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My firefox keeps crashing

For the past two months, my Firefox Linux keeps crashing. I don't know why. Here's the text from the Mozilla Crash Reporter window that pops up after Fox crashes: Access… (ďalšie informácie)

For the past two months, my Firefox Linux keeps crashing. I don't know why.

Here's the text from the Mozilla Crash Reporter window that pops up after Fox crashes: Accessibility: Active AdapterDeviceID: 0x5917 AdapterDriverVendor: mesa/iris AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons: langpack-en-GB%40firefox.mozilla.org:121.0.20231211.174248,langpack-en-CA%40firefox.mozilla.org:121.0.20231211.174248,uBlock0%40raymondhill.net:1.54.0,treestyletab%40piro.sakura.ne.jp:3.9.19,%40contain-facebook:2.3.11,addon%40darkreader.org:4.9.73,%7B7a7a4a92-a2a0-41d1-9fd7-1e92480d612d%7D:1.5.41,%40testpilot-containers:8.1.3,magnolia%4012.34:,%7Ba6c4a591-f1b2-4f03-b3ff-767e5bedf4e7%7D:0.5.0,formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,screenshots%40mozilla.org:39.0.1,webcompat%40mozilla.org:121.0.0,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.6,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,ebay%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,firefox-compact-dark%40mozilla.org:1.2,amazondotcom%40search.mozilla.org:1.7 AvailablePageFile: 0 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 824360960 AvailableSwapMemory: 2147479552 AvailableVirtualMemory: 9762406400 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20231211174248 ContentSandboxCapabilities: 119 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 4 CrashTime: 1703535161 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 DesktopEnvironment: x-cinnamon EMCheckCompatibility: true ExperimentalFeatures: network.cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure,layout.css.grid-template-masonry-value.enabled,devtools.inspector.compatibility.enabled GpuSandboxLevel: 0 GraphicsNumActiveRenderers: 4 GraphicsNumRenderers: 5 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1703210473 IsWayland: 0 LastStartupWasCrash: 0 LinuxUnderMemoryPressure: 0 Notes: Linux Mint 21.2FP(D00-L1000-W0000000-T010) WR? WR+ libGL.so.1? libGL.so.1+ EGL? EGL- GL Context? GL Context+ WebGL? WebGL+ ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} ProductName: Firefox RDDProcessStatus: Running ReleaseChannel: release SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 1545 StartupCacheValid: 1 StartupCrash: 0 StartupTime: 1703533821 SubmittedFrom: Client TelemetryEnvironment: {"build":{"applicationId":"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}","applicationName":"Firefox","architecture":"x86-64","buildId":"20231211174248","version":"121.0","vendor":"Mozilla","displayVersion":"121.0","platformVersion":"121.0","xpcomAbi":"x86_64-gcc3","updaterAvailable":true},"partner":{"distributionId":null,"distributionVersion":null,"partnerId":null,"distributor":null,"distributorChannel":null,"partnerNames":[]},"system":{"memoryMB":15880,"virtualMaxMB":null,"cpu":{"extensions":["hasMMX","hasSSE","hasSSE2","hasSSE3","hasSSSE3","hasSSE4_1","hasSSE4_2","hasAVX","hasAVX2","hasAES"]},"os":{"name":"Linux","version":"5.15.0-91-generic","locale":"en-CA"},"hdd":{"profile":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"binary":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"system":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null}},"gfx":{"D2DEnabled":null,"DWriteEnabled":null,"ContentBackend":"Skia","Headless":false,"EmbeddedInFirefoxReality":null,"TargetFrameRate":60,"adapters":[{"description":"Mesa 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This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Otázku položil(a) Mozilla cheese Pred 8 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od Mozilla cheese Pred 8 mesiacmi

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Minimize, Maximise and Exit all now hiding.

I live with Firefix always in full screen. I Don't like seeing any bars or buttons of any kind. Befor the latest update, when I moved my mouse to the top of the screen … (ďalšie informácie)

I live with Firefix always in full screen. I Don't like seeing any bars or buttons of any kind.

Befor the latest update, when I moved my mouse to the top of the screen my tabs popped down and in the top right corner was the standard icons for "minimize" "maximize" and "exit".

With the latest update the tabs are there but the 3 buttons have gone.

If I exit full screen (F11) then they are there again, but I dont want to have to exit full screen every time I change between programes which I do every few mins. I'd be popping pages in and out of full screen every few mins!

How do I get the buttons back all the time?

Otázku položil(a) lucyblairs Pred 2 rokmi

Posledná odpoveď od tiffanyboyd78 Pred 2 rokmi

  • Vyriešené
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watch video "in" firefox browser

I'm trying to watch videos in Firefox. Youtube works but Xvideos does not. Firefox pops up a window asking me: >> "Opening xvideos"."com ###.mp4". >> wh… (ďalšie informácie)

I'm trying to watch videos in Firefox. Youtube works but Xvideos does not. Firefox pops up a window asking me:

>> "Opening xvideos"."com ###.mp4". >> which is: MP4 Video (16.4MB) >> from https://cdn77-vid.xvideos-cdn"."com >> >> What should Firefox do with this file?

