Specifically this is interesting because regular youtube content *will play just fine*
This is something I can readily reproduce for testing, diagnosis, and troubleshoot… (les mer)
Specifically this is interesting because regular youtube content *will play just fine*
This is something I can readily reproduce for testing, diagnosis, and troubleshooting.
Please note: I have literally completed all fundamental troubleshooting several times. I respect due diligence and double checking, its just that I wish to be clear I've spent a few hours today on this and am thus far unable to impact the situation at all.
--Note on Note: This includes disabling settings/features in firefox. Everything having to do with privacy, networking, hardware accel, and probably another category has been toggled multiple ways. This does not include mucking about in the detailed settings page ( about:config, etc etc). I do not memorize about:config settings I just use reference material to achieve a goal then promptly move on in life, and I am not a professional web developer though I can program so I haven't attempted to fiddle there at all. All that is to say consider any suggestions involving about:config or similar depth of settings to be *untested by myself on this matter* and therefore ripe for suggestions!
Oh, I also have not tested this in a VM. Although I certainly can if requested. I can note that a VPN does not impact this described behavior.
Well, I am able to get teh Ads to play prior to a live stream, sometimes. Note: Ads are not always displayed anyway so I cannot really know the statistics on this for sure.
At this point I have reinstalled Windows10 several times and can still reproduce this problem. All windows security settings have been toggled without impact on core issue. This has been reproduced through multiple win10 reinstalls.
Other browsers, other operating systems will function. I can use firefox on my various linux systems. I can use several versions of firefox to play these same videos on my linux systems.
However win10 at whatever patch level is unable to utilize firefox to play youtube live streams. Again, nothing I've done has impacted this behavior ( reg yt vids OK w/ preview and chats, live stream vids NOT OK, though ads and chats display fine )
I'm several varieties of engineer (Electrical, Networking, Security, Systems - whatever other varieties HR departments decide to use ) and can happily grab whatever data, or create whatever testing conditions that can be asked of me.
Thank you,