Email coloured tags have disappeared
i tag all the mails in my inbox with colours. Some of these colour tags were ones I customised with my own descriptions and names. All the colour tags have today disappeared except for the red/important ones... and the red/important tags were one of the default TB tags. All the custom tagged emails now display as untagged. Help, anyone? I've got 400 untagged emails and it's actually a very important sorting device for me.
i tag all the mails in my inbox with colours. Some of these colour tags were ones I customised with my own descriptions and names. All the colour tags have today disappeared except for the red/important ones... and the red/important tags were one of the default TB tags. All the custom tagged emails now display as untagged. Help, anyone? I've got 400 untagged emails and it's actually a very important sorting device for me.