An issue with my Outlook email.
Hi. Having an issue with my Outlook email. Whenever I try to "reply" it just refreshes! It also "refreshes" when I go into my Drafts. Thanks in advance!!
Hi. Having an issue with my Outlook email. Whenever I try to "reply" it just refreshes! It also "refreshes" when I go into my Drafts. Thanks in advance!!
How do I delete something in the tool bar area
I do not have a computer. Trying to start Firefox on my tablet.
Ever since the latest Firefox upgrade to version 135.0, my Epson 3760 printer pauses between each page when more than one page is requested to print continuously. This pa… (czytaj dalej)
Ever since the latest Firefox upgrade to version 135.0, my Epson 3760 printer pauses between each page when more than one page is requested to print continuously. This pause before each page didn't happen before the upgrade. I now have to go into my printer queue and select each item in the queue to have it resume printing - one at a time. I'm on Windows 11 with an LG laptop.
Your browser needs immediate attention! I have windows 11. When I visit websites via Firefox and click on a link that takes me to a document, a large pop-up on the low… (czytaj dalej)
Your browser needs immediate attention! I have windows 11. When I visit websites via Firefox and click on a link that takes me to a document, a large pop-up on the lower right side of the screen appears blocking half the page and preventing me from downloading or printing it. The pop-up depicts a cartoon-letter with a highlighter pen traversing its cartoon-text, below which is an enthusiastic missive stating (and I quote): "Now you can highlight your PDFs! With our new highlighter tool, you can read and edit PDFs in one place." Because of this infernal nuisance, I cannot print or download web pages. This has been going on for WEEKS! (That pop-up is USEFUL?! Who thinx up this stuff??!!) Apparently you're having trouble fixing this problem ... I understand--I'll just use Edge or Chrome from now on. Sorry if I woke you.
I'm using Firefox on Windows 10. For a long time I've been experiencing freezing in downloads of all sorts of files sizes and different hosts. I start the download, some… (czytaj dalej)
I'm using Firefox on Windows 10.
For a long time I've been experiencing freezing in downloads of all sorts of files sizes and different hosts. I start the download, sometimes they finish normally (if smaller sizes) but most of the time they freezes at random percentage and I have to restart from the start.
For downloading larger files are a pain, to have wait and need to keep restart if it freezes.
When I'm using others browser, such as LibreWolf and Zen Browser (forks of Firefox), it doesn't happen and all downloads work flawless.
This is pretty shady Mozilla. When disabling only one setting: "Allow Firefox to install and run studies" it wrecks this site whether logging is or continuing as guest:… (czytaj dalej)
This is pretty shady Mozilla.
When disabling only one setting: "Allow Firefox to install and run studies" it wrecks this site whether logging is or continuing as guest:
Even after logging in and everything running normal, disabling the studies run by Mozilla and a quick refresh breaks the functionality of the page. All cookies were accepted and the sharing of location was allowed. On a fresh, first run, wide open Firefox people. Literally, the only change that was made was unchecking that one box. In disbelief, i tested it over and over.
Why would disabling a telemetry setting, something that should be optional, cause this to happen? Seriously, what could possibly be the reason. I'd love to hear it.
This was the final nail in the coffin to me and this is since the 0.9x days.
(posted from Supermium)
Hi All I am trying to set up a background image to my FFX home page. In other browsers that is simple; I see no simple way in FFX. Is this a failing? Can it be overcome… (czytaj dalej)
Hi All
I am trying to set up a background image to my FFX home page. In other browsers that is simple; I see no simple way in FFX. Is this a failing? Can it be overcome, simply?
Hi All I am trying to set up a background image to my FFX home page. In other browsers that is simple; I see no simple way in FFX. Is this a failing? Can it be overcome… (czytaj dalej)
Hi All
I am trying to set up a background image to my FFX home page. In other browsers that is simple; I see no simple way in FFX. Is this a failing? Can it be overcome, simply?
I tried to go onto Weatherbell ( and got the Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue. I had just been on the site 2 hours ago. Why all of a sudde… (czytaj dalej)
I tried to go onto Weatherbell ( and got the Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue. I had just been on the site 2 hours ago. Why all of a sudden is there a security issue? I cannot contact the website manager there, as I can't get on the site to email them.
I would like to move saved bookmark into folders
Recently, IDK exactly what happened, but the search bar in my Firefox homepage shrunk down to a size so small I can't see what I am typing in to search for. I would like … (czytaj dalej)
Recently, IDK exactly what happened, but the search bar in my Firefox homepage shrunk down to a size so small I can't see what I am typing in to search for. I would like to expand the search bar back to it's original size but I can't figure out a way to do that. Can you advise? Thank you.
How do I change my start up screen? I would like to read National and local news stories. Thank you.
I had difficulty setting up an account 5 times for Access & ebtEdge, therefore I now show all of these & I want to delete unused and only keep one successful &… (czytaj dalej)
I had difficulty setting up an account 5 times for Access & ebtEdge, therefore I now show all of these & I want to delete unused and only keep one successful & working account. How do I do that?
I would like to watch recorded videos for my college class but mozilla firefox is blocking 3rd party cookies. How do I unblock 3rd party cookies?
for one thing i can hardly see what i am typing because, although i have Dark Reader turned on, it isn't functioning for this process, ie asking a question? How can i ma… (czytaj dalej)
for one thing i can hardly see what i am typing because, although i have Dark Reader turned on, it isn't functioning for this process, ie asking a question?
How can i make dark reader work everywhere, on all sites?
ALSO it does seem highly ironic that it doesn't work here!
appreciate any help on this, thanks!
My firefox on this PC is acting odd. It does not open all my links that I expect to open. Some YouTube videos won't start, just go to black. And often sign-in links on… (czytaj dalej)
My firefox on this PC is acting odd. It does not open all my links that I expect to open. Some YouTube videos won't start, just go to black. And often sign-in links on approved pages do not work. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing changes.
Dear Support I have opted to use the Firefox browser mainly due to the provision of fixed “Bookmarks” on the left-hand side of the screen, not provided by others. Howeve… (czytaj dalej)
Dear Support I have opted to use the Firefox browser mainly due to the provision of fixed “Bookmarks” on the left-hand side of the screen, not provided by others. However, I am experiencing lot of problems with Firefox , including: - Freezing pages - Images are not fully displayed - No internet connection at pick times - Hanging on certain pages - Delay opening various web pages - etc The above issues have become more prevalent recently forcing me to use Google Chrome. I have now learnt that when FireFox goes down due to one of the above issues, I have to switch to Google Chrome for access to the relevant pages and generally the WWW. I have no option but to abandon the failing FireFox, if the failures continue. Thanks Harry Elm London
I have been using Mozilla for many years but now all of a sudden I cant sign into my Delta Extranet account. This is very strange .. I did nothing to make this happen.. … (czytaj dalej)
I have been using Mozilla for many years but now all of a sudden I cant sign into my Delta Extranet account. This is very strange .. I did nothing to make this happen..
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