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Kopirala sem samo črke in številke v podpis, ko sestavljam novo pošto je ok - četudi bi rada zbrisala ta znak na vrhu podpisa"--". Lahko? Ko odgovarjam na mail, ni podpi… (nadaljnje branje)

Kopirala sem samo črke in številke v podpis, ko sestavljam novo pošto je ok - četudi bi rada zbrisala ta znak na vrhu podpisa"--". Lahko?

Ko odgovarjam na mail, ni podpisa, ki je nujno potreben, ker delam v marketingu. Prosim za pomoč. Bom donirala kmalu...

Lp Mojca

Vprašal/-a SALVUM Ustvarjamo ideje pred 2 tednoma

automatic reply

Hello, I have a problem with the automatic reply. The settings are correct and the auto-response works. However, I am getting messages in my inbox with this reply and it … (nadaljnje branje)

Hello, I have a problem with the automatic reply. The settings are correct and the auto-response works. However, I am getting messages in my inbox with this reply and it is being sent mail after mail. I don't know what is wrong.

Vprašal/-a Vr123 pred 3 tedni

Unable to delete messages

When I delete a message from my inbox, all of a sudden all the e-mails vanish. Every folder is empty. Then I exit Thuderbird and run in it again, and all the messages are… (nadaljnje branje)

When I delete a message from my inbox, all of a sudden all the e-mails vanish. Every folder is empty. Then I exit Thuderbird and run in it again, and all the messages are there, including the one I deleted. This started yesterday. It is frustrating. This is happening to everybody I know.

Vprašal/-a lubenica09 pred 1 mesecem