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Cached Web Content Not Clearing

Win 7 Home Premium Firefox Version 101.0.1 'Privacy & Security'->'Cookies and Site Data', 'Clear Data.' When 'Clear Now,' Cached Web Content; is clicked, it does… (читать ещё)

Win 7 Home Premium Firefox Version 101.0.1

'Privacy & Security'->'Cookies and Site Data', 'Clear Data.'

When 'Clear Now,' Cached Web Content; is clicked, it does not zero out. (It used to clear completely).

The browser webpage has been refreshed, the browser closed and reopened, and the computer restarted but the cache does not reset.

This issue started on the morning (Pacific time) of June 26-Is this a known glitch or am I missing a detail?

Задан Buddy2014 2 года назад

Последний ответ от Buddy2014 2 года назад

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Full screen border

I use Firefox Developer Edition and recently I noticed a problem when watching videos on any website in full screen mode. As can be seen on the attached image, there is a… (читать ещё)

I use Firefox Developer Edition and recently I noticed a problem when watching videos on any website in full screen mode. As can be seen on the attached image, there is a weird pixelated border around the video.

Задан DayronPL 1 год назад

Дан ответ DayronPL 1 год назад

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Firefox 115.0.2 (64-Bit) on Windows 7

Contrast disappears when I klick 'Login' eg. on 'https://www.elektor.de/'; other browsers are ok. AdGuard on or off makes no difference. Kind Regards [removed email from … (читать ещё)

Contrast disappears when I klick 'Login' eg. on 'https://www.elektor.de/'; other browsers are ok. AdGuard on or off makes no difference. Kind Regards [removed email from public]

Задан klaus178 1 год назад

Дан ответ klaus178 1 год назад

Replace context menu navigation icons with text only

Hi All, Is there a way to replace the navigation icons on the context menu with their text-only counterparts? I've tried the following code segments which provide less-… (читать ещё)

Hi All,

Is there a way to replace the navigation icons on the context menu with their text-only counterparts?

I've tried the following code segments which provide less-than-optimal results.

This one which worked in FF 88, now removes the icons, but leaves 4 blank buttons in a row with no text...

#context-back image,
#context-forward image,
#context-reload image,
#context-stop image,
#context-bookmarkpage image {display: none !important;}}

This one completely removes the options, but I would like to keep them, and replace them with their text counterparts

#context-sep-navigation {
   display:none !important;

Please see attached images for the before and after of what I'm trying to achieve.

Might be nice to have the blank icon column to the left of these 4 items so they all line up with the items below, but I can live without that if it's not possible.

Any help is appreciated!

Задан Slouch 4 месяца назад

Последний ответ от Slouch 4 месяца назад

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Firefox 113.0.1 Checksum error installation file

I have downloaded Firefox 113.0.1 for Windows x64 but the file seems to be corrupt. When I check the installation file with 7Zip Test Archive appeared a Warning Message d… (читать ещё)

I have downloaded Firefox 113.0.1 for Windows x64 but the file seems to be corrupt. When I check the installation file with 7Zip Test Archive appeared a Warning Message due to a Checksum error. All others versions of Firefox downloaded can be checked correctly by 7Zip, but this installation file show an error message that I never have received. Is there a problem with the file? Thanks

Задан enriquespain 1 год назад

Последний ответ от lexluthermiester 1 год назад

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Trouble accessing one particular webpage- recent problem-

Add address in search bar I get "ERROR OCCURRED" It seems something on my end is blocking this ip. Cannot ping from pc or router. Running on Win T Prof: Service Pack 1 Fi… (читать ещё)

Add address in search bar I get "ERROR OCCURRED" It seems something on my end is blocking this ip. Cannot ping from pc or router. Running on Win T Prof: Service Pack 1 Firefox 111.0.1 Norton Internet Security Tried without Norton - no success Best way to find what the problem could be? Have a mozlz4 dump but cant open with firefox ext. mozlz4-edit Help appreciated M

Задан fmas1 1 год назад

Последний ответ от jonzn4SUSE 1 год назад

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I am logged off FF, but passwords and addons are still showing

so firefox I am logged out, you can tell where it say "save and sync - sign in". but even though I am not signed in, my passwords and addons are still showing up. how to… (читать ещё)

so firefox I am logged out, you can tell where it say "save and sync - sign in". but even though I am not signed in, my passwords and addons are still showing up.

how to fix this

thank you!!

