Aplikacja nie odpowiada
Aplikacja nie odpowiada Aplikacja Firefox nie odpowiada , co zrobić ?
Aplikacja nie odpowiada Aplikacja Firefox nie odpowiada , co zrobić ?
Can you keep me updated on any changes that come across this program or icon Please?
Why is Firefox telling me to do am update? I've updated several times and nothing!
When we play any video on YouTube or other video sharing websites, controls in notification panel is not shown, only play pause notification shown. There's no other contr… (citește mai mult)
When we play any video on YouTube or other video sharing websites, controls in notification panel is not shown, only play pause notification shown. There's no other controls shown forward backward 10s, Next play backward play. Kindly look into this matter and resolve this issue in next update. Notification controls we want in Firefox Android kindly play music on yt music web on Chrome android and see controls on notification panel. You can also see screenshots attached below.