I apologize because I’m not asking a clear question. Has anybody run into a problem of having their fire fox password system absolutely non-functional, and in addition to that on an Apple device, that the iCloud Keychain doesn’t want to remember the password, either, nor do the websites want to “remember me”.

If I know more, I’ll come back for help. Thank you, thank you all very much.


Asked by M 1 year ago

Last reply by jjaannee666u 1 year ago