No video with supported format and mime type found

I saw through several threads on how to try and fix this issue but none seem to work for me, when im trying to watch a video on regular firefox it doesnt work but on safe… (czytaj dalej)

I saw through several threads on how to try and fix this issue but none seem to work for me, when im trying to watch a video on regular firefox it doesnt work but on safe/troubleshooting mode. and it works when i put the video in a new tab but not on the main site. and while looking in the console i get this "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 206. any help will definitely be nice

Pytanie zadane przez MeowMeow 1 tydzień temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez zeroknight 1 tydzień temu

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Cannot remove "Your browser is being managed by your organisation" in home settings

I cannot remove "Your browser is being managed by your organisation" and seems to be stopping the home settings saving. They simply revert back to the default (see image)… (czytaj dalej)

I cannot remove "Your browser is being managed by your organisation" and seems to be stopping the home settings saving. They simply revert back to the default (see image) when I restart Firefox. Not sure what is meant by "your organisation" as I am a personal user, not organisation. I'm the single user of the browser (e.g. just one user on my PC, which is me) and also Admisitrator. Can someone help me remove this. Thanks John

Pytanie zadane przez john.udale 1 tydzień temu

Odpowiedź udzielona przez TyDraniu 1 tydzień temu

Everything is missing

Everything is gone….bookmarks, passwords, history on my desktop computer and I have no idea why. I opened Firefox and the home page was different and then noticed nothin… (czytaj dalej)

Everything is gone….bookmarks, passwords, history on my desktop computer and I have no idea why. I opened Firefox and the home page was different and then noticed nothing was the same. I dl Firefox again, no help, same result. I do have my desktop synced to my iPad and laptop but I’m concerned they will import from the desktop and get wiped out. Is there a way to sync from the laptop to the desktop? I am at a complete loss on how to fix this. I do run a backup on this computer. Would that help? Restore point?

Many thanks,


Pytanie zadane przez b52srule 1 tydzień temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez zeroknight 1 tydzień temu

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Incredible slow download speeds with 999Mbps connection (below 15Mbps)

Just recently Firefox seems to have its downloads capped at 15-16 meg speedtests show the full 1Gig speed OPERA AND EDGE both download at the full 999 megs but firefox … (czytaj dalej)

Just recently Firefox seems to have its downloads capped at 15-16 meg speedtests show the full 1Gig speed OPERA AND EDGE both download at the full 999 megs but firefox has recently stopped downloading any faster then 19 meg

what in firefox could be causing this its not happening in any other browser.

Pytanie zadane przez firefox2776 1 tydzień temu

Odpowiedź udzielona przez firefox2776 1 tydzień temu

Twitch videos skip forward when I drag a tab to a new window

I am watching a Twitch video on Firefox. When I open a new Firefox tab and drag it to another monitor, the Twitch video skips forwards about a minute. I also occasionall… (czytaj dalej)

I am watching a Twitch video on Firefox. When I open a new Firefox tab and drag it to another monitor, the Twitch video skips forwards about a minute.

I also occasionally notice skips or pauses when I switch from one tab in the same window back to the Twitch playing tab.

Is there any way I could fix these problems?

Pytanie zadane przez rwalker170 1 tydzień temu

Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER when using vodafone mobile data provider phone hotspot.

This happens on other websites as well: Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized. HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pi… (czytaj dalej)

This happens on other websites as well:

Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:




MIID3DCCAsSgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB/MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzEP MA0GA1UECAwGTWFkcmlkMQ8wDQYDVQQHDAZNYWRyaWQxDjAMBgNVBAoMBUFsbG90 MQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVBbGxvdDEuMCwGA1UEAwwlYWxsb3QuY29tL2VtYWlsQWRkcmVz cz1pbmZvQGFsbG90LmNvbTAeFw0xNjEyMTYxMzA3NDlaFw0yNjEyMTYxMzA3NDla MH8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZNYWRyaWQxDzANBgNVBAcMBk1hZHJp ZDEOMAwGA1UECgwFQWxsb3QxDjAMBgNVBAsMBUFsbG90MS4wLAYDVQQDDCVhbGxv dC5jb20vZW1haWxBZGRyZXNzPWluZm9AYWxsb3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtckdwPaklW7lAUz/jjFnePUeGNG0w9E1ajLq4UZO vol1ESRdiVXJhj43/4NtvFGiw0ujDwh8K5xErtaXx+W+Lk0yw2uXATBtdvr3pdDj cxNjUVYl6iis0lxgKff02fsLHdLvy9hJX08wsBF6NKW9YetM6WznDsWztucfg8a1 QaUxFzwHxKjTaV9+RO1zosUgU6RIZwBJrXnyJPeMdbDeS7+WXIAQT1WlficRckAw 4VX7l90AVXzng+Kf+SErsD0DtOiMS/nawa/0tW6whd6zmSaCtPJg37EBp3BQkpdn RvRCsG9h1aWkBUdFNb0mNbnHDP0dmWrDZEFKNmpeC6LmkQIDAQABo2MwYTAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUqLwqHQ0a0mcp ebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUqLwqHQ0a0mcpebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHJsGkbv+mGhMHfc5z1UZGsH0rkV0U+tl/6hwutyMHPO tvHCwK30keSqiIz8E0grwkMAiS4Ir1w52hfJB0JndxWv1rBTk5gA5ASruhsNKcgv hDgfuVBwSw7ILX9wkl5J2Eu/ew3TRB8lDO7XX4DF0p2L1DyZl+r0HSB9NgQH4kI7 HSxW0oo34bu+S/u3ycMZ1RjjzzVKtI5S6ydVz2qKVqhuSwuFJnndoKjrzMphwraN cKSTLyIj77FK1IUtiivprXk15/lrlnoK+zIlrCzR/Yl5pBYDjb1VhTLUBzm8uNV/ dlYQqPygZFfK8Al/p1grILXWUHmdOaUX+AoWlitKDJo=


Can you help?

