Can I possibly enlarge the headers and footers in Firefox's "Page Setup" menu to enlarge it so I can see it better...or is it something I'm gonna have to deal with being SO SMALL. Mike Lomax
I'd like to have the headers and footers enlarged like IE8 browser is. The headers and footers are pretty small.
Все ответы (4)
This appears to be hard-coded in Firefox to 10 point type, unlike most other settings which allow a user setting to override the default.
One partial workaround is to change your default serif font to something larger than Times New Roman. For example, the text seems at least a point size larger if I use Bookman Old Style.
Tools > Options > Content > Advanced... "Serif"
Of course, less of the URL or Title will fit this way...
Notes on the Fx code:
mPageData->mHeadFootFont->size = nsPresContext::CSSPointsToAppUnits(10);
I don't know how to suggest code changes, but it really would be nice for the point size to be configurable (even if the user has to go into about:config to change it).
Sorry...don't understand the answer you gave me. Guess all I'm really wanting to know that if I can enlarge the headers and footers when I print out a page?? Could you please tell me how I could override the default setting...or maybe I can't.
Sorry, the part above the --- line is all I could find for now. Your default "Serif" font is used for headers and footers, so you could choose one that is larger than Times.
The part below the --- is background information on where the 10 point size is hard-coded into Firefox.
Since the header and footer are hard-coded, is guess I can't enlarge them...OH WELL. No biggy! Had to Google the word from Webopedia "hard coded" to find out what the word meant that you used. Thanx for tryin--mwlomax