Video Stuttering or not playing issue in firefox.
I was playing video on my website and using threejs to render the video over web. It was working on every browser until i opened firefox. On firefox the video is not playing or stuttering at multiple positions and i dont knew why.
I read somewhere on reddit post of how to fix it and got to a solid solution of turning media.wmf.dxva.d3d11.enabled false. media.wmf.dxva.d3d11.enabled When i turn this false, in the config of Firefox. The video stuttering is fixed.
But as am a developer and want a solid solution so that no user can face this issue on my website while video is played. So is there any solid fix other than this through code only so that i don't have to ensure for every user to make this thing false. Can i do this through code? Is there any fix to this issue.
Thankyou in advance.