Firstly I've been a Firefox on android user forever & thanks so much for a fab browser all round. Even if it runs slower, for some reason at times than say Chrome on … (ketahui selanjutnya)
Firstly I've been a Firefox on android user forever & thanks so much for a fab browser all round. Even if it runs slower, for some reason at times than say Chrome on this phone.
Please. Hoping there a setting to disable the below total annoyance, not convenience, for just a few of us it seems from my weeks & weeks of looking up. I'm truly amazed most are fine with it & I'm here finally as fed up with searching the web for already answered
So. I do not want, need nor appreciate the new, "convenience", of when I want to add a new bookmark to a folder, now comes with the little pop-up that shows it will be saved to the last folder a bookmark was saved to.
Sure there's an edit function to click to manually choose the folder from the big drop down bookmarks menu.
But. If you're not fast enough, like less than 2 secs, it will auto save to the folder u don't want it in.
Then u easily forget what folder that your new bookmark went to. Again, sure you can immediately go to the filled star on the page site, click that, muck around with editing so it lands in the correct folder.... Or other muck arounds.
But this is all just more clicks, supposed to be saving my time? Perhaps it's great for those in a work situ or with 100s of folders Idk.
I did manage to muck around with "Homepage" settings a some weeks ago to somehow disable that autosave or edit popup, to regain the more simple option of choosing my own folder when hitting the add new bookmark star.
Seemed to work for a while. But then after exiting the browser app on my phone, just one random day open Firefox & it defaulted back to this auto save popup. And although as I said I managed to fix it in settings for homepage, I just can't get it right now or no longer an option. Tired but not stupid old brain ha.
The oddest thing is although I manually update Firefox consistent & regularly, the last 2? versions i slacked off. Now this issue began way after the update of the current version I'm using!
If, & I'm hoping it will be a fix, just getting the latest version gives me the option or fix great. Currently on v133.1 i think. Otherwise, disappointed but will likely stick with Firefox still. Thanks kindly for the help or anything if any, anyone.