- Solved
https://domain - a .com uses fetch ( ) (* https:// domain.json * )
Fetch ( ) and XML application HTTP Request @ font-face draw image ( ) :: ° GET ° HEAD ° POST Fetch spec CORS bytes = 256 - or bytes = 127 - 255 ) M… (read more)
- Fetch ( ) and XML application HTTP Request
- @ font-face
- draw image ( ) ::
- Fetch spec CORS
- bytes = 256 - or bytes = 127 - 255 )
- Media type and content - Type
° application/ X - www - form - URL encoded ° multiparty /form - data ° text / plain
https://foo.exsmple https:// bar.other
Construction fetch promise =
* fetch ( " Https:// bar . Other " ) ;
* fetch promise then ( ( response ) = >
- Res ponse . json ( ) )
then ( ( data ) = > {
- Console. log ( data ) ;
} ) ;
GET / resources/ public - data / HTTP/ 1.1
Origin : Https:// foo.example HTTP/ L.L 200 ok Access - control - Allow-origin : *