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Is there any way to work around this: Firefox Can’t Open This Page To protect your security, idfl.xyz will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has em… (читать ещё)

Is there any way to work around this:

Firefox Can’t Open This Page

To protect your security, idfl.xyz will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.

Задан Brian 5 дней назад

Mailto links broken with Yahoo Mail

The Context: I'm setting up a new Linux PC (Mint OS). I logged into Yahoo Mail using Firefox and clicked on the browser notification in the corner that said something … (читать ещё)

The Context: I'm setting up a new Linux PC (Mint OS). I logged into Yahoo Mail using Firefox and clicked on the browser notification in the corner that said something like "Make Yahoo the default for mail links".

The Problem: When I click Mailto links in Firefox it takes me to a broken Yahoo Mail page. The page says "Your mail is temporarily unavailable" when that is not the case - Yahoo Mail works when I manually browse it.

Further details: I confirm that the "Applications" section of Firefox settings shows Yahoo mail as the default for mailto links. And specifically, the application details specify that the url used is: https://mail.yahoo.com/mrd/mail/any/compose?src=mailto&url=%s

Задан Dad Odie 3 дня назад

Logged out of my sbcglobal.net account automatically when I try to login.

I am logged out of my sbcglobal.net account automatically when I try to login. This happens only in Mozilla Firefox, other browsers are fine. So the problem is with Mozil… (читать ещё)

I am logged out of my sbcglobal.net account automatically when I try to login. This happens only in Mozilla Firefox, other browsers are fine. So the problem is with Mozilla Firefox. I got rid of cookies with no result. Any suggestion?

Задан Gaetan Chevalier 4 дня назад

Probleme bei der Nutzung von so genannten Authentifizierungs-Apps

Liebe Community, ich habe ein Problem bei der Nutzung von Apps, die eine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ermöglichen sollen (in meinem Falle enteAuth und OneAuth). Ich habe… (читать ещё)

Liebe Community, ich habe ein Problem bei der Nutzung von Apps, die eine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ermöglichen sollen (in meinem Falle enteAuth und OneAuth). Ich habe diese Apps probiert und komme mit beiden nicht zurecht, da sie alle 10-20 Sekunden einen neuen Code generieren, obwohl ich ja erstmal den von mir gescannten Code verifizieren muss. Der Mozilla Login sagt mir dann immer, der Code sei falsch. Dabei wollte ich eigentlich nur Themes gestalten hier im Online-Editor. Liebe Grüße Sven

Dear community, I have a problem when using apps that are supposed to enable two-factor authentication (in my case enteAuth and OneAuth). I have tried these apps and can't get along with either of them because they generate a new code every 10-20 seconds, even though I first have to verify the code I have scanned. The Mozilla login then always tells me that the code is incorrect. I actually only wanted to design themes here in the online editor. Best regards Sven

Задан SvenTasche 2 дня назад

Firefox is blocking page elements on some pages

Recently, Firefox has been blocking and/or not loading certain page elements on some websites. Canva and Google Teachable Machine (GTM) are the only site I've noticed hav… (читать ещё)

Recently, Firefox has been blocking and/or not loading certain page elements on some websites. Canva and Google Teachable Machine (GTM) are the only site I've noticed having issues as of now, but I assume there may be others. Canva loaded perfectly fine in the past, but recently it has stopped loading the images of most graphics. (See included images) I have disabled all extensions; deleted cache, cookies, and site data; reset firefox to default settings, "Refreshed" firefox (the alternative option given when trying to uninstall it), restarted my PC, ensured firefox is up to date, and ensured my settings do not block cookies. I'm at a loss as to what is causing this issue. Both Canva and GTM display different reasons for content not being displayed, but I have a hunch that their issues are related. I have confirmed these sites load correctly on other browsers. I only experience these issues on firefox (both regular and developer edition). All suggestions and advice are appreciated, Thanks!

Some common errors on Canva that I see: Failed to load ‘https://media-public.canva.com/t_gKw/MAFSBct_gKw/1/s-1.svg’. A ServiceWorker passed an Error Response to FetchEvent.respondWith(). This typically means the ServiceWorker performed an invalid fetch() call. hjfept.27f97ba74f48070c.js:69:315

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://media-public.canva.com/t4BYI/MAEcE3t4BYI/1/s.svg. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).

Below is some info for trouble shooting: {

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Задан Lusarusrex 2 дня назад