My only choice is: Open with Windows Media Player x86 (default)


I'm running Windows 7 Firefox 76.0.1


Otázku položil(a) G_Eak Pred 4 rokmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) cor-el Pred 4 rokmi

  • Archivované

what is this Your browser is being managed by your organization

Your browser is being managed by your organization. Why am i seeing this and how do I remove how do i stop it from showing up and wwhy is it showing up ? What … (ďalšie informácie)

Your browser is being managed by your organization. Why am i seeing this and how do I remove how do i stop it from showing up and wwhy is it showing up ? What organization is it and why?


Otázku položil(a) Mary Pred 1 rokom

Posledná odpoveď od Mary Pred 1 rokom

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Problem with a GIS website

Until the most recent update of Firefox, I was able to access atrribute data of a GIS map feature on the GIS Open Data, State of Michigan website: https://gis-michigan.o… (ďalšie informácie)

Until the most recent update of Firefox, I was able to access atrribute data of a GIS map feature on the GIS Open Data, State of Michigan website:


Now, I can not click on any feature. I can do this, however, using Chrome. What is the issue, here?

Otázku položil(a) FireFoxFan1 Pred 2 rokmi

Posledná odpoveď od FireFoxFan1 Pred 2 rokmi

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Windows 10 NOT Windows 8

Firefox continues to indicate I am using Windows 8. I have NEVER used Windows 8 in my liftetime. I use Windows 10 and after locating the program compatibility location to… (ďalšie informácie)

Firefox continues to indicate I am using Windows 8. I have NEVER used Windows 8 in my liftetime. I use Windows 10 and after locating the program compatibility location to change to Windows 10, Windows 10 isn't an option. I changed my OS to 10 in your box below. Why? I don't understand this.

Otázku položil(a) Rhonda Pred 1 rokom

Posledná odpoveď od Rhonda Pred 1 rokom

  • Archivované

usps tracking and informed delivery does not work on firefox, but works on edge!

how is it that the usps website works on edge, but not on firefox? usps stopped working about a month ago on firefox. i already tried clearing the cashe and cookies from … (ďalšie informácie)

how is it that the usps website works on edge, but not on firefox? usps stopped working about a month ago on firefox. i already tried clearing the cashe and cookies from usps and that did not work, and neither did turning off ad block plus. im at a loss here.

Otázku položil(a) 09grizzly550 Pred 1 rokom

Posledná odpoveď od 09grizzly550 Pred 1 rokom

Youtube videos load very slowly... if they load

For the last several weeks (can't give an exact date, but it's been more than just a couple weeks, less than a couple months), both my husband and I have had issues loadi… (ďalšie informácie)

For the last several weeks (can't give an exact date, but it's been more than just a couple weeks, less than a couple months), both my husband and I have had issues loading videos in FF. We both have the latest version of FF. I went thru "Fix common audio and video issues" and did all those things, as well as trying to load the videos in troubleshooting mode. Nothing has helped (tho now that i cleared all the cache, i'm gonna have to log back into all those websites :( ). Nothing else is problematic. Our internet connection is fine. In fact, my husband has resorted to using MS browser to watch videos--they load fine in that browser. I have no other idea what to do. Searching your database for "youtube videos load slow" only resulted in a couple hits with no resolution. Hopefully this isn't the third. thanks

Otázku položil(a) rileth1 Pred 2 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od rileth1 Pred 2 mesiacmi

  • Archivované

FIle-picker window on one of my machines is much larger than my display

The file-picker (when I choose any file related operation such as Open File, Save As, etc) on just one of my machines is far larger than my desktop size (and the window a… (ďalšie informácie)

The file-picker (when I choose any file related operation such as Open File, Save As, etc) on just one of my machines is far larger than my desktop size (and the window appears not to be resizable).

When I trigger any such operation I'm presented with what looks like a blank screen as I a shown part of the vast unused area of this oversized window. If I force my wm to allow me to move the window I can use the file picker with a lot of painful repeated scrolling around but otherwise it's unusable.

Any idea why firefox might be doing this or where it might have cached the file picker size? There doesn't appear to be anything related in about:config or userprefs.js

Starting up in trubleshooting mode doesn't have any effect on this.

Otázku položil(a) ersatzmaus Pred 10 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od ersatzmaus Pred 8 mesiacmi

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My microsoft rewards dashboard flickers on Firefox

My microsoft rewards dashboard floating task flickers when I hover my mouse to the edge of that on the dashboard... need help with it please I have windows 11 computer an… (ďalšie informácie)

My microsoft rewards dashboard floating task flickers when I hover my mouse to the edge of that on the dashboard... need help with it please I have windows 11 computer and it's a hp

Otázku položil(a) japal3 Pred 6 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od zeroknight Pred 5 mesiacmi

  • Vyriešené

Economist article links fail

Some months back when I get gmail from the Economist and try to go to an article the gmail links to I get this: Our apologies. An error seems to have occurred. The art… (ďalšie informácie)

Some months back when I get gmail from the Economist and try to go to an article the gmail links to I get this: Our apologies. An error seems to have occurred. The article actually appears very briefly but then gets overwritten by this error message. I am using an up to date Windows 10 PC.

