Curse of the behemoth?
The curse of the behemoth yet again? I refer to the ‘new’ imposition imposed by Microsoft with their ‘new’ authorisation and authentification nonsense when attempting to log in to account/s via Thunderbird. Why this is necessary when it is possible to log in via the usual manner direct is any body’s guess. My personal opinion is that it is a sordid and underhannd way of forcing us to subscribe to Outlook 365? Cynical me? For numerous reasons I need and use 6 e-mail accounts, sadly all Microsoft (outlook.com, hotmail.com. .co.uk and last but not least live.com). No need to explain why the excellent Thunderbird is used and has been for nigh on 15 years+. Over the past couple of months I have tried every conceivable configuration supplied by the support team and other poor users in the same position as me. None have solved my problem. I surely cannot be alone? I do not object to change if it is of benefit but this is madness. For the time being Thunderbird is redundant and the daily grind of signing in individually via Microsoft faces me everyday. Both time consuming and arguably pointless. If someone has a definitive solution please let me know. There must be one?
Все ответы (3)
These settings have generally worked for outlook, hotmail, and live, so I hope they work for you: - incoming: outlook.office365.com, port 993, SSL/TLS, Oauth2 (assuming IMAP) - outgoing: smtp.office365.com, port 587, STARTTLS, Oauth2
ok, what error messages are you receiving? and please post screenshots of incoming server pane and the SMTP server pane. Thanks
Windows has the ability to do screenshots, but my fingers always get confused in doing it, so I prefer using dedicates apps to create screenshots. Two free ones are these:
https://www.bluefive.pairsite.com/downloads.htm the app is 'snapshot', very small. install it, start it, click 'capture' menu, then click 'capture rectangle area', drag mouse to highlight desired area, and then click save. Really easy.
https://picpick.app/en/ the website implies a fee, but it's free for personal use. This is a bigger app, but it can do much more.