How to decrease the height of the tabs headers?
In another occasions I've been shown how to change the tabs' headers' width. I now need to reduce the height of even better fix it to a specific value that won't change even if I customize the scale factor in Windows. Which is what happens atm. I increased the scale factor (recommended was 150, I used 175 for a while, now my eyes got worse and I need to constantly reach for my laptop when I use the folders explorer (where I can't change the zoom level like I can in Firefox. Or, I can but it only affects the kind of view, details, list, small icon, large icon etc. The text stays the same). And once I increased the scale factor, now the tabs headers and the address bar became super big and take too much space. If changing the height of the address bar is not possible ,at least the tabs header? I don't find anything in about:config when I look for browser.tabs