Set up sent mail

Hello 1. We have 2 emails (hello@duomoovement and info@duomoovement) and two users of both emails. Both of us can see the received mail, but the sent mail is only visibl… (nadaljnje branje)


1. We have 2 emails (hello@duomoovement and info@duomoovement) and two users of both emails. Both of us can see the received mail, but the sent mail is only visible from the person who sends the mail and is visible only to that person in the Sent tab, and we want the sent messages to be visible to both people as well. Where does this take place?

2. And how is thunderbird installed on iphone?

Thank you for your reply. Best regards, Nancy

Vprašal/-a nancy budna pred 3 dnevi

Kako nastavim, da ne glede na ime uporabnika, da se vidi vsa poslana pošta

Pozdravljeni, 1. Imamo 2 email (hello@duomoovement in info@duomoovement) in dva uporabnika obeh mailov. prejeto pošto vidiva oba, poslana pošta pa je le od osebe, ki poš… (nadaljnje branje)


1. Imamo 2 email (hello@duomoovement in info@duomoovement) in dva uporabnika obeh mailov. prejeto pošto vidiva oba, poslana pošta pa je le od osebe, ki pošto pošlje in je v zavihku poslano vidna le tej osebi, mi pa želimo, da so tudi poslana sporočila vidna obema osebama. Kje se to nastavi?

2. In kako se thunderbird inštalira na iphone?

Hvala za vaš odgovor. Lep pozdrav, Nancy

Vprašal/-a nancy budna pred 3 dnevi

How do I set up to be able to see sent emails from a colleague

We have 2 email accounts on thunderbird ( and and 2 pesons are using them, we can bouth see the email s that we receive on th… (nadaljnje branje)

We have 2 email accounts on thunderbird ( and and 2 pesons are using them, we can bouth see the email s that we receive on the email, but we can not see the email s that we send ( I can t see the email that my colleague send, only what did I send), but because off the nature of our business, we have to see the send mutual email s. Where can i change the settings so this problem will be solved?

Than you for your help. Best regards, Nancy

Vprašal/-a nancy budna pred 3 dnevi