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Changed namerserver on my site, but firefox still thinks site is on the old nameserver
I have recently updated my site to run off a different hosting provider, and CloudFlare, a long needed change to my site. However, in doing so, my site has become unreach… (read more)
I have recently updated my site to run off a different hosting provider, and CloudFlare, a long needed change to my site. However, in doing so, my site has become unreachable on my laptop, with firefox (and other browsers) still thinking that my domain is attached to the old nameservers, causing it to redirect to the "site not found" page of my previous hosting provider. I have tried flushing my system's DNS cache, clearing my browser cache, clearing the browser's DNS records, all to no avail, however, I do know my site works, as on my mobile phone with basic Safari, the site works fine.
my system is on Ubuntu 22.04, and running firefox version 107.0