Using Node Express-Sessions to set cookie "httpOnly: true, secure: true, SameSite: "None" FF blocks authorization
My web site My web site allows user to login with .ejs Sign-up/Sign-in pages then delivers a React page. This works in Chrome and Safari. Https/SSL are provided by my ho… (ďalšie informácie)
My web site My web site allows user to login with .ejs Sign-up/Sign-in pages then delivers a React page. This works in Chrome and Safari. Https/SSL are provided by my host A2Hosting.
Firefox warns "Cookie “connect.sid” does not have a proper “SameSite” attribute value" when the cookie is set and then blocks the react page after login. If I enter the route that leads to the react page directly I can login and don't get the warning. In both cases the Storage tab in Dev tools shows the same settings for the cookie.
I made sure to remove any cookies for my site before testing the second scenario. I have tested this on Windows, Linux and Android versions of Firefox with the same results.
Here is my Express-Session instantiation ``` app.use(expressSession({
store: new pgSession({ pool: pool, tableName: 'session' // Insert connect-pg-simple options here }), secret: process.env.SECRET, resave: false, saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: {
httpOnly: true, Secure: true, SameSite: "None", path: ['/'], maxAge: 60 * 60 * 1000 * 5 } // Insert connect-pg-simple options here
})) ``` I've tried changing the path to include the react app route, I've added it to Cors white list and I converted it to open with an .ejs file instead of .html with no results.
Thanks for your support and for a great browser