When I go to Microsoft Edge this behavior does not occur. In Firefox I have tried clearing the data and cache but to no avail.

Any thoughts on dealing with this? I do not want to go through many heroic steps to fix this.

Otázku položil(a) Les Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Les Pred 1 mesiacom

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Tabs on Bottom

Hi Running Firefox 71.0 (64 bit) Well seems Firefox has been messing this up again. Anyone have the new work around solution to get my tabs back on the bottom again. T… (ďalšie informácie)


Running Firefox 71.0 (64 bit)

Well seems Firefox has been messing this up again.

Anyone have the new work around solution to get my tabs back on the bottom again. They were fine this morning then shut down and went out to lunch and when I came back they were back on the top again after months of being where I wanted them below my bookmark bar.

Thoughts on this?

Thanks Dave

Otázku položil(a) scottish2 Pred 4 rokmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) cor-el Pred 4 rokmi

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I'm getting a popup blocked on a page I need to have the popup working

I have turned off all extensions, allowed all permissions on the page, changed the Privacy to Standard, turned off enhanced protection, but I still cannot get the popup t… (ďalšie informácie)

I have turned off all extensions, allowed all permissions on the page, changed the Privacy to Standard, turned off enhanced protection, but I still cannot get the popup to show on this page (need login to see actual page)


I cannot find anything else which can be blocking it, but something is.

If I load the page in Edge, it works fine.

Otázku položil(a) Christopher Pred 10 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od Christopher Pred 10 mesiacmi

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Rpg Mo doesnt work right in my browser, how can i fix that?

when I try to click drop down menus on rpg mo, like settings/game options or anything in the gear drop down menu it wont let me click. I can't play rpg mo is there a reas… (ďalšie informácie)

when I try to click drop down menus on rpg mo, like settings/game options or anything in the gear drop down menu it wont let me click. I can't play rpg mo is there a reason for this like is it not html they are using but it works on windows? I am using suse linux leap.

Otázku položil(a) eric.justin.allan Pred 10 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od zeroknight Pred 9 mesiacmi

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Pages taking ages to load

Hi all, I feel like this is a problem that must have been experienced and solved a thousand times... however I've tried all the suggested fixes I can find and the proble… (ďalšie informácie)

Hi all,

I feel like this is a problem that must have been experienced and solved a thousand times... however I've tried all the suggested fixes I can find and the problem still persists.

When I load Firefox the pages take ages to load. It doesn't matter what the page is, it takes ages, except that about: pages load fine, no problem. When I say pages take ages to load, I mean that everything about the page takes ages, not only the next, not on the images and other content etc, everything. This only started happening today and I only created a new profile a month or so ago. I don't have many tabs open (maybe 20) of which 9 are pinned. I do have lots of extensions installed.

I've tried troubleshooting/safe mode, that makes no difference.

Private browsing and loading another profile are fine, they don't have this problem.

I've cleared all cache and data, cookies, etc, including startup cache.

I've deleted the content-prefs file, and removed places files.

I've tried disabling and enabling hardware acceleration.

I've tried disabling TRR.

Probably some other things too, but so far nothing has worked.

Suggestions please! :)

Otázku položil(a) madbilly Pred 8 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) madbilly Pred 3 mesiacmi

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Firefox creates almost 200 processes on exit, 100% CPU

Hello, When I close Firefox after the last update (current installed version: 112.0 x64 Windows 10), Firefox creates almost 200 processes (in the latest case 177), each… (ďalšie informácie)


When I close Firefox after the last update (current installed version: 112.0 x64 Windows 10), Firefox creates almost 200 processes (in the latest case 177), each using from 17 MB to 65 MB RAM (except one that is using over 200 MB - I guess the main one) using 100% CPU for about half a minute, and in that my PC is unusable - everything hangs. It takes a bit more time to close all of them.

Any ideas what could be wrong and how to fix it?

Thank you.

Otázku položil(a) Red-Herring Pred 1 rokom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) jscher2000 - Support Volunteer Pred 1 rokom

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Pref to block/fake font-readout?

Is there a preference in about:config to fake or simply block websites from reading the font-list of my operatingsystem? I think it is pretty ridiculous anyways that webs… (ďalšie informácie)

Is there a preference in about:config to fake or simply block websites from reading the font-list of my operatingsystem? I think it is pretty ridiculous anyways that websites can access this information since it has nothing todo with the webbrowser visiting the site but going beyond to spy on information that i consider private.

Same question goes for audio-readout, is there a pref to fake or block?

Otázku položil(a) Firefox_Beginner Pred 2 rokmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) jscher2000 - Support Volunteer Pred 2 rokmi