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  • Vyriešené

New Tab not showing Recent Activity anymore.

I have Firefox's New Tab set as my home page, since I'm choosing to divorce myself from political doomscrolling for the next four years. The New Tab page is perfect for h… (ďalšie informácie)

I have Firefox's New Tab set as my home page, since I'm choosing to divorce myself from political doomscrolling for the next four years. The New Tab page is perfect for having frequently visited sites at the top, Pocket stories I can curate in the middle, and what used to be a history of articles and sites I've read most recently in "Recent Activity" along the bottom. Within the last few days, "Recent Activity" has been blank, and will no longer keep track of articles I've recently read. I've tried clearing the browser history and cookies, and it came back for a moment, but quickly went back to being blank. And the major downside to clearing the browser is that my four rows of most frequently visited sites gets wiped clean also, and I have to spend time getting them back on the list. I do not have Firefox set to automatically clear history upon closing it. I've tried turning "Recent Activity" off and on with the page's Settings (cog in the bottom right corner). I'd really like to have this back, as it can help me find recently read content (especially Pocket content) easier than wading through the History log. Any help would be appreciated.

Otázku položil(a) Dave F Pred 3 týždňami

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Dave F Pred 1 týždňom

  • Vyriešené

account duplicates

Please 🙏 I am tired of the same thing nothing changes I will get control over my podcast and Cash app pay pal and they take it right back I truly know who's doing this wh… (ďalšie informácie)

Please 🙏 I am tired of the same thing nothing changes I will get control over my podcast and Cash app pay pal and they take it right back I truly know who's doing this where do I start

Otázku položil(a) Equaine Anthony Pred 6 dňami

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Equaine Anthony Pred 6 dňami

  • Vyriešené

Locked out of accounts Samsung and Gmail due to 2way-factor authentication. I need to change a my number on the email account

I need to change the phone number on accounts to sign in . My original phone that was on the account was stolen. Locked out of my accounts  ? Samsung &Gmail go… (ďalšie informácie)

I need to change the phone number on accounts to sign in . My original phone that was on the account was stolen. Locked out of my accounts  ? Samsung &Gmail google ect...

Otázku položil(a) Travis Juarez Pred 1 týždňom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) david Pred 1 týždňom

  • Vyriešené

I can't anymore

I have loved FF desktop browser since I started using it per my boss in 2003. But I am so tired of the fact that EVERY SINGLE TIME you put out an update it breaks my acc… (ďalšie informácie)

I have loved FF desktop browser since I started using it per my boss in 2003. But I am so tired of the fact that EVERY SINGLE TIME you put out an update it breaks my access to the bank. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I waste HOURS reading articles, calling the bank IT dept, chatting with people who are on 3 calls at once, only to hear them tell me to "just use chrome." I clear the cookies, clear the cache, reboot, follow all the prompts in the settings and THEN the damned bank server doesn't recognize the device so it forces yet ANOTHER password change. It happened again TODAY and it makes me so sad but I cannot do it anymore. I am STILL now (going on 4 hours) trying to access the billpay page @ Xantanderbank. (ahem, secure codename) I am forced now, by this craziness, to use the imbecilic duckduckgo which is A) and offensive name and b) you KNOW it nowhere near the product you have built but I CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE. Thank you for the time it takes to read this diatribe. I appreciate it.

Otázku položil(a) cmaloof Pred 4 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) NoahSUMO Pred 4 mesiacmi

  • Vyriešené

POP E-mails stopped downloading on 1/27/25 in Thunderbird, AND Occasionally tries to download the same message repeatedly, WHILE defaulting inbox layout settings only on that e-mail account repeatedly after I correct it each time

POP E-mails stopped downloading on 1/27/25 in Thunderbird, AND Occasionally tries to download the same message repeatedly, WHILE defaulting inbox layout settings only on … (ďalšie informácie)

POP E-mails stopped downloading on 1/27/25 in Thunderbird, AND Occasionally tries to download the same message repeatedly, WHILE defaulting inbox layout settings only on that e-mail account repeatedly after I correct it each time...

What is causing this?

I am running 2 e-mails from my own domain, and 1 Gmail all within Thunderbird. While the above problem is occurring in 1 of my own domain accounts, it ALSO began only selectively downloading messages in my Gmail in Thunderbird and in the other personal domain account (same domain as the e-mail with the above problem), but with no inbox layout defaulting.

Very weird. Please help if anyone has info on this. Thank you!

I also noticed in the past few weeks that Thunderbird began doing this defaulting of the layout of that one e-mail account then too after the 128.6.0 update, but now these other problems as of 1/27/25.

Otázku položil(a) nrzenguitar Pred 1 týždňom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) nrzenguitar Pred 1 týždňom

  • Vyriešené

My Thunderbird goes through periods where it can receive but not send emails

My Thunderbird goes through periods where it can receive but not send emails. I am presented with the following message, see attachment. The number may vary but the messa… (ďalšie informácie)

My Thunderbird goes through periods where it can receive but not send emails. I am presented with the following message, see attachment. The number may vary but the message is always the same, I am being blacklisted. Can anyone tell me way this is happening, and what to do to fix it, Please? As far as I can remember, it sorts it self out, but it hasn't for over a week now and it is really frustrating. Thank you for reading this plea. Regards Ilio Pieroni

Otázku položil(a) Ilio Pieroni Pred 4 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Ilio Pieroni Pred 4 mesiacmi

  • Vyriešené

I cannot get into my accounts because I cannot receive a text with a code. My phone is held captive.

Please help me sign in to my hotmail (live) outlook account.

I have an appointment and need to access the patient portal.

Thank you!

Otázku položil(a) Stephanie Tuttle Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Stephanie Tuttle Pred 1 mesiacom