Задан Rick (Proton) 2 года назад

Дан ответ Rick (Proton) 2 года назад

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How to stop a page from reloading.

Pages reload while trying to read. This is a problem on news, blog, and most pages with a lot of text. Before headlines can be fully read, the page reloads and you're bac… (читать ещё)

Pages reload while trying to read. This is a problem on news, blog, and most pages with a lot of text. Before headlines can be fully read, the page reloads and you're back at the top. This has been a problem since Netscape went away. There was a red stop button that froze the page. The page didn't reload until manually reloaded. The only solution I've found is to unplug Starlink, read the page and replug, refresh. Using FF since Netscape died. I have used Chrome and others, but this is a common annoyance. I suppose this constant reloading on some sites is a way to increase page view stats.

Windows 7, FF 108.0.2. I normally update FF when new updates appear.

I do have a new PC with windows 11, but it's such a mess, I'll probably have to load Linux to make it usable.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Задан John 1 год назад

Последний ответ от Terry 1 год назад

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after upgrading to ff110 problem with css regarding browser tabs

Appreciate help for the following: 1. these codes don't work anymore in FF 110: #tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-tab="true"] { margin-left: 3px !important; } 2. Also … (читать ещё)

Appreciate help for the following: 1. these codes don't work anymore in FF 110: #tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-tab="true"] { margin-left: 3px !important; }

2. Also this one for Tab Separators , works ok except , the "last tab separator on the right" disappeared , I mean the left is visible but the right side of the tab has no separator :

.tab-content {
position: relative !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
--separator-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);

.tab-content::after {
content: '' !important;
display: block !important;
position: absolute !important;
background-color: var(--separator-color) !important;
width: 1px !important;
height: 28px !important;
transform: translateY(24px) !important;
opacity: 0 !important;
transition: opacity 0.2s ease !important;

.tab-content::before {
left: 0 !important;

.tab-content::after {
right: 0 !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[visuallyselected][style*=transform]+.tabbrowser-tab[style*=transform] .tab-content::after {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[style*=transform]:not([visuallyselected]) .tab-content::before,
.tabbrowser-tab[style*=transform]+.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected]) .tab-content::before {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected]):not(:hover):not([multiselected])+.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected]):not(:hover):not([multiselected]) .tab-content::before {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

#tabbrowser-tabs[hasadjacentnewtabbutton]:not([overflow]) .tabbrowser-tab[last-visible-tab]:not([visuallyselected]):not(:hover):not([multiselected]) .tab-content::after {
opacity: var(--tab-separator-opacity) !important;

#tabbrowser-tabs[overflow] .tabbrowser-tab[pinned]+.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-content::before {
opacity: 0 !important;

Any help appreciated Thanks look4

Задан look4 1 год назад

Последний ответ от look4 1 год назад

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Getting Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115 alerts from Norton Security while using Firefox

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry t… (читать ещё)

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry to my hosts file hoping it would block the IP but it doesn't seem to work, I may have done something wrong. The entry I made is: 0redird.com at the end of the hosts file. Below is the log from Norton security, the full URL is very long:

Category: Intrusion Prevention Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,IPS Alert Name,Default Action,Action Taken,Attacking Computer,Attacker URL,Destination Address,Source Address,Traffic Description 9/8/2022 4:29:31 PM,High,An intrusion attempt by 0redird.com was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115,No Action Required,No Action Required,"0redird.com (, 80)","http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res=","FANMAN-PC (, 2237)",0redird.com (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res= matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME1\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the Actions panel, click Stop Notifying Me. Any help will be appreciated, I can't find any info about this exploit inmy web searches.

