YouTubeTV Playback controls in Firefox
What is it about YouTubeTV in Firefox that breaks my ability to control playback? I can click with mouse, but shortcuts ("Play (k)", "Back 15 seconds (j)", or "Forward 15 seconds (l)") stop working repeatedly and I'm forced to go back to using my mouse (Wacom Intuos Pro M). This doesn't sound like a big deal until you're forced to watch an offensive "My Pillow" ad or worse, and I can't immediately stop the playback of these radicalized terrorists. Or if while watching a DVR recording, it stops allowing me to skip thru commercials, or pause playback without picking up my pen (mouse) to get back in control of the 'playback' features.
Strangely, this never happens on YouTube videos/content. Those same controls ('shortcuts') work fine there.