Pytanie zadane przez Gregory Laycock Hammond 1 tydzień temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Gregory Laycock Hammond 1 tydzień temu

Image corrupt or truncated for big sprite

Hello. I have a pretty big sprite image i am trying to display on my web page but mozzila wont display it. The sprite is 78016px by 1000px and im cropping it to be 736px … (czytaj dalej)

Hello. I have a pretty big sprite image i am trying to display on my web page but mozzila wont display it. The sprite is 78016px by 1000px and im cropping it to be 736px by 1000px. Sprite is made out of a png sequence that was made in 3d software, now the thing is when i put in the non rendered verson of images(3D viewport colors) which windows labels as 8bit (maybe because of less colors) it gets displayed, but when i put the rendered version which windows labels as 32bit image it wont get displayed on Mozilla. It gets displayed on Chrome and Edge without any problems. The only difference beetween the images is that the rendered version has a transparent background behind the subject...they are the same sized sprite. I will drop the first frames of the sprite in the images section so you can get a better idea. Also all of the code and images is stored locally.

Pytanie zadane przez Bundalo Mihailo 1 tydzień temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Bundalo Mihailo 1 tydzień temu

Tab Settings

I am on a brand-new machine and having trouble setting up the Firefox browser. When I click on a link it opens in a new window with all the tabs ready opened. How do I… (czytaj dalej)

I am on a brand-new machine and having trouble setting up the Firefox browser.

When I click on a link it opens in a new window with all the tabs ready opened.

How do I open a tab without opening a new window?

Also, how do I set as my default search engine?

Thank you for sharing your wisdom

Pytanie zadane przez RocketNut 1 tydzień temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez zeroknight 1 tydzień temu

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message said Firefox could not update automatically, requested I install Firefox. I did. Next day, same thing, can't update, intall Firefox. And again today. I don't know what to do.

I have two desktop icons for Firefox. Each opens to a different file. How do I clear the old file? What do I do about the message that Firefox can not update automatical… (czytaj dalej)

I have two desktop icons for Firefox. Each opens to a different file. How do I clear the old file? What do I do about the message that Firefox can not update automatically? Where do I look to see Firefox file and see what date it is downloaded? If it is operational? Why is the same series of problems repeating daily?

Pytanie zadane przez beth.woodworth1 1 dzień temu

Odpowiedź udzielona przez beth.woodworth1 6 godzin temu

little window in right lower corner

I've recently had a little video window appear in the bottom right corner of my browser screen. I can't find any control link to eliminate it other than closing it manua… (czytaj dalej)

I've recently had a little video window appear in the bottom right corner of my browser screen. I can't find any control link to eliminate it other than closing it manually every time it appears. Where did it come from and how do I get rid of it?

Pytanie zadane przez weary 22 godziny temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez zeroknight 5 godzin temu

huge bloating with version 124.0.4 Linux64

latest 124.0.2 causing severe problems, it will near instantly bloat to fill all RAM and SWAP even in safe mode causes system load over 24! only solution is to reboot ve… (czytaj dalej)

latest 124.0.2 causing severe problems, it will near instantly bloat to fill all RAM and SWAP even in safe mode causes system load over 24! only solution is to reboot very problematic on for ex: hard to get a screencap since system is nearly totally unresponsive. RAM is ok SSD is ok MX Linux is ok

Pytanie zadane przez Galen Thurber 1 tydzień temu

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Firefox browser starts flickering when maximized and when the theme is dark.

Hello, I'm using samsung odyssey g7 32' monitor connected to my laptop with a rtx 2060. The monitor is connected with a minidisplay port to display port cable. The proble… (czytaj dalej)

Hello, I'm using samsung odyssey g7 32' monitor connected to my laptop with a rtx 2060. The monitor is connected with a minidisplay port to display port cable. The problem doesn't occur on the laptop screen but it does on the samsung screen. The flickering stops when i make the window a little smaller. I am using KDE plasma 6.0.3 but the problem was also present when i was using Hyprland as my desktop enviroment. I tried troubleshoot mode but nothing changed. I am seeking help. Thanks.

Pytanie zadane przez ersandemircan57 1 tydzień temu

Odpowiedź udzielona przez jonzn4SUSE 1 tydzień temu

Extension only for bookmarks icons

Can you recommend some kind of extension thet will only check current icons for the bookmarks? Just that. I don't need duplicate bookmarks checker, inactice checker and G… (czytaj dalej)

Can you recommend some kind of extension thet will only check current icons for the bookmarks? Just that. I don't need duplicate bookmarks checker, inactice checker and God knows what else checker. Just icons, that's good enough for me.

Pytanie zadane przez binks77 1 tydzień temu