Задан fanman2 2 года назад

Последний ответ от jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 год назад

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Moving TB from win7 to win10

I want to move TB from a win 7 machine on the C: drive to a win10 machine on the E: drive. I downloaded a fresh copy of TB to the win 10 machine and installed it in the … (читать ещё)

I want to move TB from a win 7 machine on the C: drive to a win10 machine on the E: drive. I downloaded a fresh copy of TB to the win 10 machine and installed it in the D: drive. Completed set up and can send/receive emails. I copy/paste the profiles folders using a usb stick, putting it in the same folder on the D: drive as TB. However, TB doesn't see it. In Troubleshooting help, Environment variables, it clearly shows the roaming folder as C:, while the program is clearly D:. What have I done wrong and how do I correct it please? Screenshot of Environment variable below.

Задан alan189 1 год назад

Последний ответ от david 1 год назад

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How to get rid of msg. "Your organization is managing your browser"?

A msg. suddenly appeared at the top of my ff general settings page saying "your organization is managing your browser". Upon clicking on it it appears that Chrome has ta… (читать ещё)

A msg. suddenly appeared at the top of my ff general settings page saying "your organization is managing your browser". Upon clicking on it it appears that Chrome has taken over most of my ff settings and disabled some of them. I have NO organization; I am retired and have a personal computer that only I use for personal things. I have run numerous anti malware programs that have found nothing. I have restored the computer to a much earlier time. I chose Firefox, NOT Chrome. Please help me get rid of this. And please don't assume I have knowledge as I am old and not very computer literate so if you could use simple terms I can understand that would be much appreciated. If no help, what can I do next to get some. Thank you I am using Windows 7 home premium on an older Dell business machine.

Задан shonatrill 1 год назад

Последний ответ от Kev King 1 год назад

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Missing min/max/close buttons

Hello. I don't know which Firefox release broke this essential feature. The problem started after I enabled Aero in my Windows 7 system. It happens often if I have an ope… (читать ещё)

Hello. I don't know which Firefox release broke this essential feature. The problem started after I enabled Aero in my Windows 7 system. It happens often if I have an open tab with https://www.o2tv.cz/ which uses some DRM to play TV content.

Задан pavel.lastovicka 2 года назад

Последний ответ от pavel.lastovicka 2 года назад

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Firefox Update 115 (installed today) has caused connection problems

Hi, I have spent hours this morning trying to diagnose a problem with Firefox Update 115. It is Unstable and I can't Stream Music from Youtube or even Amazon Music. Web p… (читать ещё)

Hi, I have spent hours this morning trying to diagnose a problem with Firefox Update 115. It is Unstable and I can't Stream Music from Youtube or even Amazon Music. Web pages from sites I use everyday are out of order when displaying text as well. It's a real mess. Now, here's the kicker, I haven't been able to stream my music from both aforementioned websites, but get this, if I use the Incognito Browser, Music streams No Problem. Seems like you guys broke something in the main FF browser. I have spent hours trying to debug this and have concluded that your most recent Update has broken streaming links. I can't rollback the Update and that is even more frustrating. Please Fix This. BTW, your Help Pages really stink. Sorry, but they offer no help when the problem is clearly FF. Kind Regards, Joe White

Задан seeekerman 1 год назад

Дан ответ seeekerman 1 год назад

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firefox 115.12esr slow to startup

Firefox 115.12esr slow to startup takes up to 10 second to load the first time now Firefox was fine in version 112.esr. to bad Firefox forces updates, even when the updat… (читать ещё)

Firefox 115.12esr slow to startup takes up to 10 second to load the first time now Firefox was fine in version 112.esr. to bad Firefox forces updates, even when the update make Firefox worse. https://snipboard.io/QF0ERT.jpg of course it works faster without extensions, that does not mean anything. I would reinstall the older version but Mozilla fixed so we cannot. I do not have time to reinstall all the extension so I am left with a useless Firefox. To bad Firefox does not allow reinstall of extension automatically, a reset of Firefox would also make Firefox useless; I am at a loss to how to continue to support Mozilla and not switch to another browser?

Задан alannsandiego 2 месяца назад

Дан ответ alannsandiego 2 месяца назад

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Change URL border color when focused

Hi All, I would like to change the url border color when it has the focus to blue. The code below works, except when you press Escape. After hitting Escape, the urlbar… (читать ещё)

Hi All,

I would like to change the url border color when it has the focus to blue.

The code below works, except when you press Escape.

