Found 12 results for Selenium for All Products

Selenium IDE 3.17.4 - Execute Subsequent Test Cases after initial login into the application?

IT has installed Selenium IDE - * My first test case logs into the application * subsequent test cases will test different pages / features within that application '''ISSUE:''' Every subsequent test case (after Login) opens the application and requires login. How to I override this? Once the first test case has completed, I want to execute the next test case without having to log into the application again. I have attached an image of my IDE screen.

Getting error while trying to launch firefox in Linux systems through selenium webdriver in a specific language

I am trying trying to launch firefox in Linux systems through selenium webdriver in a specific language. I have created a profile and using "intl.accept_languages" as below: FirefoxOptions firefoxOptions = new FirefoxOptions(); FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile(); firefoxProfile.setPreference("intl.accept_languages", ""); firefoxOptions.setProfile(firefoxProfile); firefoxOptions.setHeadless(isHeadless); driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxOptions); I am getting the below error: Region.jsm: "Failed to fetch region" (new TypeError("NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.", "") Additional details: OS: Linux Firefox version: 91.11.0 Gecko driver version: 0.31.0 Selenium version: 4.1.4 Kindly help.

Google Meet "You can't join this video call" as a guest user

see screenshot I am using Selenium to scrape a caption from Google Meet using Google Chrome, and it's working fine. However, when I use Firefox, it is giving an error. !pip install selenium==4.16.0 from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.switch_to.new_window('tab') driver.get('XXXX') # meeting link OS: mac or linux Version of Firefox: 123.0 (64-bit) Is that regular or premium google meet?: regular

Can Firefox browser be used to datascrape via Excel VBA?

Now that Microsoft has sunsetted IE, datascraping is not straight forward. I like firefox browser and would like to use it to datascrape from websites into Excel via VBA. Does Selenium work? Any other solutions?

Content doesn't fit Firefox window on Linux via VNC

'''Steps:''' * Open Linux server via VNC * Open Firefox * Search the term "test" '''Issue:''' * The google result page doesn't fit into the window and has a horizontal scrollbar to see content on the right hand side '''Note:''' I need my website to fit into browser properly at 100%(default) zoom itself for the purpose of automation because changing zoom level via selenium automation to press ctrl and minus 3 times causes unexpected behavior like even though value is filled in a textbox, it doesn't get sent in the API request payload. (Python 3.4.3, Selenium 3.12.0, GeckoDriver 0.31.0) '''Versions:''' * Ubuntu 14.04.6 * Firefox 91.13.0ESR * VNC: Tight VNC Viewer 2.8.63 OR Real VNC Viewer 6.22.515

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