How to make old Pocket account work with Mozzila acc
I have old Pocket account that goes name@gmail.com, and it have many useful links I archive. 3 years ago, I created Mozzila acc that goes name@outlook.com, and it have all my bookmarks and settings. Before when I used Mozzila Firefox, I logged to Pocket with my old name@gmail.com acc and stored more articles. Now 1-2 months ago, I can not log to my Pocket with my old name@gmail.com it redirect me to name@outlook.com (Mozzila acc) and I can not log in to my old one on Desktop.
Somehow I logged in to Pocket app on Android with my old acc, and old articles are there, I want to know how to use old Pocket acc with old name@gmail.com on Firefox acc name@outlook.com?