After hitting Escape, the urlbar still has the focus but its border changes back to gray. It should remain blue.

I would also like to remove the box-shadow after pressing Escape, when the urlbar is not expanded (to mimic the behavior of FF 88).

The url and search input fields also do the same goofy thing Windows 10 does - the cursor stops blinking after 5 blinks and remains frozen. Any way to remove that behavior and keep the cursor blinking? If not, no big deal, the other stuff above is more important.

Any code suggestions to get that behavior are welcome!

/* set the initial borders of the urlbar and search bar to gray */
#urlbar > #urlbar-background, #urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] > #urlbar-background, #searchbar { border: 1px solid #a1a6b5 !important; outline: none !important; border-radius: 0px !important; }
/* set urlbar border to blue when focused */
#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] #urlbar-background {
   border-color: #0078d7 !important;

Задан Slouch 4 месяца назад

Дан ответ jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 4 месяца назад

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Browser improvements

I have noticed for awhile now that when I load my Firefox homepage its keeps taking longer, certainly longer than it used to take. Also, when I load a You-tube video it t… (читать ещё)

I have noticed for awhile now that when I load my Firefox homepage its keeps taking longer, certainly longer than it used to take. Also, when I load a You-tube video it takes about a minute for things to work properly. The video and audio are erratic and skipping and simply disjointed for about the first minute, but then after that period of time the You-tube video runs OK, both audio and video. Something seems to be causing those problems recently that I didn't have previously. The problem seems to just keep getting worse also. I would appreciate any input and suggestions that may help the problem. Thank you.

Задан sciencemagic 1 год назад

Дан ответ Infinity__ 1 год назад

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Import profile from old Firefox installation on Win 7 to new installation on Win 10Pro

Can I transfer my existing Firefox profile on the Windows 7 machine to a new installation on a new Win10Pro machine by copying the profile from the "AppData" location ont… (читать ещё)

Can I transfer my existing Firefox profile on the Windows 7 machine to a new installation on a new Win10Pro machine by copying the profile from the "AppData" location onto a pen drive, and then copying that into the comparable folder in the new machine.

I assume if I can I will then need to make the copied profile the default one using profile manager?

Задан lionladysf 8 месяцев назад

Дан ответ lionladysf 8 месяцев назад

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Hide Tab bar if there is only one tab

Hello! I have been using this userChrome.css code to hide the tab bar if there is only one tab (on Windows): tab:only-of-type, tab:only-of-type + #tabs-newtab-button { … (читать ещё)


I have been using this userChrome.css code to hide the tab bar if there is only one tab (on Windows):

tab:only-of-type, tab:only-of-type + #tabs-newtab-button {

   display: none !important;


#tabbrowser-tabs, #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox, #tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox {
   min-height: 0 !important;


Since one of the recent Firefox updates, this code does no longer work. Maybe because there is a new element in the tab bar: A drop-down list at the right.

Any idea how to make the above code work again?


Задан peter596 1 год назад

Дан ответ cor-el 1 год назад

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Desperately need to download a copy of firefox 56.0.2

I have been using Firefox 56.0.2 on Windows 7 for years safely. Until yesterday. We had one of those mini powerouts, that caused problems. My hard drive is failing an… (читать ещё)

I have been using Firefox 56.0.2 on Windows 7 for years safely. Until yesterday. We had one of those mini powerouts, that caused problems.

My hard drive is failing and Firefox will no longer fully load, it tries bless it, but some FF files must be in the damaged sectors of the hard drive. It then locks the system. Using Chrome works fine. But some logins/passwords/bookmarks had to be changed very recently and are not stored in the chrome browser yet. I hate chrome so use FF as the main browser.

I'm thinking that if I can install a fresh copy of FF 56.0.2 in a separate folder, a separate 2nd copy of FF, and then copy yesterday mornings backed up FF profile (before the crash) I could at least copy over all the bookmarks etc to Chrome so I can have my logins etc back.

This mornings backup failed to backup some FF files, all others were fine. Firefox worked fine yesterday but failed to launch this morning.

Please help save my sanity. I know I have to move to W 10, but cannot on this computer.

Задан SueWitch 10 месяцев назад

Дан ответ cor-el 10 месяцев назад