I need help making something, where do I begin?

This article is no longer maintained, so its content might be out of date.

Whether you're shooting for a quick laugh or a thoughtful gift, here are some ways to get started:

Remix a Starter Make

Some of the makes on the site are designed as a template, with remix in mind. Things like this movie poster, Travel postcard, or pop up flyer for your next gig. There are plenty to choose from.

How would you like to try making your own template for others to remix? We’d love to feature more from the community! :D

Here are some tips for getting your work featured by Mozilla

Make it yourself

Got some ideas of your own? Don’t let anything stop you! Hack on a blank slate with a new project in Popcorn (for video) or Thimble (for web pages).

Fork it from someone else

Every thing that is made on webmaker.org is remixable. This means you can "fork" a new copy, add your own layer of awesome, and release it back into the wild.

You'll notice every make has a remix button on the top right. Use it to pull in all the source material from the make into your very own.

Webmaker remix button

You can also remix a make straight from one of the gallery pages, just hover your mouse over the thumbnail and hit the remix button.

webmaker remix tile

If you've got ideas for something you want to make, we want to hear them! Talk to us on Twitter @webmaker.

These fine people helped write this article:

Illustration of hands


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